Who will be #1000 lads?

Who will be #1000 lads?

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President Donald Trump

It is based Kyle Kulinski from Secular Talk.

some nobody

It will suck like all the others

Joe talks to a cardboard cut-out of himself for 3 hours


Also the ben shapiro episode was so fucking good. Listened to it yesterday


"wow so its an honor to have you on the show Mr. President, an important man like you acting in the most important job in the world must have a lot to share with us....jamie pull up that video of that japanese webshow where they pit small animals against each other"

It was alright. I would've liked to have seen them debate a bit more though. A lot of it was just "I agree with you on that, now let's move onto another topic we both agree on."

he should just have eddie bravo for every episode from now on and no one else

alex jones or david icke

What positions is Joe even able or willing to debate on besides dudeweedlmao?

Joe doesn't seem like an especially principled person. He calls himself a libertarian yet supports things like universal basic income, which is a direct contradiction.

>I would've liked to have seen them debate a bit more though.
Joe never debates, he just agrees and moves on.

ben shapiro is a cuck


>Who will be #1000 lads?

pic related

So every JRE podcast?

huge duncan trussell fan i hear


>dances wildly

Looks like some kind of seizure to me.

Ummm, wow, that style of dance is part of a proud tradition of African Americans, you racist pos.

There are some libertarians (Hayek & Friedman) that were pro UBI. Most aren't and should not be though.

I don't know how you top #911 desu

>There are some libertarians (Hayek & Friedman) that were pro UBI.
They considered it preferable to the existing welfare state since it would be more efficient, requiring a much smaller bureaucracy to manage. They did not support it on principle, it was a lesser of two evils.

I've never heard Joe offer any such caveat.

Keep rollin rollin rollin rollin YEAH

Joe is only good for humor episodes like Les Stroud debating bigfoots existence. He lets far too many people say outlandish shit and just agrees with their stupid ass flawed arguments. It's fun listening to joe have a guest on the podcast, then listening to that same guest on Sam Harris' podcast and watching them get ripped to shreds.

>dude strippers

wouldnt that be a bitch

Hayek argued for it as a social safety net in Constitution of Liberty. Murray Rothbard called the book evil for that and other reasons.

Alex Jones, Joey Diaz, Donald Trump and a candy bowl of hash bars.

My mistake, I should limited myself to Friedman since I've read more of him.

>doesn't debate
That's what makes Joe's podcast so enjoyable and versatille tho. Anyone that is on can talk about their most insane opinions if they so please.

Joe met him when he was on DMT so it is possible

This is the Rothbard quote I was talking about
"F.A. Hayek's Constitution of Liberty is, surprisingly and distressingly, an extremely bad, and, I would even say, evil book."
Hayek is fine for the most part and I would definitely say he is the better economist between he and Friedman. Both of them have conflicts between their policy prescriptions and their libertarianism though.

Sup Sup Forums?


Not OP, but I don't know how anyone can stand this insufferable disingenuous little prick.

>ben shapiro episode was so fucking good

the fuck? lol that guys a fag and talks like a dork

>there's this, a video of her smoking weed, and her showing her ass whilst her father was still in office
>zero media coverage beyond TMZ

If Barron did this shit the dems would be laying down articles of impeachment

>jews are the reason why I can't fuck a white girl

Sup Forums is the disingenuous actor here. They don't take responsibility for their actions and ignore the numerous amount of blacks/jews/muslims that are conservative because it doesn't fit their narrative. There are plenty of jewish patriots out there but it's not convinient to Sup Forums. Literally worse than SJWs.

But let's be honest, most of Sup Forums and you, didn't vote last election. You don't care about getting agendas done or propagating ideals, you want to "trigger le liberals" because that's what you consider to be progress. So keep it up because you're literally effecting nothing.

>lol that guys a fag and talks like a dork
Very intelligent post.

lol cuck triggerd

Ben Sharpio embodies every negative Jewish stereotype; selfish, greedy, pro-Israel, pro-war -- I would love nothing more than to see him thrown in a concentration camp.

if youre 31 and a conservative already, youre a fucking dork. youre not supposed to go conservative until youre like 50 years old lol

Chelsea Clinton

No, I am a leftist and literally only ever go on Sup Forums to fuck with conservatives, you fucking mong.


A dork? Holy shit I need to reconsider things and start browing t_d because above all, I do not want to be a dork! That post changed my fucking life!

Childhood is idolising pickleposting

Adulthood is realising sneedposting was the true way

It'll be too late by then.

lol shutup nerd go be "conservative" so you can feel superior to the libcuck snowflakes who believe in being nice to people and saving the environment

I don't think it'll be a super special guest, will probably be 3 or 4 regular guests together

It'll either be Joey Diaz or Eddie Bravo

>I don't understand logical arguments so he must be a dork

Are you insecure or something? Why are you so irrationally angry?


yea its gonna be duncan and joey, maybe eddie too

wtf i love big black cock now

put it this way, ben shapiro probably got bullied, had nerdy friends, and wasnt very popular in highschool. why tf would anyone be such a strongly opinionated conservative at such a young age?

>"Finally a movement where i can fit in and have a voice and get back at the world that created this chip on my shoulder!"

haha losers we see right through you


wtf i hate the environment now!

yea he is a big nerd and also 5'4

quit roleplaying and grow up

You can't disprove any argument he's providing so you have to resort to personal attacks. I guess lefties aren't even trying anymore.


>It'll either be Joey Diaz or Eddie Bravo
Eddie Bravo was just on last week and Joey Diaz is gonna be on this week though.

probably hancock and gang, AGAIN

It was decent not great but not terrible. Maybe in the better half of Rogan podcasts but only barely. They talked about typical stuff they both agree on. No big enchalada dropped or anything

you can prove any of his arguments either.

