Well? It makes a perfect sense
Well? It makes a perfect sense
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Defeating trump sounds like a bad idea.
Why? I think he would rather lose to someone like Sten that to someone like Shillary at this point. Stein''s win will allow him to exit gracefully without losing his face
Everything which divide the left is good to spread.
Bump. Madame President Jill Stein
no because those people won't all vote for Jill Stein
>Bernie scammers a supporters voting for that bitch
Ok buddy it's time to stop
left is already divided, just like the right is divided, it is a ripe time to break 2 parties dictatorship.
People do not realize how pissed ex-berners and independents are. All these fake polls showing Shillary leading are fake and gay. Unless the rig election flat out, the establishment is in for a HUGE surprise
but they should! Especially students, since she will forgive all student loans.
Also, have you seen reuters article today? DoD "misplaced" 6.5 trillion dollars in 2015 and no one knows where they went. This shit has to stop and all students should be bailed out.
she looks much better than Shillary too
>but they should!
Not an argument.
>how to beat a candidate
>step one: nobody votes for him
Why did they feel the need to make this image
She isn't on enough ballots though
so they actually can't
Maybe they'll get on the states by November but I doubt it
>jill stein wins in a landslide
>opens borders
>bans wifi and vaccines
>spreads the wealth
>implying she'll actually win
I voted Green last time voting Trump this time. AMA.
Slide thread
Move along please
>redirect a slide thread to another slide thread
brilliant job
Because electoral college always goes with the popular vote
Good shit, bumping this
That money went into black site research. They know what it got used for, but they aren't going to let plebs know.
true, also look at the most recent polls - trend is strong and Hillary will lose in the landslide, I used to vote Hillary but will vote for Stein. she is just too dangerous
she will be on the ballot in 95% of states by November
The first two are basically the same group
this will make hillary bleed so bad
I know you are trying to imply otherwise because it CAN happen but yes they tend to go with the popular vote indeed.
yes, and there are like 43 million of voters with student debt, if they have any common sense left, they should all vote for Jill because she will forgive this debt. This point is not emphasized enough
That "misplaced money" is just plausible deniability for the Government. Incase any black ops get found out that the CIA is involved in. The DoD has an unlimited budget, so it does not matter how much money they use, because the money they use will never see the light of day outside of the industrial-military complex.
And also forgiving all student loans is a retarded idea. Next liberals are gonna want all their mortgages paid for by the government.
Jilll (((Stein)))
>forgive this debt
How does she plan on doing this?
By bailing out whoever is holding the debt?
We don't need a woman president, ever.
Remove the "RESULT" line. Not even Bernie supporting millennials are that stupid.
if the can "misplaced" dozens of trillions so easily and not be held accountable, sure they can find few trillion to bail out students.
And no, mortgages are not the same as student loans.
I won't be voting at all, not because I don't want to, but because the local school is running the voting polls has WiFi. I'm not falling for it. VOTING IS JUST A SCAM TO GIVE US ALL BRAIN CANCER!!
>And no, mortgages are not the same as student loans
>sign a contract to pay back a loan for a house
>sign a contract to pay back a loan for an education
Technically not the same, but also exactly the same.
OP good idea, this will help steal Hillary's votes.
But take this to a pro-Hillary board please.
This is a Trump board, and you don't want to get purged like the rest of the traitors.
take this vote stealing shit to reddit/jewbook
We need a war. Chinese bullets will relieve you of your student loan debt, and cleanse the trash from our society.
To forgive all current student debt will only cost 1.3 trillion. Bankers got bailout by Obama and it was 4.5 trillion. Meanwhile US Army and DoD has misplaced over 6 trillion and it obviously not a big deal because there are no riots on the streets.
Forgiving student loans will cost nothing to tax payers, Federal reserve simply forgives debt, this is all.
you are wrong, Trump is searching for the way out that will allow him dignity and saving face, this is his chance.
Why would you want to forgive jewdent debt? Students are ruining the world with their SJW bullshit. Let them starve.
>only cost 1.3 trillion
I guess only is a valid clause when you're 20 trillion in debt.
>Bankers got bailout by Obama and it was 4.5 trillion
wew laddy check where you're posting
>Meanwhile US Army and DoD has misplaced over 6 trillion and it obviously not a big deal because there are no riots on the streets.
National defense lmao fuck all dat noise ehhh nigga
>Federal reserve simply forgives debt, this is all.
Now you've confirmed my suspicion that you're completely retarded.
>Gimmie dats
That isn't the American way.
o-oh vey the goyim is falling for it
Not an argument.
Especially when you think the Federal Reserve just "forgives" a 1.3 trillion debt (it's not even in their purview to do so in this case)
yes it is, and why do you care fucking shitposting aussie?
>Stein believes the student bailout could be achieved tax free, by the Federal Reserve canceling the debt.
wew laddy I sure am convinced now thanks to these weasel words :DDD
stupid Aussie fuck.
learn about Feds quantitative easing abilities.
