I heard chess is homophobic, sexist, against the poor and racist.
I heard chess is homophobic, sexist, against the poor and racist
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Which is exactly why I play it.
It's fun once in a while but really a pretty lousy game it being repetitive, predictable under a certain rating level and flawed because the theory is very advanced. Only pretentious dorks take it seriously mostly.
Forgot picture
kys you fucking nerd.
It is, that's why smart people play it. ;^)
I've been teaching a girl to play, and it's amusing how incomplete her thought is. The opportunity to wage an attack during the passing of initiative is totally lost on her.
I enjoy the game, however. Especially between new acquaintances.
any of you noobs want to play with me
Hey, that's interesting.
Haha, I've been telling a lot of stories lately to draw parallels to a type of thinking I'm trying to describe.
I guess this time it has strayed too close to blogging with the mention of a woman. Sorry, but I only meant it to be a quick topic of discussion. Feel free to ignore it.
N'ah i get it.
That was fucking badass. I've never been so sure of my attacks.
>not playing strip chess
What are you? A fucking queer?
It's not homophobic, since bishops are involved.
well then
dammit that got me
I heard this is a slide thread and a PSYOP.
Sage and move along
I heard you were a shill now kys faggot
>rated players used to say that washington sq park players back in the days used to be grandmaster level
>most probably died due to overdose or are in jail
>now-a-days players at washington sq aren't even close