I've been thinking about this board and racism

I've been thinking about this board and racism

I know there are many real racists on this board who really do not like black people because they view them as different or other or lesser

Well I thought I would share the thing that really made me anti-racism

The Little Rock Nine, When brown v board of education was ruled many school districts remained segregated in the south,

The federal government had to start desegregation somewhere and they chose Little Rock Central High School, they found 9 very brave young students to be the first African Americans to attend the school.

There were massive protests when the students arrives screaming the most vial insults at these children, even spitting on them

The kids were treated and bullied terribly by the classmates who were not kept out of the school

The national guard had to be sent in to keep the peace

Here is some footage of the students and protesters:

When I think about the horrible treatment of those kids who were just trying to go to school it made me realize how bad racist ideology is

This piece of history really changed my outlook, let me know what you think

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm not reading that shit.

I think they should have went to school in africa.



but they are americans

Segregation is the most sensible solution when multiple races are forced to cohabitate the same country.

but it is unequal, how can you treat people unequally

> The federal government had to start desegregation somewhere
> The national guard had to be sent in to keep the peace
You mean some government official needed votes and promised the black community the whites stuff? Shocker.

Segregation is entirely equal and based upon a races care for their facilities.

Blacks have always been extraordinarily neglectful of the gifts they're given.

1. How is that unequal?

2. Segregation doesn't equate to treating people "unequally"

Simply put, races are compelled legally to stay in their own areas and use their own businesses which reduce inter-racial tensions. Races tend to self-segregate among their own anyway. Including blacks.

No, that is exactly how Brown v board of ed was decided, was based on the unequalness of the system

Do you realize how many black teachers got put out of work over desegregation and integration? Then black kids, even from fatherless homes, lack a role model. Do you think some black kid looks up to a white teacher as a role model? Fuck no. If they stayed in their own schools, and had their own black teachers there were at least educated blacks that these children were exposed to. Look at how blacks were then and now since all these decades have passed and tell me the effects were overall positive.

Black people are annoying. Like, wanting your own ethnostate levels of annoying.

>Wow this really made me think
>Fuck borders and laws and shit

Beware of slide threads and PSYOPs


What the fuck is with this retarded blog post?
Lurk moar until you know what you're talking about.

Drive around the neighborhood surrounding Little Rock Central and tell me how this worked out. Take a walk through the hallways of Little Rock Central (The regular school, not the AP/STEM wings the govt has pumped tens of millions into to improve Central's scores. LRC is essentially two high schools at this point,) and tell me how this has worked out.

No, they're niggers.
Disparate things should not be treated the same.

what about the previous situation,

Is it fair to have two school systems that are unequal?

black people are Americans

all Americans should be treated equally

You're right.

So white american's should stop being discriminated against because of "le diversity"

everyone should be treated equally

in what ways are you saying there is discrimination?

At this point you're either baiting or you're just extremely naive.

just give me one way and I will tell you what I think

I don't care about a bunch of kids going to school. What I care about is Ghetto culture, crime rates, average IQ, unemployment, and Afrocentrism. Niggers belong in Africa.

>belong in Africa.
what if they were born and raised in America? And their parents too?

By that standard everyone should go back to their ancient homeland, there would be no one left

They're not American. America is a nation built on distinct national values that define a person and his community, and those values are represented with the stars and stripes, that are almost considered sacred.


They don't respect America, and desecrating a flag as a show of black power is proof of that, and they know it. They belong in Africa.

Let me ask you this.

Do you really think any niggers give a shit about your noble ideas of "anti-racism" ?

Do you think they're not racist?

What if you were to help somebody and find out they were just using you because you're kind and gullible?


1. Freedom of speech is one of the largest American values there is, people are able to say whatever they want

2. Many Americans, of many races have burned the American flag or desecrated it, they are still Americans even if you disagree with what they say

3. These people do not represent all African Americans, no one does it is a group of diverse people with a wide variety of views

4. If we are going to make a case about a group of people that are "Un - America" lets try for that time the entire south lead exclusively by white people tried to leave the US and form their own country, now that is a group that didn't respect America

>it is a group of diverse people with a wide variety of views
You've never spent any amount of time around blacks have you?

