You can only post in this thread if your country has nukes :^)
You can only post in this thread if your country has nukes :^)
They're not yours gypsy.
Didn't know wooden caravans can carry the weight of nukes!
I'm launching them into your moms!
Careful, I hear summer ends soon.
Better leave now walking diabetes
by using gypsy magic?
>be eurotard
>go on american website
>on american invented internet
>on american invented electricity
>on american invented computer screens
>on american communication satellites
> then proceed to shit post about how america isn't the greatest.
Probably right after you
>drive in american invented automobiles
>text with an american invented cell phone
>use american invented light bulbs
>watch american tv series
>listen to american music
>eat american grown food
>live in a free democratic society defended by two world wars and a cold war won solely by America
Why are you such cucks?
Fuck off Chad, you don't even have running water.
>Tfw took DNA test and always thought I was 100% Croatian but have 30% Romanian gypsy DNA in my
My entire life was a lie and I feel like killing myself
>internet was invented by a jew
>pc were invented by a syrian (steve jobs)
>Sup Forums was invented by a japanese and copied by a cuck
>Sup Forums serves are in germany
>this is what burgers unironically believe
kek that level of brainwashing is north korean tier
Or just jew tier
Shut the fuck up you crooked toothed mohammad you lost all rights to have an opinion
choke on a fucking willy you inbred billy
o i am laffing
grats gypsy you're a russian target now
I always wondered why I wasnt as tall as my cousins and was sickly looking and that explained it. Gypsy DNA. I hate Romania so much you ruined my genetics.
>american education
>implying we're not on Putin's side and will just use your nukes on you
>implying you poor fucks aren't flocking to the UK for muh benefits
I guess you copied daddy Turkey after being their bitch for a few centuries, huh...
not Romania fault.
i will at this time, not confirm wheather we are or are not allowed to post in this thread
>owning nukes
>I guess you copied daddy Turkey after being their bitch for a few centuries, huh...
literally never happened
yes hello
Yes it is it's Romania's fault for existing. I hate you gypsies.
>Implying you have any control over the nukes
>Implying there is anyone in your country competent enough to figure out how to launch them accurately
>Implying your country is anything more than a geopolitical pawn
>Implying your country doesn't bend the knee when America rolls into your land
How does it feel?
Romanians score 99.8% european on genetic tests, and never south asian like gypsies.
gypsies today make up to 4-5% of Romania and were used all of them as slaves.Romanians were literally selling your ancestors for 10$ 150 years ago, untill slavery was abolshed so watch your mouth.
>implying you're not a retarded fat faggot
America wasn't really involved in WW1 compared to us , greatest ally of WW2 .
Delete this you useless maggot
>gypsies today make up to 4-5% of Romania
Doesn't mean much when your entire country has adopted the gypsy way of life
Mancamiai curu
>Doesn't mean much when your entire country has adopted the gypsy way of life
when did this happen?Do you get your information from UK media?
Don't call my nation gypsy , you sperm worm.I'm a sensitive guy, so i might bang your mother ass untill she cries.
Nu te apara coae doar ataca daca ma intelegi:))
what about that other 0.2%?
>being in this much denial
Funny, because I swore the Romanian principalities praid tribute to the Sultan after the Ottoman conquest of the Balkans...
Nah, I must be wrong. It's not like you Eastern Europeans are so full of yourselves that you refuse to admit any failures or anything...
We were there for the remaining 2 years, I think. We did some good there and Def bolstered europeam morla with fresh troops, equipment and tactics.
we paid tribute but we weren't like bulgaria of greece
>mfw this legit triggers eurokeks
and what if we payed tribute?That does not mean we were bitch.We were vassals at most, thats the most ottomans could do to us, if they tried anything else they would have been butchered like before.We literally won every war vs ottomans.We also had benefit from ottomans, like defence from russians or other european attacks.
and we are not even in balkans you dumb fuck.
This reply proves my point. You got nothing! The only thing Romania has provided to the world is Dracula, think about that.
Get off Sup Forums and try to make your country a place where your citizens actually want to live instead of fucking off to Western Europe/America/Canada. When you're smart enough to fix the overwhelming stray dog population in your country, we can have a talk, until then, don't act like your of any importance. I'm willing to work in baby steps considering your a bunch of gypsies. Don't expect too much, and neither does the rest of the world.
Romania is a country at the perifery of Europe and neither part of the catholic heresy, so Romania being attacked always by 3 Empires made us very weak in term of civilization, at most we were agral and later industrial country.
