2016... Stil think evolution is a lie

I can't believe my vote counts the same as you dumbfucks. I really can't believe you've reduced conservatism in America to such a low level.

You think bacteria is just magically becoming immune to our medicine?

You think it's just chance we are genetically similar to other animals?

You think the new fossils of extinct species we find are just an elaborate lie?

>inb4 "I believe in "micro" evolution but I don't believe in "macro" evolution

Other urls found in this thread:


Reddit is that way


Inb4 "God did it"

>What is anti-biotics
>What is immunization
>What is the ultimate commodity

Fuck science

So do you believe in Racial differences?
This is also an evolutionary fact.

>Bacteria magically have adapted to our antibiotics
>it used to kill them
>now they are becoming immune

How do you explain this? You can't.

Yeah it like the bacteria are evolving to combat the medicines we made to destroy then and thats how super viruses are a thing

yes, all of us, every single person on Sup Forums, have the exact same view on this issue. thank you for gracing us with your intelligence

2016... Still think AGW isn't a lie.


So you realise..... that the idea of all of those animals was that they broke from us LONG before we developed hands right?

Think for a second, maybe look at an "evolutionary tree" before you spout bullshit you dumb heathen...

>what is common ancestor?

>I can't believe my vote counts the same as you dumbfucks.

Tough shit faggot.

evolution is probably real, but it's not the complete picture

What's the origin of life?

If by "it's not the complete picture" you mean a God of some kind, I think that's perfectly reasonable.

But to deny that evolution is a real thing only seems possible if you were to deliberately go out of your way to ignore Information. It'd be like me refusing to look at the sun because I don't want to admit that it's bright.

I'm really at a loss as to how someone could really think evolution isn't real. I also don't see how it conflicts with the existence of a god.

We know little changes occur, so over time those little changes add up. Billions of "micro" changes appear to be a "macro" change.

Abiogenesis, probably. There's still a lot of debatez but this is the best idea we have. Fuck panspermia.

Debate, not debatez. I'm not a fucking degenerate.

No there isn't. You can create all the essential amino acids necessary for life in your backyard using all nonliving substances in conditions extremely similar to earth at the earliest moment we are able to ascertain the existence of life.


Kek's will.

>Mfw I forgot about the Miller-Urey experiment.

A god? Somthing we don't know about? I don't know. But what I do know is that somehow life got on earth and that it has the ability to adapt to its envirement.

This is how I see it:

Let's say I'm painting a picture. Every day I add one tiny tiny tiny detail. Just one. One tiny detail a day.

You come over and look at the painting on day 1 and day 10. Obviously you don't see much of a difference at all. The painting looks nearly identical on day 1 and day 10 because I'm only adding one tiny detail a day.

So you wait longer this time and come look on day 100. You see a noticeable difference. It's not a huge difference. But 100 tiny additions begin to add up.

I continue to add one tiny detail a day everyday for years and years. You come back to look at the painting on day 10,000. It's almost indistinguishable from the painting you saw on day 1, 10, and 100.

This is how evolution works, but over a longer period of time of course. Billions and billions of tiny adaptions add up. If an animal can change a tiny bit, then over time all those tiny changes appear to be one big change. When really they it was just many many tiny changes over an immense amount of time.

Faith is an utterly mundane thing that people take part in. They do it because it creates a net of people who simulate your personal tribe. It's a group of people who are going to have your values, be willing to help you if something goes terribly wrong, and be trustworthy (no one will betray someone from their church). I'll never admit this, and have been going to church for over 20 years, because it doesn't matter. I think most atheists are high(ish) functioning sociopaths (or autists) who don't immediately interpret the value in such a thing. Your family is just a bunch of people who share your DNA, but in group preference for your cousins is no more natural than another person who shares all three.

So still no exact answer?
Ok, lets say life formed from inorganic substances, although neither Miller-Urey nor any other scientists couldn't recreate it because it takes millions of years and special coincidences.
What's the origin of consciousness?
Lel I just wrote about it and now you posted it. I still remember how I read in Bio textbook that miller urey experiment was limited.

1. Create new drug to fight virus
2. Drug kills pretty much all the virus, save for a few that have been born with a genetic mutation making them immune to the drug
3. Natural selection means these last few remnants become the basis of the species now.
4. Entire species is born with this new trait of immunity to that drug.
5. Rinse and repeat.

>What's the origin of consciousness?

Conciousness is not some magical space-voodoo. It's mere chemical and electrical signals between neurons. For the few animal species that evolved conciousness, it was probably a useful trait which was passed on genetically to the next generations.

I meant you can't explain it without evolution.

Obviously it's perfectly explainable and happens just like you explained it.


I'm not saying it's magic voodoo.
I'm just interested in the chain of events that led a single cell organisms to become a self aware ones.

A very large amount of tiny changes over billions of years.

That sounds pretty ambiguous.

The nice thing about evolution is that you can sort of imagine a possible chain of evolutionary steps that occured to produce any final result.

