Which smartphone do you use? I'm still using the 5s and I don't plan on changing soon.
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There's no point in owning a smartphone if you're not a normie unless you like wasting large amounts of money on bills when you only make 1 or 2 calls a month.
htc m9
this desu.
all smartphones are the same nowadays, just dont update them bcuz they just slow them in order to buy new smartphones
Pre-paid? I charge around 3 dollars every 15 days and I have several GBs and hundreds of minutes to call.
I'm using the 5s too, I got given it after my chinkshit died
Would never buy an iphone but it is very smooth. I just hate the fact it's so restricted - official app store, can't block in-app ads etc.
I left mine (7) in a fucking public park
Sony Xperia Z3 Compact. It's two and a half years old and I expect to use it for at least another two and a half years.
wow, you're getting a very good deal!
Yes, and it is 4g internet. Pretty good deal for that price.
does 4g work in brazil?
ChadPhone 8, although it's not much of a ChadPhone because I have no friends to brag about it to.
Also have a shitty Huawei G8 as a secondary phone, looking to upgrade it to a Note 8 or a Blackberry Priv (Physical keyboard makes it an interesting phone).
does it not work somewhere?
Yes, why
Cat S60.
My last phone (Galaxy S7) died from the cold so had to get something more durable.
It has survived this winter so far (in -40 degrees) so I'm happy with that.
Why are you so dumb chilebro
5s is way too small for me, I have pic related and it's perfect
I have a DSLR for photos. But the camera in the phone is actually pretty good.
I have a Huawei Mate 9 Lite, kinda big for me, would prefer a 4 inches phone but smaller phones are usually outdated ones.
Love the phone so far, it just do the job and never lags. The battery lasts a lot.
>died from the cold
Can be happening?
Galaxy S7
>all these apple fags
enjoy cancer tier SAR value
I find it very hard to believe that all of you faggots are somehow related to your respective countries prime ministers
Was -38 Celsius outside, screen stopped working first, then it died completely.
Tried starting it back home after a few hours but it was dead.
Perfect phone, except wifi. Its horrible and loses signal every 5 minutes
That's not the same phone..
>Being an Amerifat
>Not being an Applefag
Have two phones, get the best of both world. Fucking retard.
>Was -38 Celsius outside
What in the fuck Sweden, not even Canada gets that cold.
I don't really expect Cat to have different materials between models since they're not primarily a phone manufacturer.
But you survived from -38 degrees
Oh no, I don't eat Italian food.
Taken with the ChadPhone 8. The tech TooToobers weren't kidding when they said this camera was great.
iPhone 4
I needed a phone with internet so I could clock in at my job.
>iPhone 4
Have you eaten yet? Are you hungry? I can PayPal you a couple ameribux so you can get instant ramen at least.
iPhone 5s too, have had it since 2015
never had any problems, works as fast as when I bought it
only problem is a crack on the screen, but it’s barely noticeable
>What in the fuck Sweden, not even Canada gets that cold
Not even the coldest we get up here.
>pic related
>iPhone 5s too
>have had it since 2015
>Buying 2 year old phones
Listen, normie. The phone works fine. Why would I pay my money to get something thats newer just because its trendy? The phone still works, so why should I get rid of it?
>The phone still works, so why should I get rid of it?
iPhone 4 only runs iOS 7. That's not "still works", more like "barely works". Give it one year and not even the YouTube app is going to work on that anymore. Most of them require at least iOS 9 these days.
Iphone 6 plus. I've had it for 2 years. Before that I used an OG Galaxy Note which lasted me five years until it died.
Some $100 Samsung...
I rarely use/carry it either way.
I use my phone for calling and texting and internet just to sign in at work. As long as I can do those 3 things, getting a newer phone is a waste of money.
of course it does you mongoloid
Alberta and Manitoba are prone to have -40 in the winter, the fuck are you talking about you retard.
Canada is colder than Sweden on average
There will be a time where not even Whatsapp or iMessage support iOS 7.
Still on HTC one M9. I'll use it till it falls apart.
It was intentional and now I’m in pain. I should just hang myself already
Then I will get a new phone. Until then, I have no need for a new phone.
iPhone 8
not everyone has their parents to buy them things, you know? I also don’t want to get drowned in debts and it was a sale
>not everyone has their parents to buy them things, you know?
>I also don’t want to get drowned in debts
It's called having a stable job you lazy nigger
a zrnfone 2, i think his time is ending. it's piece of plastic assembled very bad, i have dust under the digitizer and the display. it's a wonderful phone for the specs but it's not ergonomic. 5'2" or 5'5" is the perfrct size for a phone but the frame should be thin
I’m in uni, so I don’t work at something that gives me that much money, and I’m not planning to buy me expensive new phones when i can buy one that works fine. It’s pointless to have the last gen electronics unless you’re trying to prove something to other people
Xioami mi mix
Changed my Lumia 920 with a Moto G4 because "fuck high-end phones who needs them anyway". Had problems twice. Changed it again with a Samsung S8 after barely one year.
>Samsung S8
This is the only correct answer if you need an Android.
>T. Applefag
>in -40 degrees
Knock the nail with a banana.
Samsung A7 2017.
*blocks your path*
Samsung j5 2016.
There's no way i'm paying more for any phone, i will misplace this piece of shit and buy another one in 3 months tops, i usually buy 2-3 phones every fucking year
OnePlus 3t
I use an iphone 4s and have a stable job, it fits perfectly in the inner bottom pocket of all my suit jackets
>iphone 4s
Ya comiste, Chilebro?
Iphone 7.
Planning to use it for at least 2 or 3 more years.
I'm made fun of for having a LG phone at work desu.
this so much
bought a new S6 2 months ago for 110 Euro
I have a Sony Xperia SP which I bought in Germany back in 2013.
no mms
Had it since 2016
Iphone I8 and a samsung s4.