>Do you really think any black people give a shit about your noble ideas of "anti-racism" ?
I don't really care if they do, it's not about getting black people to like me, its about fighting for equality all round, if we don't stand up for other groups of people then someday the group will turn on you

>Do you think they're not racist?
There are definitely racist black people, and they are wrong for feeling that way

>What if you were to help somebody and find out they were just using you because you're kind and gullible?

I don't even know what this means

Actually I have, I have gone to school with many black people and I work with many black people

found the triggered tumblr faggot

So you're completely fine with being called "cracker" or insulted for your intellect, dialect, background, or skin color?

>then someday the group will turn on you

So this has nothing to do with treating people fairly? It's doing whatever they ask for out of fear. Got it.

>There are definitely racist black people, and they are wrong for feeling that way


>I don't even know what this means

Because you think blacks hold the same values as you. So you're going to bend over backwards for this group of people, that doesn't respect you at all because you have it in your head that they actually give a shit about you and your great struggle of anti-racism. You're just another honkey to most of them.

You lack a lot of life experience and I doubt you've spent any time around blacks. There are a few good ones out there, but that doesn't mean we need to force all the fucking drug addict single mothers to live in suburban neighborhoods with whites.

that's never happened to me but no that would not be a good thing

So you're probably 15/16 years old with no life experience and you think blacks are your pets that will do what you want and buy into your ideas of equality? Oh they still aren't, well let's bend even further backwards over for them, even though they're committing crimes at alarming rates. Oh they still are? Damn it must be our fault because of our white privilege.

Seriously, if you're not baiting you're really naive and I hope you realize it yourself before you get yourself killed trying to be altruistic.

The thing is, at least for me, is that not all black people are niggers. Nigger, is not a color of skin for me, rather it's a hive mindset and culture of violence, crime, greed, drugs, and low intelligence.
Niggers primarily show up among black communities, with the culture slowly infecting white communities as well. They abuse the benefits we give them and continue to ask for more. It isn't necessarily a race of people with morphological differences that needs to be stopped, rather it's the toxic culture and ideologies.

>a hive mindset and culture of violence, crime, greed, drugs, and low intelligence.
you basically just described Sup Forums, by the way. and all extremist scum


>Sup Forums
nice b8 :^)

I don't want to give too much information about myself but I will tell you this

I am 26 years old

I went to a school that was about 20% black and I work on a night shift with a crew that is 5/7 black

so I have been around I think a good number of black people and I can tell you they are people just like everyone else

I don't believe you.

You don't think these whiny, edgy degenerates WON'T cause riots, loot, and shoot up drugs if given the chance that makes them think they'll get away with it?

well yah, this is an autonomous board, I can't prove it but I'm telling you its the truth


Was it in the ghetto? Or somewhere more civilized? Something tells me, you've never touched the ghetto before in your life.

I don't give a damn what they think desu, I'll treat any American the same whether they're white, black, mexican, Christian, muslim etc

Did you not read what he said? There are still two separate schools of two different qualities. One for smart kids with all the resources and one for poor kids which is basically pre-jail.

The only change is a bunch of black teachers are out of a job and a bunch of black kids were bullied a lot for a couple decades.

I'm not going to tell you where but my school was not "ghetto" but did have about 20% black people like I mentioned

yah, he said there is a wing with ap stuff, a lot of schools have that, it is still one school, if you have the grades to get into those classes you can take them

> black kids were bullied
who's fault is that?

I think you're a fool. Look at black "schools" today, look at how this subhuman filth treat white people. I don't mind people of most races but blacks are another kettle of fish all together, some are ok but most need to be wiped off of the face of the earth. Never forget that racism is reactionary

Having gone to such a school let me tell you the only part of the school that is 'one school' is some of the hallways. It isn't a couple AP classes , it is different buildings on the same campus.

Yes, white people were the bullies. Don't see how that changes anything. A bunch of black kids were still bullied for no good end result.

60 years later and black communities are still suffering. Oh and a bunch of extra black kids got beat up. Great. That was a great idea.


If the races had been reversed and whites wanted to participate in superior black education, the whites would have all been killed. See: Africa.