/IRA/ general
ITT: Ireland's liberation from imperialist Britain, the capitalist system, and general Irish discussion
Thread topic: why Dublin is so fucking expensive.
Thread theme: youtube.com
Also fuck the PSNI. But that's a given.
/IRA/ general
ITT: Ireland's liberation from imperialist Britain, the capitalist system, and general Irish discussion
Thread topic: why Dublin is so fucking expensive.
Thread theme: youtube.com
Also fuck the PSNI. But that's a given.
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There's already a thread, pillock
For fuck sake.
You better shut the fuck up William Fitzpatrick or I will release the Potato Blight on your infested terror-land.
Communists detected
Go die fenian
Brits out.
If you ain't a capitalist, imperialist pig don't go to Belfast tomorrow.
Damn straight.
Fighting the british then giving it away to niggers and mudslimes, white knight cucking on an international level if i may say so.
Ain't no black or Muslim ever called me a taig.
Stickies out. Fuggin gommies.
Commie isn't an insult.
It's a great honor.
Fuck off cunt
I'll never understand how the majority of nationalists claim to be fighting for irish culture and the church, but then simultaneously being dirty fucking socialists
There is simply no point being a """""nationalist"""" if you're not simultaneously a socialist.
Like seriously, the fuck is the point? Grand the British aren't in charge anymore. But the even worse Irish bourgeoisie now run the show, the only way for Ireland to be free is for it to be UNITED and SOCIALIST. Irish nationalism is an anti-imperialist nationalism.
James Connolly knew what's up. Down with capitalism, down with imperialism.
Also free Palestine. Black lives matter.
Down with Israel, down with the USA.
Ireland is too small to be a socialist country without getting involved with supranational organisations like the EU or without gaining an absurd amount of debt. Either way anything "nationalist" about it wouldn't last.
Besides, the country's been quasi socialist for years and it's been a complete disaster
Manc here going to Belfast to do the Game Of Thrones tour next week.
Any tips on things to do, what to expect?
All you need for a country to be socialist is for the workers to control the means of production. IE the country is run by the people.
>Besides, the country's been quasi socialist for years and it's been a complete disaster
The free state is more capitalist than the north, and that's saying a lot. Figures that it's also a shithole.
Honestly Belfast is a perfectly nice place, just be chill and avoid talking about anything contentious.
Especially the police, never talk shit on the police in public.
I hate this attitude with modern SF. "Nationalism is bad except when we Irish do it". Marxism is pretty clear on where it stands on nationalism. The two cannot be one.
Wanting to preserve Irish language,culture and nation is by nature right-wing. Which I've no problem with at all. Just don't dress it up as otherwise. Socialism is k though.
Tour is comfy, I've been on it. Our urban areas many be shit the countryside is nice. The Antrim coast is GOAT tier.
Fuck off paddy, taigs out
>All you need for a country to be socialist is for the workers to control the means of production
But that's the point. We have no means of productions to seize.
>The free state is more capitalist than the north, and that's saying a lot. Figures that it's also a shithole.
Every major party with possibly the exception of Fianna Fáil are left wing, with the spectrum going from centre left to radical. And every other party, besides Renua and the memesters Identity Ireland are strongly left wing. To have a truly conservative party in this country is a death sentence.
Cheers. I've booked a north tour and south tour as I thought it would be a great way to see the countryside of Northern Ireland while also the film sets of Game Of Thrones. So it's a win win.
>I hate this attitude with modern SF.
Honestly I hate SF too, not because of anything to do with nationalism. But because they're liberals who were pussy enough to agree to decommision. They're false socialists rather than false nationalists, and even worse they're a honey-pot of the highest order these days.
>Marxism is pretty clear on where it stands on nationalism. The two cannot be one.
Depends who you listen to. Internationalism is the name of the game. But the ML strain which most socialists since 1917 subscribe to generally accepts anti-imperialist nationalism such as Cuba.
Personally I don't really care about nationalism, I'm much more interested in socialism and revolution.
>Wanting to preserve Irish language,culture and nation is by nature right-wing.
