Critics hate it

>Critics hate it
>Fans hate it

Could this be Sup Forums's favorite movie of all times?

Other urls found in this thread: who is_dte:20161222

It's left-wing propaganda so no.

I only care about one mans opinion

I think I have a solution for their problem. Just get better writers. And get better executives who don't greenlight literal baby vomit.

>Critics hate it
>Fans hate it
But what did Armond White have to say?


we are a liberal board

if you want conservative nutheads, go to pol

Because they can't make anything that doesn't fit the SJW narrative otherwise the (((critics))) give them a bad score. The problem is that nobody wants to watch that garbage and they lose money even if they get good goy points for promoting their leftist ideology.

Literally the only reason it went positive was people going to see it ironically. Literally literally, not reddit "literally". It frustrates me to no end that no one brings that up.

>we are a liberal board
t. reddit

Even Sup Forums isn't purely reactionary. I wish this meme would stop. The nature of Sup Forums is that it attracts extremists of all kinds.

You're actual human garbage.

t. Newfag
Sup Forums hates rotten tomatoes and they choose tons of sjw critics to review movies

I'm not a leftist in the slightest.

As a classical liberal, you would have to be retarded to think any entertainment-related board outside of Sup Forums is left leaning.



>classical liberal
How do you live with the pain of possessing a dying philosophy, bro?


Who pays attention to critic reviews anymore?

- It's it's Marvel critics will suck the Disney cock.
- If it's DC (with one exception) they'll shit all over it.
- If the movie has a lot of diversity, or deals with girl power then it will get rated highly (even if it doesn't deserve it).

Audience Score is what you need to look at.

Right-wing autism has *never* been welcome here.

We've always hated that nigger President

Wrong president mate.

um... are you for real right now?

Drumpf is not my President, never will be. Thankfully he'll be in prison soon.

i'd say /gif/ is a liberal board too given the overwhelmingly high number of cuck/trap/gay/sissy hypno threads.

So Bernie still has a chance, right?

>implying we're not in the final stages of the inevitable Jeb! comeback

> Thankfully he'll be in prison soon.
Just like he was going to get in shit for the comments he made about Mexicans.
Just like he was going to get in shit for the comments he made about women.
Just like he had no chance of winning the election.
Just like he was going to be impeached.
Just like he was going to be impeached... again.
Just like he was going to be impeached.... yet again.

Trump is a fucking GOD when it comes to getting away with shit.


WE are fucking nothing. Diverse as it could be

YOU are a liberal piece of shit

I didn't vote for that racist misogynist. It was HER turn. Rural and suburban retards only """won""" because of a complete anachronism.

>>Trump is a fucking GOD when it comes to getting away with shit.






>Trump is a fucking GOD when it comes to getting away with shit.
Not really. He hasn't done much to get away with. Media having a profit motiive for making mountains out of molehills is more to blame for the "nimble navigator" thing than Trump being especially genius

2020, my friend. Can't wait for a few drone strikes in Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Dude, other people have gotten in shit for Trumps comments. One dude was fired... Trump became president.

He'll skate with these Russian investigation as well. I hate the cunt as much as the next guy, but he's untouchable.

>what are memes?
>what is context?

>Dude, other people have gotten in shit for Trumps comments. One dude was fired... Trump became president.
Trump is an outsider not subject to the intense self policing practiced by the Republican party or various media sensitive corporations.

I just content myself with the knowledge that we are almost certainly doomed at least as a country and likely as an advanced species, and there's nothing to be done but watch civilization decay into nonsensical sociopolitical bickering and shitflinging.

That's not helping me feel better. Can we at least pretend in the future tech will bring about a hyper-individualist enlightenment culture?

>tfw your country will never have a president as charismatic as Obama
feels bad, man

lmao good luck with that

the mainstream ideology on which this world runs is neoliberalism with a classic liberal and christian conservative element.

A personal cult around orange political laymen however, that is a stillborn philosophy

Who gives a fuck about charisma when he did everything in his power to fuck over working class Americans.

If you are a yuropoor you have Merkel.

>Sup Forums is muh right wing safespace

>the mainstream ideology on which this world runs is neoliberalism with a classic liberal and christian conservative element.
Neoliberalism with a growing marxist element you mean.

didn't one of the big studios own that shithole site?

>classical liberal

Just man the fuck up and say libertarian you cunt

name a single country with a marxist politician in a high office except north korea

America 2008-2016


>he did everything in his power to fuck over working class Americans.
he did no such thing lmao
it's not his fault gas killed the coal industry
half the fucking working class has health insurance only because of this dude

>le liberalism is progressive meme
It only seems progressive to you because the media telling you that progressive bullshit is the way to go.
*gets beheaded by muslim*

And you fucking know it

That's not what I said.


Only some libertarians are classical liberals. Also that user may not be from the US.

>half of the working class has health insurance because of him
Do you have a single shred of evidence to back that up?

>half the fucking working class has health insurance only because of this dude
You say that like it's a good thing.

>literal socialist niggercare causes the recession
>radical anti-white racist, sets race-relations back to the pre-civil war era
>sheboon wife's school lunch programs increase childhood obesity

I'm not even a racist, he was the worst President ever (not a legitamite president either, since he's kenyan)

>he was the worst President ever
Carter and Johnson were both worse.

They merely set the anti-white cuck agenda that culminated in the Hussein regime.

