Your universe look less and less fantastical as your movies go on
Bravo Marvel
Yay, another post starting capeshit wars. Are you faggots roleplaying or are you actually this invested in these corporate companies?
Why don't you know how to post about anything other than capeshit, anti-Sup Forums Sup Forums tourist?
If it isn't capeshit its crying about them
I also like Kieslowski, Bunuel, Murnau, Herzog, Ray, Sirk and Cassavetes but there can be no peaceful discussion until we kill the cancer upon the film industry that is Marvel.
What am i missing?
Nothing, OP is just retarded and doesn't understand that the lower picture is taken from a lower angle.
>I also like Reddit, Reddit, Reddit, Reddit, Rayddit, Reddit and Reddit
>Hulk just stands there calm
Wait a minute, isn't that the guy who is supposed to be in uncontrollable rage? What character assassination is this?
The Banner persona and Hulk persona are merging at this point. Hulk actually talks in this one.
So basically he isn't Hulk anymore but just a big green guy? So much for the contrast of Banner/Hulk.
This has been the problem with Hulk for decades. They want him to be a hero and be part of a team, then he has to become smarter and know what he's doing instead of being a destructive force that Banner can't control.
Asgard was destroyed and rebuild, the problem is the mountains
have no reason for them being different
maybe they rebuilt a few miles over
never read a Hulk comic have you?
Nah I'm not a manchild. Only seen the great 80's show.
The one where his name is David?
You're right, you have the intellectual high ground for complaints about accuracy.
why the fuck are the mountains different?
More like Dr Jekyll and Hyde
>actors obviously standing in front of a green screen
They could at least try to hide it
Asgard is the one thing they have consistently dropped the ball on every movie
The 80s show is GOAT
You know how I can tell you're from r/t_d
Its clearly a metaphor for the modern European immigration crisis. Let a lot of black people into your country and everything will crumble, even the mountains.
That is some good shit right there.
Man this Wizard of Oz reboot looks like shit