The roastie thing is a meme, it's a lottery, some vagainas are like that

The roastie thing is a meme, it's a lottery, some vagainas are like that.
My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you can't see the labia
Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin
Same as the "uncut dicks smell" thing
I am cut and mine smells in just two days of not showering while my the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.

Alex, is that you?

>age old pasta

>tfw popularized this pasta

Ha incest is funny

>A roastie needs to be a roastie to be a roastie
>A cuck needs to have a wife to be a cuck
>Bait needs to be good to get a (you)

I would stick my dick in those sandwiches no joke.

no shit, it's an /r9k/ meme. every one there are bitter virgins.

Back to tumblr

First gf, second gf. Weird.

Roastie is a state of mind where every girl is

t. roastie





>tfw hungry for food and pussy now

back the roasties

I'm a guy and I don't get it, sometimes I'll say things on this site and get called a woman or a nigger by other white men, even though what I'm saying is completely factually accurate and inoffensive, I wonder how people like you and I would get on irl. if we would have common interests, if we'd have the same kind of discourse. I wonder how we both got to the point of arguing on the other end of such trite topics online.


Kill yourself.


obviously its a meme. the point is to make roasties feel bad for being disgusting whores

Probably because you're a subhuman cuck who belongs on tumblr

>My mom for example has a pussy like a baby, you can't see the labia
>Yet my sister has a big labia even when she was a virgin
And you know this how?

t. roastie/cuck

you are a female and have an engorged and unsightly labia, please return to a more mainstream social media site and refrain from posting on this one.

>I wonder how people like you and I would get on irl
probably just fine because you interact with loads of people who hold these opinions. we just cant/dont share them as openly as we do on the internet

where is the television and film sir?

>being such a loser NEET that you don't have sex with your family members

I wonder, if you're as retarded in real life as online. feeling really #philiosophyraptor today I guess haha


weird to start seeing this on Sup Forums

saw that when he first posted that video


"womens vaginas can look like roast beef" isn't a very funny or clever observation. it honestly grosses me out to think about as someone who like roast beef sandwiches and would never think of eating a girl out. on top of that it makes you sound like a 300 lb man in a fedora. please refrain from saying roastie.

I know this is pasta but it's also true. Also the vagina-tissue doesn't permanently stretch so it doesn't change because of dicks.

t. roastie

he started it on instagram then took it to vine

Spoken like a true roastie

I prefer "roasties" t b h
Jamals creampie just tasted so much better in a nice flappy roastie vagina

>please refrain from saying roastie.

says the roastie that want's us to think we can't tell theyre whores from looking at their beat out vaginas.

>look at me im TOTES a guy!!

Who summoned me?



do you actually think any women post on this site

Only for work

>and would never think of eating a girl out

ah, another true alpha male spotted. really proves the theory that we're taking over the site.

eating pussy is for """men""" with small dicks

>The roastie thing is a meme, it's a lottery, some vagainas are like that.

It's funny when women try to convince you of things that are totally untrue to protect their egos.

>while the dick of my father, who only showers once a week, never smells.

you smell your dads dick?

I'm here

yes, they make their presence known on every mgtow thread reminding guys who're sick of teir shit and need to vent that "they just havent found the right one" or "stop being so bitter"/ and I think youtube whores promote their shit on Sup Forums.

IF you think women don't use Sup Forums you're retarded. They just lurk because they can't bant.

Her tits are goat tier, but holy fuck her pussy is destroyed.

9/10 "women" on here are trannies desu

christ man, get better things to worry about. you're too caught up in this whole "roastie witch hunt" business. I'm telling you with sincerity that I'm a man and I don't know who this is or who any popular tumblr figures are, because I don't use the fucking site. I come on Sup Forums to shitpost in my free time or play vidya. I suggest you do the same.

I like this episode of television and/or movie

Sometimes tney do though
T.guy who likes to eat both

>rhis triggered over a simple image

Wow I didn't think it was really you, Cates.

Her tits are just big. Nothing special desu. I don't mind her roastie because she was just born with it. Ugly face though which pisses me off bc people think she's all that

sauce? What's wrong with her pussy

>play vidya
I'm not a brainlet


her tits are shit compared to brie

Shes ugly



some true detective episode

then read a book, almost anything is a better use of your mind then browsing tumblr and /r/ mgtow