What does Sup Forums thinks
My country doesnt allow jews and gipsies to presidency candidates
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You mean your future caliphate.
t.shekelstein goldberg.
Must be a Utopian paradise free of degeneracy.
>Future caliphate
you're half-white, pretty good compared to albania, but pretty bad compared to other european countries.
Your "country" is still one of the biggest shitholes in Europe. You are Saudi's lapdogs
Nigga pls, Bosnian muslims are mudslimes only by tradition, like 90% are drinking mothafuckers who never got into mosque nor give a shit about religion.
Fuck of Ante.
Austrian dude is in control really, but he doesnt give a shit.
SDA are Turkish lap dogs (Bosniacs)
SNSD Serbian
HDZ Croatian
>free of degeneracy
>Except the wahhabi villages that won't let you enter if you aren't a mudslime
Mosques funded by oil money will change that.
I hope they bomb those motherfuckers.
you've got there
I always knew that I will have to get Polish woman...
that's not true you retard
they allow T*rks though
bosniaks don't deserve to breathe
>they allow T*rks though
Milo pls don t be a retard.
>Nigga pls, Bosnian muslims are mudslimes only by tradition, like 90% are drinking mothafuckers who never got into mosque nor give a shit about religion.
what lies, your whole muslim part of that "country" cheered for turkey, erdogan and dovutoglu just few months ago, if you didn't care about religion you would turn back to Orthodoxy or Catholicism, what muslim tradition are you talking about? 300-400 years max, you were Christian for 600 years before that, and even before that you were faraons and sheet
but you are, my son
Are Muslim European's Turkic? I'm Iraqi Assyrian-Christian and if we could sustain why couldn't they?
>Bosnian muslims are mudslimes only by tradition
delicious takiya
>called Ahmed, Selim, Mehmed
>called themselves ''Turks'' in late 19th century
>pray for Erdogan
how are you not Turks?
you're just especially retarded ones who couldn't even learn Turkish
Milo is burning your kebab ass
Why the fuck would anyone who isnt retard be relgious in 21st century.
Why the fuck would anyone who isnt retard be called Ahmed, Selim, Mehmed in 21st century.
because my grandfather didn't convert so he could retain privileges or fuck over his own people, so I feel no shame about being Christian
I don't wanna lose my identity to make you feel more comfortable
rightful Serbian clay
t. Ismail Amidžić
it's actually Serb-Croatian
it's not even a real region
it's just Ottoman administrative border that survived during Austrian and later communist rule
I piss my pants laughing whenever they evoke some ''historical Bosnia''
they might've had some identity in medieval period, but right now in Bosnia live Serbs, Croats and Turkish remnants
bosnians are literally the niggers of the balkans
it's just some self-hating Sarajevo cuck probably named Damir or Denis. proper Bosniaks hate you djikane with a passion.
t. Roman Osmanovski
that doesn't reflect reality since shitload of those ''Bosniaks'' don't even live in Bosnia, they just come there to declare as such on census
you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt
tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey
>Having Serbitches infesting cuntry
t.Muhammad Pasa
>defending muzies
Makes perfect sense actually
same goes for other the two minorities as well. 200 of those 400k Croats live in Zagreb as any Cuckvat here could attest. Same goes for S*rbs.
The Yugoslav myth of brotherhood was just a myth still perpetuated only by middle class cucks like OP. Anyone who doesn't like it here will eventually move out eventually - time is on our side.
t. Heinrich Wewuss Larpovič
>t. Servi Rapebabyvič
Does it hurt your butt when people aren't on your side?
[I'm a tractorstarter, twisted tractorstarter]
>Does it hurt your butt when people aren't on your side?
If its swedish cuckboys who arent on my side then no
You mean Croatian, Serbs have no right to breathe let alone own land. They are the worst of all Slavs.
serbs are literally the niggers of europe
prove me wrong
protip you cant
Pick one
Gib republika srpska!
ayoooo hey girl u wan sum fuk?
Ummm the smell of fresh kebab
ohh look 2Pac
Not even that.
Oh.. I thought it didn't matter... Who do you want to he on your team then, papa russya? Or mommie merika? Does it make you feel good if somebody who's irrelevant half a world away likes you? :D
I really really want to ask you Balkaniggers about how you think Politics and Allegiances work. Is it the same as social interactions? Is a friend status important?
god damn i love defending white europe!
>snowniggers cant into english, the post
When everyone who can moves out, there will only stay people like you, Golf II driving hicks.
