Give me 5 good explanations why niggers should be killed

Give me 5 good explanations why niggers should be killed

"they are subhumans" isn't an explanation, that's a statement

Other urls found in this thread:

They act like subhumans

They spawn subhumans.

The libreal backlash will divide the political spectrums even more

They have a manner that is reminiscent and somewhat similar too subhumans.

A statement implies fact, an opinion is open for debate. So they are subhuman is a valid argument


Black people kill each other so it's only the right thing to do to help them accomplish their goal of self destruction.

They have been scientifically proven to be subhuman.

They shouldnt be killed. Violence except for self defense is for degenerates.

Every culture should live segregated for their own good

They are subhumans.
They create more subhumans.
They are a net deficit for any society hosting them.
They aren't capable of maintaining a civilized nation.
Theyou create numerous problems in society, including the unmitigated spread of sexual diseases and infections.

They're killing themselves, no need to get involved user

oy vey this format

It would significantlly reduce crime sexually transmitted diseases and poverty in America

They behave in methods inconsistent with typical human behavior, they behave consistently in a manner at lower levels of typical human behavior.
I know of no other way to describe their behavior apart from subpar.

Europe killed off pretty much every large carnivore on their entire continenent so they could stop worrying about getting eaten by wolves and focus on subjugating the rest of the world. It worked out great until they realized they forgot to kill off eachother.

Hillary herself called them super-predators.

It's because they're subhuman trash

criminal element which preys on Whites
entitled and use welfare at stupidly high rates

They're BIG black cocks are bigger than our SMALL white peckers.

Black people =/= niggers

Semi related request. Does anyone have the link to the montage of police getting shot at while dealing with suspects? It ends with a body cam film of a cop being ended by some brown kid.


>had great sciencetifc achivements in the ancient times
>had great civilization like Ancient Egypt
>had great civilization like Carthage
>had STRONG civilization like the moorish caliphate that ruled hispania and southern france
>ruled the world in the ancient times
Tell me why you hate blacks again you biggot?

They don't have to be killed. They just should live and stay in africa, just like asians in asia, europeans in europe... basically what national socialism established

there is a genetic difference?

there is not, he is a faggot.
because theyre ugly and dumb so killing them will make humanity better


Now they no longer do. They're a constant strain on society.

This is a slide thread and a PSYOP

Sage and move along

they never had any, are you retarded

>showing off $180 dollars

I make 2x that per hour this time of year, tourists LOVE to get drunk at National Monuments.

They are a massive drain on our economy. Quality of life goes down the drain when they are numerous. The violence, obviously. Lowered standards of public education. No go zones in every city. Sociopathic behavior prevalent.

Literally no reason to keep them around.

They are subhumans

just take a shitty city put up a giant perimeter. Castrate the prisoners to prevent reproduction and let them chimp out as much as they want in a controlled environment. Televise it and laugh at the monkeys throwing shit at each other in the cage.

mmmmyaaaa that's reason enough, but here's another.

If they threaten to kill, they should expect the same.

they shouldnt be killed they should be sent to africa

ah fug i forgot to paste a link
if anyone is willing

You need only one. We are no where near utilizing the resources of anything beyond earth. And as long as we are stuck here, there is a definite amount of resources. These resources is wasted on niggers, since they create nothing, they merely consume. If we are to have a chance to expand beyond the very limited resources of this planet then we can not waste what we have on vermin.

Go live in Sierra Leone and then you can tell me.

>Give me 5 good explanations why niggers should be killed
All niggers shouldn't be killed.

All niggers should be deported to Africa.

>1 post by this ID