It isn't, this is a very imperialist attitude.
how does it feel to know that even when we "left" we never really left. It was just words to let your idiot leaders save face.
Now all you idiots can do is piss and whine and occasionally drop shitty pipe bombs. Whenever they start to try some thing more it gets pulled out of the hides because of the touts in your own organisation.
This is the real IRA thread.
No, imperialists are who need to get out.
>But that's the point. We have no means of productions to seize.
We do though. Every work place that produces value is a means of production. Farms, shops, hospitals. Anything basically produces something.
>Every major party with possibly the exception of Fianna Fáil are left wing
From Sup Forums's perspective? Certainly.
But from a proper communist perspective they're all sickeningly liberal. It's either go revolution or go home.
LARP thread
>Capitalism worldwide is collapsing every other day
>Imperialist powers are getting stretched thinner and thinner
>Class consciousness is the highest it's been since WW2
>Anyone lost but the bourgeoisie.
This is true.
Take note MI5, no one here is a threat.
You want the refugee flood? You're welcome to them taig friend
I don't care. All the Muslims I've met are infinitely more educated and nice than most Britbongs here.
>Just don't let them touch that glorious bit of Britain above you.
I'm from the North, just in Dublin on holiday and taking advantage of Irish flag posting.
Welshbro here, nice job lads.
Eat the rich anglos, class war now.
>bit of Britain above you.
Do they not teach geography in your pleb comprehensive schools anymore?
>It's another 14 year old fantasizing on Sup Forums episode
>It's another 14 year old fantasizing on Sup Forums episode
So just like every other episode of Sup Forums?
Actually I'm a 19 year old fantasizing on Sup Forums, thank you.
Where you from bai?
Belfast, though not originally.
Says the damn Swedish
At least we're not infested with their crime like you are. They get forced to fall in line or fuck off to their little communities they have and be immigrants there
The Gardai don't have guns but they sure know to deal with disgraceful immigrants
My nigga - if he wasn't a liberal SFer.
Fuck you ya crazed mong USA are grand, BLM is a terrorist group
I'm Irish. My family came from Ireland long ago.
really makes you think
Why are communists so retarded? Venezuela is collapsing as we speak, your bullshit fantasy world doesn't work. What class conscience? People move up and down from class to class all the time, unless they're incapable of getting off the Internet and stopping themselves from making shit excuses all the time
Since I'm not an Anglo, and I can say this without the ''brits out'' card;
Fuck off Ireland. If you want to do something do it the war or the diplomatic way. Being terrorists for a tiny part of your full nation downgrades you shitskin level.
Grow up.
just regular Irish kids
HAHA the nerve of Brits to post this?
Ireland is a meme country
why republicans make the best music
>fiddle-de-dee music
my favorite
Better than Nasheeds
thank god ireland is free
UK has 3 million Muslims and London has a Muslim mayor voted for by the majority non-white British population of your capital.
>Brits out
Blacks in
>>Imperialist powers are getting stretched thinner and thinner
What imperial powers? are we concerned the French may be losing their grip upon Guiana?
The IRA, and the movement in general is a meme at this point.
You've fought for independence how many times, and for how long? And where had it gotten you?
I'd be more sympathetic with the cause if you were actually being oppressed. But your not. Most of your problems come from your own people. It's just a good excuse to chimp out because you guys don't have much going on and are bored.
-An American with English mum
It's not about oppression (though that did happen).
Foreigners still occupy our country and so long as they hold a single inch of it they should face resistance.
Do yot not understand nationalism you spastic?
Fucking hell Brits and Americans just ignore this thread not all of us are this cucked and retarded.
They like to celebrate their nationalism but only to the extent that it upsets Brits once it upsets Muslims they tone it down.
Also we fucking rely on England and America for trade you idiots without Britian we'd be a third world shithole. Remember the economic war? When we taxed british goods and they taxed ours? British Result some minor difficulties with the businesses. Irish result Mass en masse Immigration to America like the fucking famine because now there is no jobs.
