Which one is better Sup Forums?

Which one is better Sup Forums?

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Billy and Mandy

both are reddit

futurama is comfy

early seasons of futurama>season 1 of rick and morty>final season of futurama>season 2 of rick and morty>season 3 of rick and morty>the rest of the futurama seasons

Both are overrated shit

>Billy and Memey

Rick & Morty will never be as authentic as Futurama, and the sooner Dan Harmon figures this out, the better.

Tbh I prefer Rick and Morty

Futurama aged like women

>Upvote me for muh nostalgia

Futurama had three good seasons, which beats Rick and Morty straight out the gate.

I cant get over the pop philosophy and animation

>tfw to intelligent for reddit

tadaima reddito-san

Futurama was written by geniuses making dumb jokes. Rick & Morty is a show written by idiots desperately trying to sound smart.

Futurama, but I haven't watched the reboot seasons that came out after the movies.

Pickle gosh darn Rick of course!

this was poignant enough that i had to screencap it. very true.

Futurama stopped being good when the movies came out, so like the simpsons, on the whole the show has more bad seasons than good now.

So true, good sir. So very true, good sir.

"Reddit is where stupid people come to pretend to be smart. Sup Forums is where smart people come to pretend to be stupid."

fuck off he's right.

>Sup Forums is where smart people come to pretend to be stupid.
Maybe in sub 2010. Now Sup Forums can be described in the same line as reddit.

I actually liked that show. Also props for maxwell atoms for not being a giant flaming faggot and standing up for his artistic vision.

This line better have been written ironically. By the way Futurama isn't smart. It tries too hard with its jokes and references. I never watched Rick and Morty because people describe it as similar to Futurama which I didn't like so I don't know if it's better or worse.

Who cares

Will Rick and Morty ever top ''Luck of the Fryrish''

Bojack Horseman is miles better than both of them.

>show made in the fucking 00's
how young are you?

yeah thats actually true though

s1 ep1

at first i thought this was Sup Forums getting high off of it's own supply or just something always written ironically, but it's kinda unironically true. i never really used reddit with an account, but when i lurk their front page it's so ridiculously unfunny that it stings. even the people i disagree with usually have an understanding of comedy and irony on most Sup Forums boards.
I think it's because on reddit, people are speaking "to a crowd" because of their vote system and massive threads that attract thousands of people, while on imageboards it's just people talking to one another. individual threads don't, most of the time, attract that many people, so it's just a bunch of conversations.
redditors will always try to "effortpost" long paragraphs and be courteous and polite like you're talking to them in real life, and they're being totally epic and either chiming in with the best le jokes or totally btfoing and embarrassing you in front of everybody, as if there is an "everybody" as a 3rd party that needs to be appeased. when a redditor makes an epic pun it's to try to make EVERYBODY laugh, as in the lowest common denominator, but if someone here makes a joke it's just to make the people in the thread or the individual person being quoted laugh.

It's even worse. the nihilism fake-deep trash of rick and morty, except without the pretext of being cheeky.

>but if someone here makes a joke it's just to make the people in the thread or the individual person being quoted laugh.
Theres no vote system so you're only making yourself laugh. Thats why there is so much retarded shit and baneposting on Sup Forums and Sup Forums

I unironically think Rick and Morty season 1 is better than the entirety of Futurama. I find Futurama very enjoyable to watch but there simply aren't that many jokes that make you laugh out loud.

The majority of Futurama was over-educated writers huffing their own farts instead of crafting funny episodes.


Yeah, see
Noone thought that was funny, the only one laughing is you, you (You) addicted little whore

I don't like at all how much pretense the creators of Rick & Morty place on the show. Futurama is better, and will remain better. How do you stack a show, barely into it's third season against one that was literally brought back on air because of how much people love it?


s1 ep 1
did i sttyy asybdhm nvccxggggnbeaqbgawgf

buenos dias mandy

This is correct

do you enjoy sharting in marts as well?


nah you're wrong faggot.
Sup Forums is a shell of its former self and most poster are themselves redditors like yourself. Sup Forums today is far more similar to reddit than it is to Sup Forums in 2006.

t. reddit

not entirely tho, he didn't want the show to look like it looks
look at the designs from Under Fist and they're more like he wanted them

rick and morty

we both know you weren't on Sup Forums in 2006

Watched Jurassic Bark and thought "Okay, that's probably the only time this show will make me cry."

I was wrong.

And we both know you weren't either.

So you admit it.

I doubt like 5% of the current user base was.

Yeah, I came here in 2010.

and you're still here?
lol what a fag you must be


1 season of Rick and Morty was enough for me, it's basically Reddit: The Show, you can't enjoy a series where main character burps every few seconds, stutters and constantly has saliva dripping down his mouth, it's simply annoying and off putting. The jokes are based on good topics but are terribly executed.

In first season there was a very good plot about VR goggles that made Morty's parents realize that they belong together but even that was crossed with swamp of so random le epic jokes.

