>Start dating a chink
>White women all start acting passive aggressive, especially in public
Why does this happen? I thought liberals wanted diversity?
Start dating a chink
Not me, my wife is English-Dutch, but the previous thread was fucking glorious
I have the same problem.
im dating a black girl and most people assume we are american tourists
im greatly offended
i swear i just saw the exact same thread an hour ago
Remember white women are vapid whores well most of them at least and childish. Remeber that one kid or siblings who had a toy that they never played with or cared about and when someone else came along and tryed to play with it they would throw a tantrum and start crying that my freind is most white womens mentality when it comes to me race mixing
Isn't the same thing true when white guys see a black guy with any thing but a black girl?
Well its on them if they sperg out but literally who cares if a nog is dating a white girl she'll probably end up a single mom or something
I think that last 50-70 years of a multi-racial mess helps us to weed out elements that have a miscegenation potential. Let's see this madness before the purge as a purity challenge. 30% native Sweden will be 30% in-group loyal Swedes who went through the challenge, whereas 98% native Sweden was a place full of cucks.
>dating chinese girl with lots of family here
>her aunts are between 40-50 years old
>all still look amazing
>skinny to normal figure, long black hair, fair skin
>sister and my female cousins always keep asking why i wouldn't want a """healthy dutch woman""" and how fake her family looks
>sister looks a bit like pic related at 25 and unironically thinks she looks better than a qt petite asian girl
Date a good Dutch girl. But you are lost cause for the White Race.
>a good Dutch girl
White race is not real
They want you to have a dumbass, half shit colored baby
Not a hybrid white master/asian smsrts baby
Not in Turkey I suppose
White women are obsolete and have been replaced by submissive Asians that worship White cock.
My wife is English-Dutch Aussie, her whole family voted for One Nation and they are really Jew-wise. I know a lot of based racist Dutch Aussies, Kiwis and Saffas.
White women are mad that they don't have sideways pussies.
Asian women actually exhibit elements of self responsibility. White women are typically wholly irresponsible and made stupid decisions. Makes it hard to back em.
A pity they all left then. Most girls here are boring trash.
Asian internet defense force is early today
>a good Dutch girl
Most here aren't that keen on settling down. They want to drink, party and """travel""" (aka ride the cock carousel). A shitload also stop caring about how they look once they hit late twenties; they get fat, get a shitty SJW haircut and complain about how hard being healthy is.
I wouldn't mind going for a white girl, but ironically it's easier to find a decent Asian (or even Hispanic) girl here than it is to find a marriage-worthy Dutch one.
gook/chinkie birds always reminds me of that grasping greedy one in Bad Santa
I just want to know... why they're so dang cute...
I was about to say the same thing. Your women are useless. Not that German women are better.
toothpaste pls only americans can racemix
Asians never bought into the feminism bullshit.
White women shame them in order to spread their jewish ideology further.
The best thing is, they may look underage. But in reality they're not. The best of both worlds
Chinks do nothing for me I just can't find mongoloids sexy
Time for a reality check
Asians triggers the white women aaand the liberals, we need to import more of them and race mix with them.
And since both race have an IQ above 100 there is no problem to racemix with them unlike with niggers or other inferior races.
>be Sup Forums
>want WMAF
>get ugly Asian
The irony and hypocrisy
its them scary fucking big eyes innit
Yeah, we're fucked my brethren.
Asian women are pretty rare here.
How do I get asian gf
>the hypocrisy of pol the post
Leave Amsterdam or Rotterdam for once. Race-mixing is horrendous. Gooks are subhuman.
This is what you end up with when WMAF happens
>rapes gook daughter up her arse weeew ..
doesnt get charged ..lel
the woman that give OP looks were probably conservative.
There's no Asians out here so we have to racemix with spics.
What's it like? Are they actually super obedient and shit or is that a meme?
You don't and KYS
>import more of them and race mix with them.
I thought you are a bit tired of the regular shootings in France
It's called stop being a hypocritical cuck
Racemixing among light skinned high iq races isnt as damaging as mixing with brown skinned low iq trash
Even the biggest race realist will admit that
>Aniki and Zun
Why is japanese internet subculture better?