I'd suggest you'd youtube that shit up, since you'll probably find better explonations there than by any self-proclaimed evolutionary biologist on Sup Forums

I think that you are actually just retarded and either misinterpreting or purposefully misrepresenting what people say to get a 'leg up' on them.

I'd imagine close to 100% of the population agrees evolution is a very real thing. however evolution offers no explanation as to the initial creation. yet expressing this sentiment will get you labeled a 'creationist' i.e. the polar opposite of someone who who believes in evolution.

And how does that prove evolution you cretin? How does that prove that one species evolved into another?

If you want some Sup Forums faggot like myself to explain
>the chain of events that led a single cell organisms to become a self aware ones
in some plausible explonation, you need to be more specific.
If we are to take every step from A to Z, it would probably need like 200 posts and you'd still be able to find "missing links" in between to further increase that number.

there is zero (0) proof that evolution is real.

go peddle your (((theories))) somewhere else, kike.

Evolution is a thing.

It doesn't explain the origin of life itself.

It didn't create modern humans (see fused second chromosome).

Also and >He's never heard of the Hard Problem of Consciousness


PROTESTANTISM has a different ontology than CATHOLICISM


Evolution = Hegel's dialectics translated into biological language


To sum up. Darwin's evolution = biological PROTESTANTISM

>Cambrian explosion
Puts a hole in the theory for me

Common designer
Common designs

World elites just create new virus's when the old one's become useless

But they don't bro. I make a distinction between evolution and angiogenesis. I know a lot of people who believe in God do too. Quite a few of them don't though. They don't even realize there is a difference. I have spoken to these people more than once.

why do you hate god so much user?

Most cars have 4 wheels, brakes, windows and seats.....must have come about by pure chance.....not because a designer chose features that work even with differenct designs. Jeez if anything this proves intelligent design.

>It didn't create modern humans (see fused second chromosome).
Oh, so it was God or Aliens or something?

oh, genuine question here

what is the common ancestor of dogs and humans?

how many chromosome pairs did it have?

how did we diverge to the point where humans have 23 and dogs 39?

what is the mechanism? all the fertile genetic interspecies hybrids I can find have the same number of chromosomes

would the same mutation have to occur in both a male and a female at the same time?

as I say, genuinely interested


Nice theory.
HOWEVER, there are only assumptions and no proofs.

>You think bacteria is just magically becoming immune to our medicine?

>One nucleotide base change out of millions after artificially dumping millions of liters of chemicals on it

Let us know when you see a bigger change, i.e., no longer able to breed with its previous species

>Hard Problem of Consciousness

You don't need god to solve this, but physicalists don't seem to even want to entertain it, they can't even grasp the concept of the problem. Niggas need to study some philosophy

Cars don't reproduce and create offspring slightly different to themselves you mong

This "explosion" lasted for millions of years. Poked another hole in yer hole. Stfu and go read any other book than a bible.

Enuma Elish, read it.

Never said anything about the Abrahamic conception of God. Personally I think consciousness is a field like EM and gravity. Brains are like antennas tuned to a particular personality frequency. One could call this field God if one were so inclined.

>physicalists & materialists
Literally the philosophy that is stopping us from inventing FTL, overunity, and advanced healing technologies.

>that is stopping us from inventing FTL, overunity, and advanced healing technologies.
How is it stopping you? Apparently you know of a way to achieve these. Do it fag

I don't have access to extremely high voltage physics labs

Some of you should read into this
Its a very interesting topic

Neither you, nor the other people peddling this bullshit.
Apparently trying to will physical laws away isn't too productive.

>he doesn't know about tesla, t. henry moray, lester hendershot, thomas bearden, etc., etc., etc.

Hint: Dismissing the aether was a fucking horrible idea
EM drive

I am pretty sure no one actually believes evolution isnt real, just like how no one honestly thinks the world is only 6000 years old or flat unless you're legit mentally unwell

these things are just the christian version of virtue signaling, to argue the bible is factual


It wasn't dismissed out of nowhere, we were accomplishing nothing with it and had no predictive capabilities.
Your proof is a mystery that the "materialists" are trying to figure out?
Take an unknown and fill it with nonsense, great approach to these things.

When speaking in millions of years, it is easy to inflate time periods too short to fit into your theory and elongate time periods too long to fit into your theory.

The Cambrian explosion is something that still stumps evolutionary biologists to this day. The honest ones accept it as a hole and ask questions, hoping to get the hole in the theory filled. The dishonest ones and the crybabies who cling to the theory for comfort stifle conversation relating to the Cambrian explosion, and in doing that, block research that has the hope of filling the gaps.

It directly a lot of things in the bible.


Only if you're an idiot who doesn't understand that Genesis is based off of the Enuma Elish.

Watch: youtube.com/watch?v=JKHUaNAxsTg

>what is the common ancestor of dogs and humans?

idk about the rest but that was when the boreoeutheria group split into euarchontoglires (includes primates) and laurasiatheria (most other mammals) which was when dinosaurs were still knocking about and mammals were mostly little mole things, we have more genetically in common with rats and rabbits which is one of the reasons why they're used in medical research and not dogs or pigs which you might think are closer since they're smarter

So your suggesting that the first animal developed an entire skeleton, then diversified into every animal on the planet, none of which altered anything but the size of the bones?

