Let's be serious this time. Who was actually in the wrong here?
Let's be serious this time. Who was actually in the wrong here?
He was just breaking his bawws a little bit
The person who hung that balloon in the background. Who the fuck does that kind of shit? They need to fire their decorator.
everyone was in the wrong a little bit.
Shinebox boy for being such a soft bitch that he flips the fuck out the moment he hears something he dislikes. The rest of the gang for not giving him a slap to teach him how to control himself.
Batts because he's been around pesci all his life right? He should have known that pesci's character is a psychopath and tends to fly off the handle without thought.
Na, na, na, na, na. He insulted him a little bit. He got a little bit out of order himself.
Make 'me look like fuckin mirras.
The fucking goombah.
he insulted him a little bit, he knew he didnt shine shoes no more
Tommy was absolutely in the wrong, he acted like a hotheaded prick without any regard for the fucking rules and hauled off and killed a guy who merely ribbed him.
Billy Batts went out of his way to humiliate Tommy, even after they apologized to each other.
he'd been in the joint for a long time. it was a party. my only criticism is that it was only inflated a little bit.
Phil really let himself go.
Was he gonna have Karen whacked?
nah, he didn't insult nobody, give us a drink
Nah, drinks on the house
Of course he was.
He was probably going to kidnap her.
Yes, are you fucking kidding?
Billy was a rude insulting prick no doubt... buuut he's a boss and tommy wasn't. It ends right there, tommy needed to take it no matter how much it hurt his pride. That's why he ended up being whacked instead of being made.
This guy gets it and it's an easy thing to get.
Tommy ended up being whacked because Pauly had an affair with Karen and then Tommy tried to rape her, which is why Pauly told the Gambinos to get rid of Tommy.
I always thought it didnt matter.
I think that part portrayed the kind of egos that got into the mafia. Or the way that life made them think thats how you solve things.
Like if it wasnt happening there it would happen at any time with any other member. All anybody needed was a good enough reason to kill any person.
Batts didn't do anything he was just having some bantz and Tommy killed him over it, so Tommy
Hell no that wasn't banter. Billy was taking the piss.
Batts was a fucking made guy. He could have bashed tommy's face in when he got fresh
Pesci. Memes aside, it is really rude to not say hello to a person who has been gone or jailed for a long time. That guy was right to offended. Then pesci was acting like a big shot when he wasn't even made yet. And finally, what kind of pussy faggot kills a person cuz they can't handle the banter?
Batts. He was disrespectful with a known killer.
literally everyone here was in the wrong for not watching pic related
>Hotheads keep moving! This is a made party!
wow manlet stream just started
lets review this shit closely to find out who was in da wong heeya
billy batts did 6 fuckin yeez get in heeya
who here /cabstand?/
he killed a made guy you don't do that
tommy completely shunned him when he entered the bar, the rest is history. tommy was in the wrong.
why u mudda fucka u
thats mainly part of the story but tommy also had wacked another friend of billy batts or something like that and then tommy jimmy and henry wacked billy. how and why jimmy and henry were never wacked is beyond me
Thats true, he didn't need to kill him.
Watch the suit....watch the suit...That is what started it. Tommy should have kept his mouth shut but being a manlet, he didn't want to look a punk in front of his date.
I fucking hate the actor that plays tommy, in every mob movie he's in he's always a crazy prick that just causes problems for everyone else. I would have wacked him for simply existing and opening his mouth
Well....he does get whacked in Goodfellas and Casino.
Didn't make him any less dead
I miss the cameos of Mama Scorsese. She was such a cute old lady.
This is now a Chrissy thread
he wasnt a boss he was made