Nicolae Paulescu - insulin(Nobel stolen by jews)
First Oil Refinery(Lazar Edeleanu) and oil drilling machine(A.A. Beldiman)
Stefan Odobleja - cybernetics
Anastase Dragomir - ejection seat
Ioan Cantacuzino - cholera vaccin
Petrache Poenaru - fountain pen
Henri Coanda - invented first jet engine (Coanda plane -1910 50 horse power)
Traian Vuia - invented first plane to fly without ramp
Victor Babeş - first treaty of bacteorology
D. Hurmuzescu - discovers the electroscope
Emil Racoviţă - inventor of biospeology and first Speology Institute
Augustin Maior - multiple telephony
Gh. Marinescu - first to treat general paralysia
Gheorghe Botezatu - calculated in 1920 the Earth - Moon trajectory for Apollo
Ana Aslan - first Geronto-Geriatry Institute
Well as much as im enjoyng the bantz.
>Romanians score 99.8% european on genetic tests
They actualy don't.There is a prety big turanic (And prety small numbers mongolic) influence upon the population.Or do we all forget that part where we spent almost near 1K years being regulary invaded by Nomadic hordes?Or the actual REAL genetic tests wich prove it?So no.They are farm from the dream off 99% bure youropean blood.
At least lets be honest about this shit.
P.S: Uk is shit.First nuke used should go into them.I vote hungary as second target.
Stop speaking gypsy, youre embarassing yourself and country.
The ones from city score 99% european, the ones from village are for sure 99.8%.
>Uk is shit.First nuke used should go into them
Oh noes, where would you go to pickpocket then?
>on(e) american invented internet
Checks out.
>on(e) american invented electricity
Not only electricity couldn't be invented, but bullshit regarding who done it.
>on(e - seriously, what the fuck is wrong with your typing) american invented computer screens
From what I read, we only know that it was invented by some researchers employed by Xerox. Xerox is an american (initially at least) firm, but employs all kinds of people and subcompanies.
>drive in american invented automobiles
>text with an american invented cell phone
Checks out.
>use american invented light bulbs
checks out though it's worth noting that Edison could only achieve what he did by building upon developments presented by an Italian, Englishman and possibly Canadians (though most inventions nowadays are built upon others).
Rest is just fooling around till this shit happens:
>eat american grown food
Your country does rather shitty when it comes to food. Oh sure, you make plenty, but most European stuff is cheaper and of better quality and most European countries simply do not important much of American foodstuffs. Hell, even US companies in Europe use local ingredients processed in local factories for their branded goods whenever it is feasible (ie those things are actually grown in Europe).
Being proud of your country's achievements is one thing, but try to not be an ignorant shithead about it, otherwise you stoop down to the level of Romanian shitposter who provoked you.
I'm actually just fucking around. Visiting Bucharest was one of the best experiences of my life. I could see myself living in places like Pitesti, Ploiesti, and Sinaia. The people were overwhelmingly great. Warm and friendly, treated me like one of their own.
You don't have any niggers or muslims, which is an important factor in standard of living and future outlook of a country. You will always have us beat in that regard.
I plan to travel to Romania many times before I die.
Why not visit Brasov if you were near Pitesti already?
Brasov is the best looking town desu
Thats actualy an interesting test.It kind off contradicts the ones I have read altough,but its hard to say at this point wich one is even truth.Altough,the gypsy ones are prety hilarious.They are not even geneticaly gypsies in general as I suspected and rather some sort off midleeastern mix.Ofc real gypos are probabily present there and there wich can be easly identified by facial features and so on.But on average they always seemed prety midle eastern rather then off south asian descent (I.E india)
The gypsy presented in that study obviously had college and was educated(thus he knew about 23andme), so he was mixed with european(romanian).The large majority of gypsies are pure gypsies.
I should have. But I visited on a whim and didn't know much about the country beforehand. Bucharest was a given to visit, but after that I moved around randomly, never had plans laid out before hand. Just went where the road took me. Still had an awesome time.
the great aryan nation of romania is quickly rising on my best shitposters list
I should note that I visited to play poker in Bucharest. There were good cash games being played there at the time. I ended up winning 28,000 RON my first week at the platinum casino. Then I spent the rest of my time wandering the country. Can't even remember a lot of the names of places, but the Medieval Towns felt like taking a step back in time. They felt more authentic than a lot of the old towns in Europe. And of course the Danube was a sight to see, because of everything i had hears about it in history.
All in all, Romania is a beautiful place with a rich culture. I hope you guys can improve your economy more.
>Brasov is best
>better than Sibiu
>NA education
i un-ironically hate Romania
This is how gypsis operate. They steal. Have fun dealing with this subsubhumans.
Fuck you I'll do what i want. Enjoy your imminent destruction nuclear cucks. Meanwhile, I'll be comfy here raising a beautiful white family in my nuclear free country after you faggots blow each other up.