>implying there is a difference
says the kebabed lib cucked sissy boi Kek
That's like saying,
The effects of x virus is less deadly than y virus
Dont project your fetishes on me Paki
>this is what Sup Forums want
>The effects of x virus is less deadly than y virus
Worst Case people will end up looking like Finns or Slavs but at least there will be a future. You wont get that with niggers
>be pol
>asians are bros
>act nigger towards them
How very Dare You
I aint a paki ...*angry*
I would invade your shit tier nation an put you in ovens but your already invaded kraut
People end up uglier than before
Beats this any day
t. turkroach
There was this fucking guy who's father was sent in the gulags during the 2nd world war, escaped somewhere in siberia and was helped out by some siberian tribe or some shit to survive.
He married a local mongol-looking girl and came back with her and their children to Romania in 1990.
So this guy was something like 2m and looked like a less-mongol temujin with brown-green eyes and wide as fuck shoulders.
I mean he looked manly as fuck.
So I don't get this hapa meme.
>pol loves asian women
>this is what pol always gets
You could do a lot worse than that guy, he's got nice hair, a nice jaw and probably a high IQ.
so not only are you race mixers, you're pedos as well.
She knows that she can't have you, play with you, flirt with you, suck off your money while giving nothing back.
Deep down in her not existing heart she knows that you will never be her lapdog that provides her with betabucks for her stupid shit while fucking some dipshit when you look away.
It even happens when you're not in a relationship with a chink. Women hate other women.
For some reason Asian women are alwsys into me,(im guessing it because im part sami, and look a bit like a blond finnish asian) but im not into asian women.. I find them to be soulless meat robots
Eliot wasnt ugly he was emotionally crippled from mental abuse he received until he blew up
>caused both world wars
>now wants to destroy humanity and make them uglier
>Asians are bros
No they aren't
Is anyone keeping track of these threads? This is probably the 5th one I've seen since yesterday.
its fucked up OP
be me a spic
start dating a blonde hair blue eyed cutie.
go out in public
get mad respect from everyone
everyone wants to talk to me.
everyone compliments me
life is good
>be pol
>asians are bros
>some faggot posts threads about Asian girls getting with white people to make Asians angry
>they get angry and take the b8
>people chime in and troll buttmad lurkers
>apparently this is us acting like niggers
It's a joke dude, chill tf out
If all of Africa looked like that, they'd be better off.
Mulattofy Africa... get to work pol.
Pol is poling the African women.
An an autistic dogface
I have a K gf and people look at us in the street. I dont know if its good or bad. Two different people randomly said we make a beautiful couple
thats his daughter, you know
are you implying this guy is bad looking?
I wish I lived in an alternate reality where instead of unwashed male Arab hordes we had received young female Asians as refugees.
Don't even have yellow fever, but the fucking assrage from the women would have been a sight to behold
France is in his death bed, i want my country to die a glorious death by creating the true aryan race(Eurasian Race)
I also want to see the liberals buttblasted, and there is nothing better than to use their own tactics(racemixing) against them.
She's actually p hot
Nice full house.
He is ugly and will only get ugly whores
>pol hypocrisy strikes again
Fuck off
You filthy racemixer
You read too much Kalergi.
>not a pure Northwestern European
>Master Race
a blood relative has recently came out and claimed he use to let her play with his electric trains and fondle her
I never thought Woody was a pedo because of his adopted daughter-wife. I always thought of his step kids as his wife's little project that he couldn't give a shit about. She's raising these mongrels while he's busy writing and directing movies, nary paying attention to them, then one day he turns around and there's a hot 19 Asian loli in his house.
But then I picked up little hints from his movies that proved to me he was a pedo. Like that one movie where he asks a wiseman what the meaning of life is, and the wise man's answer is "two 12 year old girls, blonde ones."
and that part in bananas where the dictator comes into power and declares "From now on, the age of consent is 16. Furthermore, all children under 16 years old, are now 16 years old."
First you have to find one of the 1% Asian women who look like this. Then you have to convince her to marry you, not some good looking rich doctor, lawyer or millionaire. Good luck!
>Two different people randomly said we make a beautiful couple
If they're not your family or good friends it's probably political correctness
Looks weird as fuck. Looks less Turkic and more East Asian. I thought the white meat would make the Asian womb carry something more hairy and Turkic looking.
No problem boning Asian women if they came out looking like Enrique Iglesias and an international pussy magnet.
We now understand why Sup Forums is content with getting ugly asians
Chinese girls are fun, they have a lot of personality. But they are all crazy.
>implying i don't live on the countryside already
It's even worse because the girls have a horrible fucking accent, are hideously dumb, and on average even fatter than the ones found in the cities.
another shitskin triggered that Asians lust for white cock