what do you do?
what do you do?
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Forge all silver medals of the olympics into proper armor and sword. And mount up.
Why the fuck would i care about some raghead city. Israel owns it anyway so we basically already rule it.
Have a last shot of vodka, put on my adidas track suit, load my AK. And mount up.
You're not invited. This is a holy conquest for pure blooded white Christians only
I already live in Jerusalem faggot
it is a shithole and I'd rather live in Finland
Unsheathen the katana I hide in my anime body pillow and mount up.
if i take off that mask will you die?
Finish polishing my boomerang with tarantula venom and mount up.
>fooking women should stay in the kitchen
Going to take all my inquisitors and mount.
Take off the glasses and end maths home work. And mount up.
*Telewarp behind the islamic army*
Unsheathe my Katana
Kill the entire army in one precise cut
Pssh...nothing personal...kid...
Even Richard the Lionheart employed Syrian and Ethiopian Christians during the Crusade
talimudic religion/= bible
Get off my fat ass, take out the trash, make sure there isn't anything in the fridge that's going to spoil.
And mount up.
I call the pope
We know you do. We said we're taking it back.
>Put armor on
>Take sword
>go on horse
>Kill Heatens
If only i lived at the time of the crusades
the pope is a sellout! we purge him too.
>If only i lived at the time of the crusades
>tfw you will never bring civilization to gaul at the point of a gladius
>tfw you will never save the holy land from kebab at the point of a lance
>tfw you will never capture Africa from mud-hut dwelling niggers at the point of a Martini-Henry bayonet.
Life is suffering user.
Can i rape? I will join if i can rape.
What the fuck do you think?
Get my AR, My M44, 92A1, and mount up!
>risking my life for a shithole of sand and stone
lmao brah
Well not all hope is lost, maybe, just maybe, one day Marion Maréchal Lepen will DEUS VULT the shit out of Israel and Palestine, and i will be there Deus Vulting Goldenbergs and Kebabs
i don't have a horse nigga
but i'll mount your sister
I am a blacksmith.
>/pol thinks that the west will ever thibk of harming Israel in any fucking way
Shut up faggots
And show some respect to your jewish overlords and start sucking their cocks
Take back Jerusalem.
Shitpost from inside the Temple.
Let's clear out Europe first.
>not risking your life for your war prize of qt3.14 Arab girls and hot as sin Jewish babes
Low test
i mount up and take jerusalem
except there is literally nothing wrong with being a furry
prove me wrong
prepare the defenses against the mongol hordes of finnland
>nothing wrong with being mentally ill
ok african roach
why am I not surprised
Fuck Jerusalem, taking back London is enough
I'm already taking it back
>pure blooded white christians
Irrelevant, they culling of jews and removal of kebab is the duty of all christian men of any race.
>From who? The kikes? What for?
Sry I'm late for my Blut. Have fun you fags.
>Sweden not wanting to rid Jerusalem of the jews and roaches
Never change Sweden.
>storm the Apostolic Library
>burn the Vatican 2 document
>Remove kebab.
Deus Vult, Ave Maria
Veus Dult!
Then why did non-white Christians fight during the Crusades as well?
Read a fucking book.
Do you need help from Hispaña?
Crusade was initiated by Pope and majority followed by French people, the French people tossed all the Muslims and Jews the fuck out of their newly obtained Kingdom, native Christians were allowed to stay under the guidance of the Crusaders.
>literally has millions of antecessors
>thinks that is pure blooded white
From what game is that?
Its not Veus Dult you retard
It's Vuus Deult
I'm not dying for some Jewish shithole
If we're talking about retaking Constantinople or Alexandria... then that's a different story
>understanding what is pure white
Pure White means no ancestors out of Europe, some archaic being that existed a long time ago isn't European.
>having a hobby other than mine is mental illness
we all know you jack off to anthromorphic planes, don't deny it.
not an argument
>the French people tossed all the Muslims and Jews the fuck out of their newly obtained Kingdom
No they didn't. Read a book stormnigger
looks like Crusader Kings II
You go read a book kike.
Alright dude.
If that makes you sleep at night.
To the holy land!
I rush B
Mount a tarantula right?
wonder why he's using early medieval military technology when Europeans (and also the sandniggers he wants to fight) have access to modern military supplies and tactics, which have drastically evolved since his time and has made war drastically more efficient.
>no hip or ck2+
disgusting desu
Is true though. But kinda irrelevant to talk about heritage purity and skin color with this.
>Crusaders are Christians
>Christians only divide between Christians and non-Christians
>Christianity is anti-racism
Honestly, thoses who are openly racist about this are only edgy crusades kids that I guess they don't even go to Church
>le liberation ideology
Gas yourself.
Riot and loot while all y'all fags off in da holy land
Then you already lose.
The fedoras and cucks in your countries will destroy the movement by inside.
Receiving help from local sand christians would be the only possible way to win
Not something very Christian to say.
Guess you don't care about our Lord teachings.
Jerusalem was always a mistake.
How many times are we going to have to post Romans 10:12?
"For there is no difference between Jew and Greek.."
Become Christian and use my family's crest to put fear in the hearts of disgusting mudslimes.
>not something christian to say
>guess you don't care about the Lord's teachings
Yes, God always goes in your favor and in your interest, never in the interest of nationalists always in the interest of those who want to destroy his authority and works.
That means Jews don't exist.
I find it funny how the "Lord's teachings" manages to change every 10 years to these fucking sub human animales.
Bang his sister
Jesus was pretty clear that there is no difference between gentiles, slaves, masters, men, and women in the eyes of the Lord. And that you will be judged by what you utter and speak.
Nationalism =/= le stormfront Aryan
>wanting to fuck an arab
>wanting to fuck A JEWESS!
You're fucked in the head leaf
What the fuck are you talking about?
If there was no difference he wouldn't be able to say there was no difference between Jews and Greeks, it means there is differences but in context both of them could serve God.
G-d favor thoses who stand besides him because they are the ones who spread the real good values, he don't care about skin color because is irrelevant, sorry to break your racist bubble but you can still post memes about Crusades even though you are not a Christian.
I would die defending a Black Christians but I wouldn't for a non-Christians white.
>pic related
I would follow the Christian King of Jerusalem into battle...
Fuck off kike.
It would be extremely painful
Oy vey, let's stop off at Istanbul first goys.
Why are you same fagging?
Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free,nor is there male and female,for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
So do men and women not exist?
>If there was no difference, he wouldn't be able to say there was no difference.
Are you listening to yourself?
>both of them could serve God
>But hey, BR, you're not allowed to serve God by defending Christians in the middle east.
>Also those Christians wouldn't be allowed to help either because they're not European.
Theres no such thing as family crest.
Individuals owned coat of arms, and could pass to their childs, but not for the whole family
Nationalism =/= Christcuck Cuckservativism
>Offensive against Christians
>Insult Jews
You are more close to be a Muslim actually.
Yea but they let Christians go there in safety. I know we are supposed to hate the Jews but Israel is pretty based when it comes to dealing with Arabs.
>implying I'm not Crossbowman master race
try taking enemy fortifications mounted, horsefag