How would batman handle riots

how would batman handle riots
1: he can not harm innocent civilians (this includes tear gassing)
2: he can not leave

my question is simple how would batman handle riots of large scale being able to apprehend criminals and control the peace
with out hurting people i mean i know he can take out big gangs of about 5-9 people from the arkham games but how does he
handle small armies without hitting them, look at these vids police can't attack and apprehend rioters without bringing in the whole crowd sure there
are riot police trained to do that but you still need a big group of riot police to handle the situation.
i really don't think batman can do anything he's useless

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If you're rioting then your not innocent.

He cant batman would have no hope in hell of stoping a riot he would have to try and talk them down.

Although as shit as gotham is they dont seem to riot very often.

Why dont you just make a batman hate thread?

You are pathetic, make a thread about a character you like, this isnt a hug box for you to cry about a fictional guy also try to be less obvious, there's a entire crossover about riots, while no man's land exists you can't ask this stupid question

He can, batman only needs speakers and tell people to go home, also the police just needs to say theres a bomb nearby with a megaphone, its gotham, chances are its true.

If you're rioting you're not innocent. He goes full Comedian on their asses.

dude its not a batman hate thread i legit would like to know if batman has handled a large civilian riot
without hurting them just like how many police try

>(this includes tear gassing)

cause some types of tear gas and sleep gas can kill

Short anser no you need numbers for that.
Flash and superman could do it.

>he's never read Dark Knight Rises
If you're rioting, if you're looting, then you're fair game.


fuck it's late... what am I still doing on here?

I was just wondering, guise, if I'm the only one who was disappointed in this film.

With the Anti-Riot Spray.

People who are setting fire to structures and vehicles, looting businesses, and lynching people on account of how they were born are not innocent.


here you go

Shoot missiles into the Chemical Factory, flooding the streets with caustic gas.
By Balebat's standards he hasn't harmed them, and he doesn't have to save them.

Batfleck would of course just chaingun parked cars and engulf them in explosions.

By bringing in all of his allies. Batgirl, Robin, Nightwing, Batwoman, Batwing etc. Batman rarely operates alone when something large-scale is happening. Nobody getting hurt is unrealistic, but they were all trained to subdue people with as little fuss as possible.
He also probably has sonic gadgets that work for crowd control.

>Although as shit as gotham is they dont seem to riot very often.
I think anyone who lives in Gotham has just kind of resigned to the hell of the city's day-to-day existence.

>Batfleck would of course just chaingun parked cars and engulf them in explosions.
I think OP's talking about making sure bystanders aren't getting caught in the crossfire.

This is Batman tear gas there's literally no chance in hell that it would kill someone

Gas the entire city and make everyone go temporary blind or death or both then punch criminals and take civilians to a safe place
>bu-bu-buh he can't do that
Yes he can

Considering this , he could manage the situation by his usual way: fighting. If women or in general people not used to fights are involved, then he just have to use less strenght against said individuals, while kicking hard the ass of regular thugs.