Futurama is top notch comfy show, I spent many evenings watching it and I regret nothing. Rick and Morty don't even come close with Futurama "deep themes", famous Fry's dog scene is just one of many, just to mention Leela's overdosing on space honey or Hermes who let Bender pass even though he was defective as a robot. The good seasons are actually filled with this stuff and it makes you feel feels.

Bender is much better character as a drunk nihilist than Rick, Fry is more relatable than Morty, Leela is the ulimate space qt pie :3

Futurama is better hands down

Did Bender ever turn into a pickle?

Futurama after the movies becomes so bad, It's like I was watching futurama fan fiction. It's just wish fulfilment for the writers and a dozen sappy leela and fry episodes

He turned into a bunch of other shit that was by default better. I know Rick & Morty is "your" generations animated dick sucking contest, but it doesn't make it better than a classic like Futurama.

It was for the fans. At that point we all knew it was going down the drain anyways so yeah, wish fulfillment.


>Implying that Futurama caters to a different generation than Rick an Morty

Feels bad, I started visiting in summer of 2007 off and on over the years.
I'll be honest I haven't noticed much of a difference in the community except politics is mentioned in literally every single thread, OC is branded as "cringe", people get called redditors all the time, and trolls got way shittier at what they do

futurama aired in early 2000s, many Rick and Morty fans were at most 5 years old then, most weren't even born.

I havent watched either

Futurama's final season was horse shit.

only if you were 12

Futurama and I legitimately do not understand why people love Rick & Morty so much.

I just don't. I'm not contrarian -- because that implies intentional dislike -- I just don't like it and don't get the praise.

How is this even up for debate? Underage bledditors are literally fucking cancer.


Futurama, better characters imo. When it tries to be sincere it feels much more genuine.


I lol at the hothead comment.

I kind of feel like it's people thinking they ought to find it funny.

Rick and Morty

please, Sup Forums is where autists and normalfag redditors that pretend to be redditors come to shitpost

rick and morty feels like futurama for people who think theyre too smart for futurama (but aren't)

Futurama pre-cancellation

Rick and Morty if post-cancellation Futurama is included

Obviously Futurama but Rick & Morty is the best cartoon to air in years. Probably the best cartoon to air since original Futurama.

>reddit and memey
literally anything is better than this shit

This very much. They say acting stupid attracts the stupid. I think the downfall was my little pony. people hyping it as the greatest cartoon show to come around since 90s cartoon network shows was a meme and then attracted the autists.

I have never seen Rick and Morty so I'll go with Futurama because the first few season are great


The original run (first four seasons that aired on Fox) of Futurama was GOD TIER, and ended on a high note with one of the most memorable finales in TV history, IMO. The movies (a.k.a. season five) were OK, but not great. The Comedy Central revival mostly ranged from poor to awful, although I guess they pulled it back some towards the end (but "Meanwhile" is still nowhere near the classic that "The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings" is).

If a comedy provokes laughter, then it's done it's task. If you were expecting Citizen Kane, please go eat a bag of dicks a mountain-level high.

Doc and Marty

I watched a reddit posted "hilarious" court scene and I didn't get it at all. The voice acting was fucking annoying, I could just SEE the voice actor there screaming into the microphone rather than seeing the characters for what they are



here it is, didn't laugh once

t. comedy central futurama writer

I'm not saying comedy shouldn't provoke thought, because laughter in itself is a thought that expresses itself. When you try to inject philosophy it's an odd thing. You end up with nihilists arguing with cynics, arguing with realists etc.. It's a self-defeating thing.

holy shit, I haven't laughed like this in a long time.

Season 6 mostly didn't provoke laughter for me. It mostly provoked cringing (*cough*Susan Boyle*cough*).

The show had mostly lost its touch, the same way the Simpsons has.

Besides, it's not really true that a comedy has done its job as long as people laughed. The thing that is special about really good stuff like early Futurama is that many people find it entertaining enough to watch it multiple times, and can often quote them from memory.

Who was asking for philosophy to be injected, though? I know I wasn't.

It's not that comedy needs to provoke serious thought, it's that jokes that have serious thought put into writing them tend to be better (and hence more enduring) than cheap, low-hanging fruit.

I think they are reading a transcript of a real court case that actually happened. I believe the idea was that it was so ridiculous that they thought it could be close to a situation that their ridiculous fictional characters would be in.
If this context is indeed true, then I think it is funny.

One upvote fellow plebbitor, have a gold star.

Futurama by far. Only one or two episodes of R&M are good, the rest are trash tier.

>Futurama was written by geniuses

this is fan made... (yes, it is shit)

Futurama is better because it started so many jokes that aren't funny any more because they've been played out since. Rick and Morty tries to subvert expectations unlike a lot of shows that reiterate Futurama's jokes. But one couldn't exist without the other, so I always pick the influential one in these cases. No Futurama, no rick and morty.


What the fuck was Grim's problem?