Face it you commie fake fenian cunts, Do you think Michael Collins, Padraig Pearse and the others look down at Ireland today with almost entirely Muslim schools, foreigners draining our money on benefits and Polish workers driving down the minimum wage of labour jobs giving the real Irish no chance, Do you think they're thinking wow the people who brought this upon Ireland are true Heroes there's nothing wrong with Ireland and multiculturalism.
You guys are a fucking embarassment and the IRA is shit and they're not serving Ireland's interests, They knee cap weed dealers claiming theyre against drugs but at the same time peddle drugs to the gangs in Dublin and do diesel colouring and whenever there is some sort of peace deal happening they blow shit up. Don't get me wrong the UVF and UDA were worse but the IRA are just a bunch of total fucking scumbags when will you ever wake up?
Dublin looks like morocco and it's stupid to hate the British and at the same time blacks and refugees are taking over your country.
thanks for the laugh today.
I understand nationalism. I also understand that you're fighting for a piece of land, whos inhabitants don't want to be ruled by Irish.
It's like me wanting to conquer Canada because there are some Canadians living there that want to be America to be unified.
Besides, what exactly would you do with Northern Ireland? What rights would inhabitants gain through unification? Nothing would change, except protestants would be discriminated against and attacked, and the standard of living would decrease.
Then you wouldn't have an excuse to run around with guns, blow up cars, and assassinate people. The British are doing you a favor by staying. You get to be criminals and terrorists and claim your political activists.
>Ireland's liberation from imperialist Britain, the capitalist system
>liberation from the capitalist system
Gas yourself you filthy (((gommie)))
>Also free Palestine. Black lives matter.
>Down with Israel, down with the USA.
Ireland, everyone.
>They get forced to fall in line or fuck off to their little communities they have and be immigrants there
And then they grow in solidarity and grow in size until they overtake your cities and rape your women.
Fucking dumb potatonigger.
and here we have it
the fucking paddies are a bunch of leftie communist kike lovers
I was in Crossmaglen a few weeks ago it was pretty dope everyone was friendly
>ITT: Ireland's liberation from imperialist Britain, the capitalist system, and general Irish discussion
>the capitalist system
Taigs are commies. Quelle surprise.
>it was pretty dope
You have to be over 18 to post here
>Don't get me wrong the UVF and UDA were worse
Yet everyone in the world holds the IRA as the go-to "whites can be terrorists too!" group while the vast majority of Americans have never even heard of the UDA
Underrated kek
Reminder that the only good IRA was in the 1920s. The IRA now are bunch of cuck Marxists who want to have Ireland destroyed by foreigners
Spain is actually a relevant country with an interesting history, unlike Ireland
I like Spain
Sorry about the pirates and wars though
Question: if you bitter fenian cunts in NI love Ireland so much why don't you just move down south?
They already live in Ireland
This Op need to be car bombed
Oh. Northern Ireland was a part of the UK last time I checked.
Yes OP needs to be strung up like the traitor he is.
Burger on holidays here
Why are Irish parents such cucks? Why do you let your fucking teenage daughters dress literally worse than some prostitutes in America? Fucking degenerate scum.
Just send all the rapefugees to Ireland.
Because they have been brainwashed by globalist kikes. The grandparents are based.
The sign reads Please Replace my People in are Home country because when your population matches are we will give you apart of are country..
Please do something, potatobro. I've been to many European countries, both Western and Eastern and in no other country have I seen so many 12 year olds wearing miniskirts and so much fucking makeup. This shouldn't be legal.
And the other 50% are not Irish
Stayed with Irish grannies on my last vacation. Nan's were based and kept the house spotless cooked amazing food were super nice etc. One of the men made sexual advances on my sister though.
If we went back to our old traditional ways and back to the Church then the young ones would stop being degenerates.
Sadly its the cucked people from the cities that want to see Ireland lose its culture and sovereignty for rapefugees. These are the same people who say that we should not bother learning Irish and that we would be better off learning Chinese. I hate these cunts so much.
I want to move to Ireland. Ancestral roots, married, she's a teacher and I'm a merchant sailor, officer. Any room for us?
typical irish