They did it for scummy banks when the Fed removed $1.3 trillion in toxic assets from the books of Wall Street banks, why not for students?
will do
Because banks prop up America and are run by jews.
Dumb shit students signing contracts they can't honor doesn't prop up anything except stocks in GBP.
god damn fucking pedos trying to derail every fucking thread, go back to Sup Forums
Kuro-chan is so hot. Easily top10 cute.
fuck off ctr shill IGNORE SLIDE THREAD
first, you are shitposting aussie and have no business discussing our 'Murica affairs. Second, not CTR, ex-Berners and now supporting Stein.
Fuck the students. I dont want to pay their debts with my taxmoney just because they were too dumb and picked a useless career.
>thinks nuclear power plants are weapons
>thinks WiFi can cause brain damage
I want someone moderately sane, thanks.
dam, you one dim fuck. Forgiving debt will not cost you 1 dollar, Feds simply write it off through quantitative easing process.
wtf I love Jill now!
>quantitative easing
That's a funny way of spelling inflation.
>Feds simply write it off
You believe.
>student loans (like all government money) comes from the pepole
> "forgiving loans won't cost you a dime"
Nigga...cmon now.
Bernbots aren't going to do shit
Consider that the race literally should have been Trump vs Bernie if the votes were legitimately counted.
She already cheated and we're doing nothing. Which line does she have to cross before someone simply does something about it? Which line hasn't she crossed already?
Will you please kill yourself when Jill (((Stein))) gets BTFO in November?
I'm confused is this a Deutsch Bank AG thread. (Called it like 7 months ago when their stock had dropped 50% over a year btw), or a commie bashing thread?
>Forget all student loans
Can we forget the national debt too?
Heres the problem though, after the DNCs betrayal of bernie and the people, we would rather vote for trump, whos policies closer match with bernies.
>Jill (((Stein)))
To anyone who doesn't understand, this would ensure Trump's victory. About half of Hillary's supporters would vote for someone Jill Stein, splitting the vote on the left, and allowing Trump to be the largest minority.
We need the students to vote Green.
What is it like to be mentally deficient?
If you genuinely believe that the central bank just "writing off" student debt won't affect the economy, you are retarded. That debt isn't even held by the federal reserve.
I know, it is infuriating, we got pounded in the ass and took it in smiling like morons we are. She will probably rig every voting machine and will dump paper ballots in the back alley dumpster and no one will utter one peep
you think Trump has a chance? With this level of rigged election ?
See this looks like it would defeat Trump, but is good to spread in that the green party is just a 3rd party liberal and can split hil votes.
If it was that easy Obongo would have done it already. You have no clue how economy works. That money will be taken from tax payers one way or another.
It is simply a friendly PSA reminder, because DB is going to blow very soon
Making billions of dollars of credit from loans students accepted disappear doesn't make a country too attractive for investors, and is disgustingly authoritarian for a nation that proclaims itself to be the "Land of the Free".
Bernie lovers, go vote green
Give us our wall.
Oh it's in your name field. I just woke up and thought it was subject. Smart way to spread the word though.
Support Trump
>in 1 easy step without voting for him
1. Natural Democrat supporters should vote for a third party candidate.
well, DOD blew over 6 trillion on coke, hookers and who knows what else, the economy took it in the ass and is fine
I wonder who could be behind this advert.
anyone who doesn't understand what this pic is doing is literally autistic
>Some government agency wasted money
>Just waste some more so I can defer the consequences of my poor financial decisions, nothing bad will happen!
>Jill "nuclear power plants are nuclear bombs" (((Stein)))
>the government can forego individual agreements between citizens and banks undertaken by their own free will in a collective swing that will cripple the banking industry by undermining the debt markets
sure is no-econ 101 in here.
Slide thread and a PSYOP
Sage and move along.
id vote for hillary before that insane bitch
>Thinks WiFi can cause brain damage
Sauce? Sound like she's used too much WiFi
>loan sharks and bank criminals control the most powerful nation on earth
>taking away their power is "against freedom"
also fuck keynesians and their neo-liberal goons
You don't know what you're talking about
Jill Stein is arguably worse than Hillary.
Gary Johnson is also a meme candidate. If you're going to vote third party at least vote for someone who isn't a fuck up.
> Actually expecting people who never fucking vote to actually vote
sage ≠ downvote you autist
Obama is fucking corporatist and Wall Street shill. He is not a liberal, he is a horrible mistake.
For example, he delisted more endangered species than any other president.
>1 post by this ID
Why the fuck should the Government have the right to intervene in a legal contract between a citizen and a privately owned corporation?
Students knew what they were doing when they borrowed that money, and they should be expected to pay it back. How the fuck would you feel if you lent money to someone, and the Police stopped them from paying you back?
At the 1 minute mark.
>Obama is fucking corporatist and Wall Street shill
>He is not a liberal
He's a modern liberal.
Just saw this now
This hurts to read
I suggest you commit suicide, or take Macroeconomics if you want to learn why you are horrendously wrong
actually scientific studies are sort of agree with her