Is he "our guy", Sup Forums?

Is he "our guy", Sup Forums?

Bobby Kelly? I guess.

THE "our guy"?

I love Bendis though. The amount of ignorance around Sup Forums about him is ridiculous.
I do know his flaws, and I don't love all his books though if I have to read even his worst stuff I still find it entertaining.
But the man got me into comics without me realizing.
He also wrote the definitve and best version of Spider-man in my opinion, which actually has a perfect ending and the rest is just star wars prequels

>He also wrote the definitve and best version of Spider-man
>in my opinion
You are wrong. Your opinion is shit.

Explain this ignorance too?
I like a fair amount of his work, but he's put out at least as many turds as not.

Checked em

Bendis has written some good comics, Ultimate Spider-Man being the most noteworthy, but in the last five years the quality of his work has dropped so far is crazy. Tbe guy's problem is that he's stretched to thin at the moment with Guardians, Ironman and Spider-Lad, the upcoming Jessica Jones and his CW2.The guy needs to focus on one single project and let fresher writers work on the characters like Miles. Fun fact, everyone has been able to write Miles to be a far more enjoyable character than Bendis has.

opie has big tits

You people are the fuckong problem eith marvel. Enjoy your forced femenism and ghettos, as well as forced mudslimes replacing the characters we know and love.

>You people are the fuckong problem eith marvel

Cyborg and the two minority Lanterns are why I dropped the JL book.

OK, Neo-Nazis. Keep crying.

You're on the wrong board again.

Bending sucks now. I have no idea how he wrote something as good as Ultimate Spider-Man

Fucking every Green Goblin arc was gold. Every arc involving venom was gold.
Peter and MJ's relationship was a lot more real feeling. The character drama was fucking great. And to top it off its a finite story with a beginning and an end, a fucking good heart wrenching end at that.

Honestly though, why did they need two more human Lanterns? I'll admit that I'm pretty casual when it comes to GL stuff, but aren't the Lanterns supposed to be a single member of the native dominate race from a sector? They already had three humans, why add two more? Nevermind the diversity push because it's DC and it's okay when they do it.

Fuck off you goddamn grammer police bitch!

Also during Ultimatum, the fucking shit show of the Ultimate Universe, Spider-Man's was the only good part of it.

>doesn't read comics
>thinks he's way more talented than he actually is
yup, he's Sup Forums all right.

What does uncle fester have to do with Sup Forums?

And they're both from America too. Honestly, the best alternate Earth Lantern I've seen to date is that blue whale from The Last Days of Animal Man. Real clever stuff.

He's a blowhard motherfucker who thinks he can tell his audience to pre-order his shit so it doesn't tank.

Remember when Bendis cameo'd in Nailbiter for no fucking reason except "le epic cameo" and from that point on the story was shit I remember

that's not uncle fester that's Rick Harrison and this is my pawn shop. I work here with my old man and my son, Big Hoss, and in 23 years I’ve learned one thing. You never know what is gonna come through that door.

It was a reference to Warren Ellis' cameo in Powers, you uncultured swine.

>but in the last five years the quality of his work has dropped so far is crazy.
>Bending sucks now. I have no idea how he wrote something as good as Ultimate Spider-Man
Honestly, he definitely got worse as soon as he started writing Miles. But my main problem wasn't Miles himself, but that he was the editorial's bitch. Everytime Miles was getting interested he then wasted our time with stupid Ultimate Events. I swear half a year was Miles building potential just to crash him with no survivors into Galactus or Hydra. Not to mention his own chronological contradictions like Spider-men that included a scene with him playing with the webshooters which makes no sense considering what was happening in the regular comic at the time. And the ending of the long running USM was just a slap in the face to the point I promised myself that I would just stop I couldn't because Pichelli came back, fuck.
But even then I'd say he is still able to write good character moments and to get me invested in a story that isn't a stupid event. I'm actually looking foward to Riri taking over the Iron Man book.

You mean Hitman?

If not Bendis, then who is "Sup Forums's guy?"

>it's okay when DC does it
They'll reboot in a year or so and then it'll be forgotten for what seems best then. And so the cycle continues.

>Illiterate retard gets angry at grammar nazi

what does this even mean???
like, the guy Sup Forums agrees on/likes a lot? the guy who embodies Sup Forums? the guy who writes for Sup Forums? what does it meeeeean

if you're a jew, then yes

what about Nick Spencer? he actually likes us at least i dont want to be in an abusive relatinoshib with benis