Big boys don't cry

>Boy cries over every little thing in life
>Mommy consoles him and validates his weakness and immaturity
>Boy grows up to be a weak worthless virgin with no capacity to navigate life's challenges without mommy
>Boy lives in mommy's basement for life

What happened to "big boys don't cry"? Why do parents subject boys to a life of failure and misery by teaching them to be spoiled pussies?

fuck off, boys are still treated worse and expected to just man up and be tougher than girls and provide for girls.

i wish i was a girl so bad.

So you want to be a weak pussy without the stigma men get for being such

Single mothers.

yes exactly.

I like your repeating numbers.

If you don't like being a man, it's very easy to switch nowadays. Hit up the wig store.

Nah I was raised by my mum and dad, still ended up a failure permavirgin.

I do sometimes cry. I rarely did growing up though, it's more because of how depressed I am now.

>tfw being a decent human being is seen as a weakness
welcome to the state of humanity in 2016, folks

feminizing fluoride in the water

I cry my ass off basically every cartoon movie i watch (Which is many)

When i binge watched steins gate i think i cried for literal hours, i was wasted though

That's such bullshit though. I have no problems being male, I just don't like how I'm expected to behave. I'm shy, introverted, quiet, emotionally fairly fragile, all the things men aren't "supposed" to be. I look quite traditionally masculine and dress like one, it's just I can't fake a personality.

Only film I ever cried over was Up.

that won't make me a real girl. nobody wants a gf who's just a male with a wig.

Sounds like a tranny in denial to me.

Nah. I find traps a little odd. No desire to crossdress

The pussification of the mainstrean society lead to this idea among the contrarians.
That's why you have faggots like OP who think the exact opposite must be true, that being a hypermasculine caveman is the only way.

Doesn't neccesarily have to be a single mother. If the father is in the home but is a weak, passive cuck then the child will be a NEET.

Since the media constantly attacks the authority of fathers (in addition to outright removing them from the home) you have this problem.

Joke is on you
>never cry
>never ask for pity
>still grew up to be to be a weak worthless virgin with no capacity to navigate life's challenges
checkmate atheists

A weak German, fucking surprise. All the brave and strong Germans died by 1945.

You a Wizard?

ITT OP discusses his single mothers failure at parenting

Pretty much this senpai.

No, I'm on the left

Hope you enjoy Ethno-suicide by being "decent human beings"

After all it is 2016

I cried watching the green mile when I was 8

My father wasn't passive. Both have tried to "help" me but I think they know they failed to raise a real son. Oh well, screw them, shouldn't have had me then.

How do I keep my son from being a pussy. He's 10. I had to overcome what my single mother did. Babying me, always making excuses when I fucked up. I wasted half my life thinking everyone else was wrong. I had no father of course. My wife and I are solid but her instinct is to baby and i constantly counter that but I don't know if I'm doing the right thing.

Help Sup Forums

By "passive" I mean as a father. Just because your father was a loud asshole doesn't mean that he was a strong father figure.

Is that some pentuples i see??

Son who had some rough times with his pops here, managed to fix it though
Don't rely on lecturing or punishing him, you want him to be a manly man?
You're his teacher, lead by example, teach him how to fight, how to manage money, the more things you do with him the more he will grow as a person

He wasn't a loud asshole either. He tried to guide me.

Sounds like your father had a dysfunctional upbringing himself and didn't know how to lead his son.


This is what worries me. Never had a father to teach me to fish, hunt, fix a leak, change a fucking tire etc. Some of those things I've taught myself over the years but I know it's not enough. I learned more from being in the oil field with roughnecks for the last ten years than I learned growing up. I've been battle tested and I'm happy with my record but those wins came from my size and strength not any disciplined technique. I take my son shooting and camping a lot. But he's small like his mother. He didn't inherit my natural ability in sports and size to help him. He's a good boy, unlike me. Very smart like his mother. Reads books and is interested in tech. He's going to outclass me in intelligence and I'm proud of that. But I worry he won't be able to defend himself. He spends too much time playing autismblocks and shooting zombies. My worst fear is that he will be a neet with no family of his own. Sorry for the blogpost. I guess i needed to get this off my chest.

I agree, boys shouldn't cry. Crying doesn't solve anything. Crying is a useless emotional response; so it's for women. I'm one of the maybe six or seven people who Barney the Dinosaur warns everybody about, who tells boys not to cry.

encourage his schooling so that he gets a good job, which will attract the chicks. and guide him on choosing the right one which won't fuck him over.

>what happened to sexism

Crying serves a function in infancy and early childhood by getting adults' attention so they can care for them. Once you're old enough to speak crying is useless.

His upbringing was OK, pretty boring really. But I guess he didn't have games and the like to distract him. So he became a normie, while I'm going to end my genetic line. Fun times.

It helps me release the anguish. My emotions bubble over every so often. I only do it in private. I've wanted to cry in public before but thank God I didn't.

Thanks for the (you) user.
Time for me to go back to drilling and try to keep pic related from being me and crew today. see you in trump gen tonight Sup Forums.

Take his video games away, or limit his usage. My parents did it to me when they saw I was getting obsessed with them (around 8 years old) and it was probably the best thing they could have done

ANother thing is, coddle people end up exaggerating all of their problems. Most of your problems aren't as catastrophic as you'd like to believe.

My dad never hit me or laid a hand on me, he was a firm but fair man. What he did was, whenever I complained or whined about something unwarranted, he would make me do pushups until I was to sore to get up. He tough me to never complain. I didn't like dinner? Get up, go to the living room, 20 push ups. I don't like this toy? Get up, living room, push ups.