>literal socialist niggercare causes the recession

You mean the recession that started in 2007? Absolute fucking retard

lmao there is at least a million articles about this out there

it is if you care about anyone that's not yourself

>recession caused by obamacare
what the fuck? you are aware the recession happened before he took office and that it's over, right?

>radical anti-white racist
literally HOW?

>his wifes bullshit school food PR
oh no

>he's kenyan
lmao he's more american that you trailer trash will ever be

Yeah the recession was caused by Clinton and the social engineering scheme that led to the sub prime mortgage crisis not Obama.

i can't fucking believe you're talking his words there seriously
fucking christ

>it is if you care about anyone that's not yourself
I'd rather have higher pay and no health insurance and many others feel the same way. Why don't you care about us?

Stop. You are making the mistake of arguing with burger trash about politics. Just stop, enjoy your European culture and leave us Americans to die, it cannot be helped, you're just wasting your time.

guaranteed replies

>it da whypipo fault!!!

>what the fuck? you are aware the recession happened before he took office and that it's over, right?
See above

>literally HOW?
basically telling the nogs to kill whitey and avenge thugvon martin

>oh no
ofc you dont care, more fatties on the democrat welfare plantation with socialist ngigercare

>lmao he's more american that you trailer trash will ever be
i dont care what you consider "american" you disgusting communist cuck

>lmao there is at least a million articles about this out there
Post a few then.

Sony is certainly my favorite meme studio.
I hope they manage to go on for a more years before the bankruptcy.

Europe strives to be America 2.0.
They would give everything to have American diversity.

Are you really trying to tell me that ACA didn't increase the amount of people who now have healthcare? Are you fucking retarded or something? who is_dte:20161222

here, now tell me why it's fake news. or don't.

>They would give everything to have American diversity.
And they are.

>we are a liberal board

speak for yourself

You are pathetic if you actually believe that. Have you ever been there? They are making fun of our food, our lack of history, culture, they have a lot of anti-americanist views. We are a joke to them since the Trump election. And the implication that Europe, a continent of many nations is less diverse than this country is laughable, but not unexpected for an American to say.

>dude here they call it soda, there they call it pop
>such diversity

Film critics have done literally, fucking nothing to deserve their status. So they can get as much shit flung at them as their is available to fling.

>only posts one from an organization that's trying to give healthcare to everyone
>aka hyper biased
>the giant gain was due to expanded MEDICAID rather than the ACA

Beat it, you fucking stoner loser. You got 8 years left.

That was an examples, it's left as an exercise to the reader to find more such studies in a few seconds on Google.
>muh bias
you're really out of your league here
>the giant gain was due to expanded MEDICAID rather than the ACA
the medicaid expansion is specifically a part of the ACA

I see how educated you are on the topic.
I'm not even american so yes, I will enjoy heartly laughing at your trailer trash country for the next 8 years. And the next 8 under Kid Rock.

What is your job? Where do you live?
You're fucking nothing and Trump won't help you. It's not the niggers' fault your life is shit.

Every year of your life you will be mad that your life is shit, that you can't get a decent wife or finally get a good job. And every year you will blame the niggers, the SJWs, the Jews, the (((Esabtlishment)
Let me let you in on a secret: It's not their fault. You're just trash and you were born into a trash family. Now enjoy your joke president for 8 years, but your life will be exactly the same after his time.

>I'm not even american so yes, I will enjoy heartly laughing at your trailer trash country for the next 8 years.

>implying you ever stopped laughing
>implying you ever will stop before it's time for the twice a century pointless European war that kills 1/4th of your adult male population and you need more money to fix everything

>baiting this hard

>oh look i'll call him bait
I am 100% serious, if that baits an emotional response, okay. Truth usually hurts.

>bring up world war 2

I assume you are out of real arguments then? Good to know.

By the way, now you will say "lol euros and their wars" and tomorrow you will role play a hitler fan on Sup Forums again because secretly you wish he won.


>I assume you are out of real arguments then? Good to know.
I'm not the dude you were talking to.

>By the way, now you will say "lol euros and their wars" and tomorrow you will role play a hitler fan on Sup Forums again because secretly you wish he won.
I'm not a reactionary or a white nationalist either.


whew you really got him there.

underage, post your drivers license

>>the giant gain was due to expanded MEDICAID rather than the ACA
The absolute state of American political education.

Wait a minute, you're Canadian aren't you?

>Boy, the reason your parents vote trump he's right
Wanna type that again?

>the giant gain was due to expanded MEDICAID rather than the ACA

you got no clue how it works or what it does, but you're against it because some pundit told you it's evil. Holy fuck you're retarded. California should really just secede so the rest of the country can fuck their family trees into one big circle without ruining the good part.

>Holy fuck you're retarded. California should really just secede
Pot, kettle, black.

Kill yourself you stupid fuck. Sup Forums runs this shit you should be thankful we permit your incessant ignorance at all

He's at the point of calling me Cletus or some shit. No one is actually paying attention to his canada-tier rhetoric, are they?

go on and stop permitting it. What are you gonna do? Take you daddy's gun and shoot some people? That happens every day in your shit country. Noone will even notice. Go on, stop permitting us, you're nothing and you will still be nothing after Trump finishes his 8 years of doing jackshit.

obama is fucking based, dude

>2017: I am... forgotten...

this, holding off until I hear his opinion.

expert level bait, look at all those fucking (You)s