Post yfw when you see this fucking shit. What the fuck?
Post yfw when you see this fucking shit. What the fuck?
Why would the niggers even want to claim the cultural heritage of a bunch of deer fucking pagans.
my sides
this is what happens when the PC board at a book publishing company goes... It don't mattah nemore non of this mattahs
What is there to say? It's ridiculous, like everything else about modernity.
Hemm yw amendyans an istori. Ev yw omsettya war agan ertach ha honanieth.
Better then child molesting jew worshippers
The writing says:
>The Celts
>Eat, write, live and play like the Celts.
It's not a history book on the Celts. That kid isn't supposed to represent anyone of Celtic heritage. It's an educational activity book for children.
Unless you think that black children aren't allowed to have fun activities that teach them about the Celts, I see absolutely nothing wrong with this cover.
It's just another alt-right, tumblr-tier temper tantrum over nothing.
Literally WE WUZ tier bullshit.
Did people with women's studies degrees overrun the world?
You wouldn't see anything wrong because it's not your identity that's been subject to attack. Let black children celebrate their own history and their own ancestors, and let our children celebrate ours.
>That kid isn't supposed to represent anyone of Celtic heritage. It's an educational activity book for children.
For French kids. About a white culture.
Where does the chimp fit in, Dr Bongo?
I'm 1/4 Irish and 1/4 Scottish. I literally have a Celtic knot tattoo on shoulder. I read books on Celtic history and mythology. I identify more as Celtic than any other ethnic group.
And I still don't care if some black kid wants to read a Celtic themed children's activity book. What the fuck is wrong with you?
>French kids
>where does the chimp fit in?
Ever been to Paris?
It was created by a republican press publishers whose goal is to destroy the regional indentities, a breton was even forced to flee prosecution in Japan because he said the "Celts weren't blacks"
*tips fedora*
Just look at the French soccer team :^)
Nobody cares what you "identify as," you're an American.
The apparent innocuousness of this type of thing only indicates just how wickedly subtle the indoctrination of the youth today is. What this is, is nothing but the relativisation of the very concept of ethno-cultural identity, the implication being that "nobody in particular has any special claim to these historical people, or to history in general, or to language, because these things belong to everybody." Further, it intentionally communicates that blacks or other foreigners have always been present in European society since the earliest days, and that, consequently, any attempt to stem their immigration to Europe is acting contrary to the historical reality. This is precisely the reason why we see so many black actors in historical and quasi-historical films about European history: to normalise them as important and active participants in that history. This is base revisionism for modern political purposes, a direct assault on our heritage, and a direct assault on our youth.
The cover isn't in the least bit targeted at black children, by the way, but at white children.
>My ancestry is mostly German and Celtic
they tried that with Latvians