Yeah you're right

Conor McGregor

/ourguy/ Armond

he tweeted about having o.j. simpson on , i dont think he'd want to do that for #1000 tho


Finally going to once and for all figure out what the FUCK his problem is

You're shitting me. The guy sounds so nice...

ben at one point said something like "i think drugs are stupid" and i was begging for some cringey defensive shit to come out of joe for some entertainment

>supported a war which resulted in the deaths of millions of people
>supports the Israeli occupation of Palestine
>40,000 people die every year because they can't access health care, this is why YOU need a single payer system (which, Ben opposes).
Yeah, a real NICE guy.

just having Alex Jones on his own

Galen Rothschild.

i wish we had single payer healthcare. every other 1st world country does. pretty sure i have skin cancer, but i cant even get it removed or checked out so ill just wait for it to spread in my body and die lol. also my shoulders fucked and prob needs surgery. thanks america, shit stain of a country. literally all this country does is murder its people through the food, cops, and military. more military die from suicides than the war. and cops kill more americans than the fucking terrorists do lol.

anybody notice how Joe Rogan claims to be friends with Alex Jones but he's a little opportunist fair weather friend fucking weasel who loves to throw in little demeaning jibes and comments to bounce off his "intelligent" guests like this smarmy little cuckservative kike? I mean he says time and time again about Jones how he agrees with a lot of what he says and knows what he's talking about and has been buddies with him for ages but he doesn't just banter he legitimately pitches the ball to guests to tear him down and call him a batshit conspiracy theorist.

He's honestly about as loyal as the direction of the wind. You can also tell very easily when he's intimidated by the intelligence of his guest.

But yeah this little kike is the ultimate old party neo-cohen who supports all their little endeavours and like every other kike of his stripe has a convenient escape plan in the form of Israel. No loyalty to fucking America that's 100% guaranteed.

Perpetually out-group, by design. It's how they function. Existing as nepotistic tribal minded people posing as subjects of their (individualist) host nation but having it as a strategy deeply ingrained, perhaps even to the extent that it's not wholly cultural but a legitimate genetics based evolutionary strategy, embedded in their very thinking. They've been a nomadic people operating in this way for thousands and thousands of years.

When you understand this you understand the basic nature of the real Jewish question. What's your answer?


rogan separates the real alex jones he knows, from the performance art that alex does. you can tear down his art all you want, but theyre still friends

Chip or norm

>want duncan trussell
>get some conservative whining about safe spaces or cucks instead

i hate the new rogan


The Notorious

Probably wont be #1000 but I hope Norm MacDonald comes on at some point

He is obviously going to invite these people on his show during this cultural war we live in because he is a highly socially liberal full blown libertardian and also "comedian" who is obviously going to be against such childish in-group coddling and (many times largely and hypocritically violent) suppression of speech that the (really not-so-radical) left is committing constantly.

He just hasn't realized none of his libertard values will be respected or valued by the great mass of sub-100 IQ mystery meat dark skinned depth grovelers that will have all the demographic power in this country and uniformly vote for third world government policies aka GIBS ME DATS

Alex Jones vs. Neil Degrasse Tyson


Shapiro is an idiot. And I'm no leftie.


that would actually be a utopia if done correctly. its an ideal high level world, its only 3rd world because the people who do it today ruin it with greed, corruption, and mismanagement, and most people arent enlightened enough to live in a world where money doesnt exist, but its inevitable if technology continues at this rate.

I think you're misunderstanding a little but yeah whatever sure, after automation.

And oh, you know, even without automation I can only imagine you mean like in one of those more or less homogeneous white societies, kind of like what one of those Northern European/Scandinavian countries with great social welfare systems and whatnot would implement or try out? You'd also need to ban immigration from non-white countries. And enforce it hard. Or you'd only end up with the same problems again...

I see UBI as almost apolitical at this point. If you are like me, and you believe that full automation isn't a matter of if, but when, than I feel that UBI is very necessary. Think about all the jobs that currently require human drivers, now make all of those vehicles self-driving. This isn't just cars, this is long-haul trucks, trains, bus, farming equipment, mining vehicles, etc. etc. When these things all become automated, that's millions of people in the US going out of work, billions worldwide. There's no possible way all of those jobs can be replaced, there's just no way, so those people will have no way to support themselves or their loved ones outside of UBI.

It's going to happen, it's just a matter of when.

>What positions is Joe even able or willing to debate on besides dudeweedlmao?

Ben is literally the only guest where Joe did not argue dudeweed.

That basically shows how much Joe respects Ben, because anyone else, no matter what guest it's ever been, if they even presented the allusion to an inkling of a thought that weed might not be a perfect wonder drug Joe jumps straight down their throat. Ben went and straight up said he thinks drugs are retarded and you shouldn't do them and Joe did nothing.

>homogeneous white societies

race has nothing to do with anything retard lol

Alex Jones and Hillary Clinton


>tries to argue that Sanders and fucking Noam Chomsky aren't really Jewish because they don't support Israel.
Neither the left or the right can stand him for obvious reasons.

buzz aldrin and eddie bravo

Sanders is a pro-Israel zionist, you moron.
and Chomsky is a based God, that happens to be wrong about Israel

Ben's weaponized autism is useful but it blows my fucking mind how much of a religious cuck he is that even someone who has a brain that is mechanized for memorizing and regurgitating facts and enacting critical thinking based upon that information can have his positions compromised by "muh God".

He's ready to dismantle any amount of bullshit in every area, except as soon as it comes to Judaism and Israel he goes off the farm and doesn't even bother trying to make coherent arguments anymore. He just reverts to his feels. It's amazing to see that much of a 180 in thought in such an intelligent person.