What are some good movies where the overconfident villain loses in the end?
What are some good movies where the overconfident villain loses in the end?
almost literally every film with a villain
this is all setup for her inevitable victory in the sequel
>not the guy uprooting families, turning his back on climate change, and supporting literal dictators
Image unrelated????
Der Untergang
To be fair 3 million is a lot to "win" by. Still lost though so get fucked
as much as I dislike drumpf, seeing images like OP give me a hit of schadenfreude dopamine
Liberals are so fucking pathetic
Hillary Clinton was a dumbfuck to be sure but Trump is an even bigger one. It's even more embarrassing that Hillary lost to such a petulant manchild.
>t. butthurt berniebro
>uprooting criminal invaders
>refusing to cuck US industry in name of virtue signalling bullshit
>supporting literal dictators?
Wut? HIlldog and Obama literally destroyed Libya and tried to destroy Syria. The migrant crisis is 100% their creation and the US was - due to them - actively financing and arming Al-Qaeda and ISIS affiliates.
Then there's their "free money lmao" deal for Iran.
Fucking libtards man.
because she acted like a shrill cunt and didn't even try to appeal to the biggest voting base in america: white middle class men
nah, bernie was cancer too
there were no viable candidates this election cycle
like Empire Strikes Back?
she didn't appeal to white women either, remember they were a key demographic in his victory
you mean Coherence (2013)?
>you mean Coherence (2013)
white middle class men are going extinct. minorities will become the majority, and that's great
good call
lmao remember the retards saying Trump was a Hillary plant?
Who did she even appeal to?
In my entire area, I didn't see a single Clinton/Kaine or "I'm with Her" bumper sticker.
Only Trumps and Bernies.
And it's supposed to be a mystery as to how she lost?
thanks, I'll check it out
I'd like to add this one btw
She already said she's never running for office again.
All jokes aside I think we all know that white men are the ones keeping society going.
>hurr this guy is a stupid knucklehead and couldn't possibly try to kill me xd
those kikes had it coming
>globalist cocksucker
>wanted to destroy culture of many European nations
>shitty painter
>shitty writer
>shitty military strategist
>shitty economic ideals
>didn't think Japs were subhuman
>didn't think Arabs were subhuman
>preference of architecture is a cultural black hole
>triggered a mass Exodus of kikes to a superpower that lasts at least one century
>made it impossible to be right wing and successful in politics even though he leans to the left
>wiped out a generation of strong men
Go back to leftypol you LARPing ape
and you believe anything she says, huh
the clintons are an inoperable cancer at this point
>What are some good movies where the overconfident villain loses in the end?
Indeed, I would like to see some movies about Trump's impeachment and the implosion of the alt-right which keeps insisting "There's totally nothing in that Russia investigation, it's just a witch hunt."
>it's a femtard gets btfo episode
This was Worst Emma's face during the Fargo season 2 finale, I kid you not
Any day now.
lmfao I thought you couldn't possibly be this dumb, leftypol
Based Lou
>Americans living up to the stereotype of them being stupid as fuck
you know I never really thought "wow women are fucking stupid why are they considered equal" until the last few years
S2 finale was trash, kill yourselves. And Lou was a shit tier character. I don't care about feminism, the UFOs were too much retardation for me to handle. Fucking Hawley jumped the shark. Season 3 was the best overall but again the finale was shit. At least it didn't have UFO fuckery though.
Women ARE stupid. But thinking Trump himself is not a retard is also stupid.
>156 IQ
He wanted to unify the European continent under one flag, language, and culture. He supported the violent imperialism in Japan and Persia as well. >>>/leftypol/
>hurr durr spoonfeed me in the finale
Found the brainlet
learn some geopolitics shill
Thinking people aren't stupid is stupid.
Reminder that if democrats didn't try to force the worst possible person the country Donald Trump would never have had a chance to be elected.
Democrats, you elected Trump.
>blut und boden and lebensraum are equal to wanting to rule the whole world
I bet you think Hitler was like a real life version of The Brain
What a climax. One of the best days of my life.
Pretty much.
But she "beat both of them."
But it was her turn, she earned it, she was the most qualified candidate in the history of presidential elections
I'm still euphoric over that night, I haven't even followed politics since other than the inauguration.
And even as a Patriots fan the election still beats it.
>alt right
Nah, that's shifting the responsibility from the 50 million retarded fucks who actually went to vote and voted for Trump.
What did she mean by this?
You're welcome sweetie
Anyone got the pic of the Washington Post article about Hillary smugly laughing with a woman about how they don't need the white male vote.
She literally won by 3 million votes you delusional alt-rightard
That's ok, Trump won't get a second term.
it had me on the edge of my seat, what a race
I'm not even American, but it definitely matters for the whole world and I also had placed a bet for The Donald. I was afraid I would lose it with how tight it was.
nice, saved
have another hillpepe and wonald for ironic shitposting purposes :^)
t. increasingly nervous man
What contest did she win and what was the prize?
>popular vote "wins"
>spoon and egg races
Honey-buns, don't get your panties in a twist.
I love living in alternate realities too
Someone post the "Hillary's campaign may have been too smart to win" thing
I had a weird dream the other day where I ran into her and her entourage at an airport. She said she was sick and would probably be dead by the end of the year. She then asked me to suck her toes and I gtfo.
only about 35% of those voted for Trump in the primaries, everyone else came out to vote against Hillary Clinton.
>you will never relive election day
This is a real tweet.
Reminder, everyone outside of California hates Californians.
Even half of california hates california
You know, the loss will eat at her every day for the rest of her life. Feels pretty good, desu.
Why are Drumpftards so obsessed with this. Fucking move on
>She then asked me to suck her toes and I gtfo.
>and I gtfo
found the flaming faggot
this one is even better
kek, stay butthurt
>lose to a nigger
>lose to a reality tv star
Hope it kills her.
She "says" a lot of things.
>tfw to smart to be president of the united states
>millions of illegals voted after Obama told them to go ahead
>dead people voted Hillary
George Soros machines that counted Trump votes for Hillary
>repeat voters across multiple states for Hillary
>even now as we speak most states have not reported theor voter data tot he federal voter fraud commission thanks to democrats obstructing to stop the reporting of that info
>She literally won by 3 million votes you delusional alt-rightard
Sure she did. A woman who could not fill a junior high gym with supporters so she had the camera zoom in the camera with her few supporters stacked up behind her while she gave speeches to empty rooms beat a guy who filled arenas everywhere he went in the popular vote, right?
Stay retarded
Yeah we'll have Detroit, Baltimore and st. Louis on a national stage. I can't wait.
There's totally nothing in that Russia investigation, it's just a witch hunt.
I hate trump as a person, I think he's shit but I'm 100% behind his policies and pretty much anyone else who is against the political left in the world.
So while trump was my last choice he's still better than any democrat, or left of center person.
>I hate trump as a person, I think he's shit but I'm 100% behind his policies and pretty much anyone else who is against the political left in the world.
same here
I wouldn't have minded Hillary if she hadn't pandered to the sjw left and blm crowd. I like the clintons of the 1990s;
pretty much
>george soros machines
lmao Sup Forumstards
because soros is on a charity board with someone who is on the board of a voting machine company that wasn't even used in the election he controls the machines?
>hand over the delegates, barack
>you know I won
Illegal aliens are criminals and deserve it.
Man made climate change is a lie
and your third opinion is nonsense.