So we go from (no bones) to (all the bones) then to (same bones, everything else changed) with no competing skeleton ever showing up?

To put it another way: the first animal evolved with radical changes to the skeleton, then evolution cemented the skeleton in place, allowing only changes to size, while allowing massive changes to allow the first animal to diversify into every animal we have now.

I used to be an irrational atheist who actually believed in evolution, but Sup Forums fortunately led me to Catholicism, and I now believe that the Earth is 6000 years old and that we were all created by a guy called God.

>EM drive

I think I've watched that before, is that the one where he tries to mislead the public by ignoring the margins of error in the measurements of the speed of light and whole bunch of other misdirections?
And I know he didn't name the video, but it's funny to point out that the dishonesty starts at the title of the video "Banned TED talk"

interesting, thanks

are dogs caniform?

what are you trying to say?

it could mean that every creature on earth is some type of genetic abomination

If you kill your enemies, they win

It's not dishonest, TED did indeed ban it.

I'm more interested in his Morphogenic Field hypothesis than changing constants. Read his book, it's not like a 15 minute talk can get the point across.

>Repeated tests by NASA have failed to rule out anomalous thrust

That is one huge straw man you've got there



>margin of error
>for measuring something that supposedly never changes

>literally describes evolution as his explanation
>denies evolution


Actually, if you believe in the evolution theory and go deep into it, you can't help but think there's an intelligent design behind it.

Evolution is too damn complex for it to happen randomly or by survival of the fittest.

Actually, if you believe in evolution you understand hundreds of millions of years is a fuckton of time and that the constantly increasing entropy of the universe increases the likelihood of stable macromolecules capable of forming replicating cycles which then compound on each other, creating life.

>muh NASA
Eagleworks is a subdivision of nasa dedicated to throwing money at stupid ideas on the off chance that one of them works and the guys in charge of it are amateurs
>he doesn't even know how margin of errors in measurement work

"Banned TED talk" is not the same as "We changed this TEDx's host and is still completely available", but this may be nitpicking.

It's hard to argue with all these pseudoscientific types, since they don't even think the scientific method is the way to go.

So, I'll make it easier, I'll buy it when they come up with something useful.

No, problem is materialists don't think the scientific method is the way to go

>Data doesn't conform to muh immumtable laws
>Data must be wrong!

As if banning people who don't know what they're talking about is a bad thing. Sheldrake is on the same level as Deepak Chopra in terms of scientific understanding

>He didn't read TEDs own link admitting they were in the wrong and that Sheldrake's arguments have merit

Weird how scientific theories have changed over time and gotten progressively more precise and useful, unlike this magical garbage.
It surprises me they did, apparently it's too much even for TEDx

The religitards will never even consider actual evidence. The best you can get from them is forcing them to move the goal post.

Still not enough to explain how all of this can happen randomly.

This is a common occurrence with religitards. They will say "so you evolutionists believe all matter just popped into existence and spontaneously turned into life" When that is EXACTLY what their archaic sand nigger cult book tells them.

Sorry, would that be the one you linked?
>All talks on the TEDxTalks channel represent the opinion of the speaker, not of TED or TEDx, but we feel a responsibility not to provide a platform for talks which appear to have crossed the line into pseudoscience.
Lmfao, too retarded even for TEDx

I believe in Evolution.
I believe Humans also evolve because they are still animals, still life.
But I don't think it explains the origins of Humans. I feel like there's foul play in our creation.

This. Faggots still think macro evolution exists. Probably why most have a hard time believing it. If you seriously think one day a human came from a monkey in just a few generations you need to be gassed. This shit takes a long time. Only real noticable differences we can see today are birds who have to live near very busy highways, and their wingspan shortened in 30 years

Sure it is. You just aren't smart enough to understand it. All explainable by entropy, enthalpy and Gibbs Free Energy. Every cycle in every form of life is based on the manipulation of the equation:

Change in Gibb's Energy = Change in enthalpy - Change in entropy * temperature.

Literally explains every single cycle from Krebs to photosynthesis. But I wouldn't expect a religious moron to grasp that.

Weird how breakthrough technologies and paradigms never come from established theories being refined, but from established theories being proved wrong

>Heliocentric model
>Germ theory


The cool thing about science is it is true whether or not you believe it. We are evolving, whether or not you believe it. Humans evolved from other apes, whether or not you believe it, it is true.

>ancient aliens bruh.
They are not necessary.

if you were to reproduce you wouldn't have offspring with wings or gills would you?

Evolution WITHIN species is not disputed That the different kinds of dogs arose through reproduction within the specie is clear.

No, its the absurd idea everything "evolved" from some single source through various stages to become the divergent variegation we see today..

Didn't read anything after that paragraph, even though there's an all caps header "UPDATE: sorry guys he's right"