I like to dream yes, yes, right between my sound machine

I like to dream yes, yes, right between my sound machine

That's what he looked like in the latest trailer

I watched BvS with my little brother, he asked me if Diablo was part of the DC universe all along

>using Jim Lee's shitty New 52 designs
>making it look like rejected concept art from Marvel's Thor movie
>not using Kirby's techno-future medieval look

We probably won't get any Kirby-crackle either

mfw a shitty mmofps did this design better than DC

mfw people think the New Gods and Superman and DC heroes need to be gritty and realistic

His original look is retarded as well

TTK was actually good.

10/10 raid

yfw Bart Allen has music piped into his flash lightning ear pieces and that is the soundtrack to the film

I know it's up for me
If you steal my sunshine
Making sure I'm not in too deep
If you steal my sunshine

>Bart Allen
Literally, who?

Well no shit. Despite Bungie being dead their art department is still godly.

Fuck that. He was dressed like a medieval lord but with futuristic tech. Kalibak was similarly like a dark ages barbarian. Apokalips had a dark ages flair to them, but with godly space age tech. DeSaad looks like some old torturer from a dungeon.

Even in his Super Powers design, Steppenwolf looks like he's from the dark ages.

If you know your Flashes, you'd realize DC has not had Barry Allen in media since Shipp in the 90s Flash show.
Movie Barry is Bart.
Current tv Barry is Wally. Well. A really really stupid version of Wally.

>Current tv Barry is Wally

Is that public beta still running? A friend had pre-ordered it and was telling me about the early access one. Been trying to avoid him talking me into ordering Destiny... again... for the.. fifth time?

Fuck that. His character is more like Wally. He even dated Linda Park in addition to black Iris.
And tv Wally is token tv show black character #457.

It doesn't matter if his character is like Wally, it' still Barry Allen in the show and the film fuckwit

Granny Goodness and the Furies should have been the JL villains.

Granny has a resurrected and brainwashed Superman leading the Furies to invade Earth. They're kicking the JL's ass. then mister miracle arrives in the batcave. He is the surprise that allows Granny Goodness to be sent back to Apokalips. Then Big Barda betrays the Lashina and the furies. Barda and Wondy fight superman and subdue him. Lashina runs away to hide on earth. The other furies are captured and held prisoner by Atlantis or the Amazons.

>thinking if a company slaps the name on a character, not matter what changes they make to that character, it still represents that character'

Nice job falling for the schemes of shallow studio executives.

I guess you bought that these were THE Ghostbusters because Sony said so?

the absolute state of capeshit

>tfw the old version of a character really is the best but if you say so people will tell you to take off your nostalgia goggles just because the context is dated

Sure, sometimes he was more like Tim Burton's Batman than Flash, but I don't like whiny/quipster Barry

That would have been great.
For all of Snyder's talk about feminism, he really didn't do much other than give the role of DC icon Wonder Woman to a skinny as fuck Israeli supermodel who can barely act.

He was terrible. He didn't even have a black girlfriend. The show was too white. #fuckTrump

I really like the medieval with future space tech look and even the 80s redesigns.

While Thor is cut from the same cloth as Kirby's New Gods, the movie shouldn't just look like rehash of Marvel's Thor movies. Steppenwolf looks like rejected concept art for Thor's Destroyer.

So... who should be cast as G Gordon Godfry?

Julio >>>>>>

You know, if Snyder had half a brain, he would have had G Gordon Godfry leading the Superman and superhero hate in Man of Steel and BvS.

Your idea is so fucking retarded. A brainwashed evil Superman? Really? And are you forgetting JL still has to introduce Aquaman, Flash and Cyborg, and on top of that you want Mister Miracle and Big Barda? Fuck off.
Also, Granny Goodness is such a terrible name, it would make the DCEU more of a joke than it already is. Kirby came up with the stupidest names. And who would want an old hag as the villain of your first team up superhero flick? Absolutely no one. Thank god /Hollywood doesn't listen to co/ shitheads.

No because it would go against what those movies are about.