To this end I would say it's mostly single moms that are fostering this element of cultural weakness. They're enabling femininity in men and telling them it's ok to be emotional, afraid, sad, etc. Even if we are, which sure all men are sometimes, we should never admit it. That's just what you do. You carry on like soldier on duty. Only a proper father role can teach you that.

That's something I've never been able to help. I can't deal with life, hence why I just shut myself away. I'm extremely avoidant.

boys deserve as much love as possible.

boys not getting the love they deserve is what usually causes problems in later life.

Telling them not to cry is love. If you care for your child, you want them to grow up and become a man. Love isn't letting a kid do whatever he wants to do, that's called bad parenting.

Look at how well that's work for last 30 something years.

Any family where the father isn't on top of the pyramid is essentially a single mother household.
Because you're playing the victim, grow up.


Women baby their kids, it's supposed to balance out the stern leadership of a father.
Punish him when he deserves it, praise him when he does well. A son is always watching his father, and you need to lead by example. Teach him responsibility, teach him to think for himself, and teach him to be proud.

>grow up.

>no women in that crowd

Get him involved in some sports, even if he isn't really athletic. The atmosphere of real competition and the social network he'll be building will benefit him throughout his life. He may not be big, but he could still be in track, or even competitive shooting.

>Whiny little bitch: the post

crying is a normal human reaction to difficult emotions.

there is no distinction to be made between who is allowed to cry and who isn't. so fuck your unreflected autistic faggot mentality.

>From the Great British Empire, to this

Same here, buddy. The second time around I just felt really sad.

Who gives a shit about the empire? It was a project for the rich elites, nothing more. The working class here have only had it good since the shackles of empire ended.

2bh if you have feelings you arent even a man

>Quint sevens

Pic unrelated.

They took a photo of the audience and some journalists thought it was intentionally filled with FUCKING WHITE MALES to appeal to other white males.

Facebook told them that was the actual audience and nobody else was interested, especially women.

Sounds like you might just have shitty genetics and are destined to be a low T beta

I'm so autistic my mother cries because I don't show emotion and thinks I don't love her

I don't. But I pretend to because it saves dram. I just don't have attachment to people.

Fine by me desu. I don't want to pass on my genes anyway.


>a girl who wants to be a girl is fine and accepted
>a boy who does is a whiny little bitch
you're the reason being male sucks so bad.

an empire can have girls.

I wish I could turn off my feelings. I'm basically Wojak.

den u may hab asperger

>a lizard wanting to be a lizard is fine and accepted
>a crab who does is a whiny little bitch

Idk user maybe it's because YOU'RE FUCKING INSANE

>mfw we have 17% More neurons
>mfw our brains are 0.5x faster
>mfw my sex/gender isn't a complete parasite

Being a man is great user

Sure but it's not perfect. I just want to feel my feels without judgement.


Fuck off, feel your feels all you want but don't rub it in everyone's faces you whiny bitch

I was ridiculed by my brother if I cried. I guess not having an only child is the cure. You can still be nice to your kid knowing that when you leave the room their older bro will bitch slap them for being a pussy.

>ITT: Insecure toxic masculinity
You know what happens when you parent based on a strict "Big boys dont cry" mentality? You get transgendered people, school shooters, and wife beaters. Anecdotal evidence, but here's my stick. I was raised under this parenting style and it wreaked havoc on my mental health due to bottling up emotions. When I turned 16 I realized there's nothing wrong with likely cute shit or being a sensitive dude. I collect cute shit and shoot guns while being secure in my manhood. Now take my friends who still believe in this mentality. One thinks he's a girl because he likes cute shit like plushies. He thinks he can't possibly be a man since "guys dont like that stuff." He now lives in his mom's basement. Another beats his wife anytime she challenges that manly man attitude he has or asks him to be more open. It's toxic as all fuck and I wont raise my son under it. I'll be strict and tell him he needs to learn to protect himself, but I'll tell him he can be open about his feelings.

no, insane is seeing how men get treated and thinking that's fine and doesn't suck.

>>mfw we have 17% More neurons
>>mfw our brains are 0.5x faster
well i don't want to give that up.

>>mfw my sex/gender isn't a complete parasite
great news for the men capable of looking after themselves. for the rest of us, not so good.

i know i'm male. i just wish i wasn't.

rather than staying the marriage where the boy would have a father figure the mother's realized she could get more money through divorce/state welfare.

women and the week men that cater to him are why things are the way they are,

How am i rubbing it in anyone's face?

Explain why beating your wife when she either physically attacks you, or disobeys you is inherently bad. I see no problems with using physical violence as a means of control within your personal environment. Transgender people are children that never heard "no" throughout their entire lives. I've never seen a ghetto trash nigger cosplaying female. It's a middle class thing across all races.

>here's the rationalizations I use to blame everyone other than myself for my faults and failures

Swan dive off the nearest overpass into traffic, please and thank you.

>Explain why beating your wife is bad
How's your first day in America Muhammed? If your wife is being a bitch then you can just leave instead of resorting to physical violence. Do me a favor and go bomb a mosque. It'd be a better use of your projecting.

this is how you train a good wageslave.

>Transgender people are children that never heard "no" throughout their entire lives.
not true. i was told what to do all the time. so much that i grew up unable to make my own choices. so now i'm a tranny and wish i had a man to make my choices for me, because the dick parents who tell children what to do don't keep telling them what to do when they grow up.

Anzu is always related.

Are you honestly a tranny or just a man down on his luck like me? I hate myself and my life but I have no desire to be a grill.

no i really do wish i was a girl. even seeing hot girls doesn't make me want to fuck them, just makes me wish i looked like them and had a bf.

I actually read this in picrelated's voiche.