"To call someone a Serb today is to use a concept constructed in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries out of a combination of religion, language, history and the person’s own sense of identification: modern Bosnian Serbs can properly describe themselves as such, regardless of Vlach ancestry. But it is still slightly piquant to think, when one hears so-called right-wing Russian politicians talking about the need to defend their ancient Slav brothers in Bosnia, that the one component of the Bosnian population which has a large and identifiable element of non-Slav ancestry is the Bosnian Serbs."
serv vlachs BTFO how can they ever recover??
Politics and Allegiances, we fuck eachother every chance we get.
A perfect combination of edge and autism
how can such disgusting servs even exist today??look at video to see how pathetic these people are
they got some croat nigger gens so its not a suprise
This is why the entire region should be purged. Unreliable kikes.
>uhh.. Imma pertend it was bed writing
Arguments: 0
[pali traktor i melje hrvate tanjiracom po njivi]
man serbs are such noble white europeans i swear!
t.ante koji je prihvatio muslimane kao hrvate
this bitch is a millionaire and i'll never even make enough money to buy a house
Nah, he's Analbanian
>Terrible grammar
>Shit filenames
>Uses "Servs"
>Obvious inferiority complex
man i love removing kebab!
I dont know mane, it looks like a typical Aussie shitposter.
Bosnians of Sup Forums
You need to bring your diaspora back. I say this cuz I respect you. Here in Sweden, they are acting like wiggers and they are hanging with MENA-immigrants. Bring them home and uncuck them.
>Aussie shitposter
Give us more credit than that.
Try not to cry to NATO about it.
genocide em
I wish we dropped a nuke on the Balkans
>time is on our side
>entire non-Muslim world is getting tired of Muslim shit
>thinking Serbs will move out of Bosnia completely
that only potentially relates to Serbs and Croats, T*rks were never our brothers
leave this thread nobody rly want you or wants your opinion so fuck off.
look at all this enrichment servs bring to germany!
No I don't.
>Dennis Masser
>Dennis Masser
now you're getting desperate
The best way to meke them go away is to ignore them completely and they just give up then. You should really thry it. Also filters
1999 best year of my life
> Youngster Dennis Masser is one of the five alleged attackers, all from Serbian immigrant families, who filmed the horrific attack on the girl, also aged 14.
>all from Serbian immigrant families
>Serbian immigrant families
I'm not sure how long it can make it. But since I'm anti-war, I'll support whole BiH for as long as it's possible.
A lot of gypsies say they're Serbian or Romanian.
Hello Serb diaspora, got cucked by an abbo recently?
On a more serious note a country that actually celebrates all of its military defeats is a bit of pathetic.
All the kebab removal meme is just a self hatred for being half kebab them self, fuck Serbs they have spreed there asshole to Turkish scum only to survive while the rest of the Europe bled to retain its dignity.
>pic related routed Turk advance into Europe with 400 Croats
can`t accept that he`s not wanted somewhere starts making albanian tier arguments WEW LAD
>A lot of gypsies say they're Serbian or Romanian.
implying there's a difference lmao
literally who cares you retarded fuck, you're probably Albanian, why are you throwing bricks when you live in a glass house?
I never got this idiotic mentality when Albanians pretend Serbs or Greeks or Macedonians are criminals, or non-white, when Albanian is literally synonym for criminal in West and everyone here looks more or less same
what's the point of this when you're objectively shittier then everyone else here by a wide margin in every fucking aspect?
why are you not in Albania, if it's so great?
>he thinks this is balkan reddit with safe spaces
Do you forget where you are?
hmm really makes you think
Srbin anti-war da nisi neki retardirani burzuj koji ne komunicira sa ljudima i misli da svi mozemo da zivimo zajedno i komunista je ?
>celebrates all of its military defeats
>posts a military defeat (Turks captured fortress)
I know you ustaša types aren't exactly bright but c'mon
>rest of the Europe bled
yeah Croats alone stopped Turks
not all the other far more relevant assets of global Hapsburg empire
what a dingus
Nisam komunista ali sam protiv rata.
>inb4 t. 'DJB intelektualac'
but saudis buying all the land is ok ...
>Albanians on the rapes in Germany
wew lad
>cucked by Hungarians, Germans and Turks for a sum of 100 years
>Wins one out of two wars in the past 1000 years, with (((international))) support.
>Pretends they wuz Aryan mustard race
>had homosex with kebabs during WWII and 90s
*sum of 1000 years
>implying i`m from reddit
>implying you can buthurt me just by posting 1999 best year of my life
>implying you are not stupid for making albanian tier arguments
but i`m not suprised you are from america so you were born and raised stupid
servs are nothing but criminals who should be deported to their homeland in turkey