Reminder that blacks did not start as slaves
Reminder that blacks did not start as slaves
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Yes, they started as Nubians being killed by white Egyptians.
In fairness, the Nubians did have a dynasty. It might've been the shortest lived Egyptian dynasty, no more than a generation or so that accomplished literally nothing before the native Egyptians drove them out of the area permanently, but they were in fact KANGS N SHIET for that brief time.
>started as kings
>became slaves
So, black people are screw ups?
Must be really disappointing for their fathers...
Teach niggers how they are still your bitches, Portugal.
At first of all Egyptians were black
Nubians invaded egyptians who are more advaced
Pyramids were built during their dynasty too
Isn't that worse. That they started as kings and became slaves.
It would be more impressive to start as a slave and become a king.
they started out as wild animals, before caucasoid Egyptians domesticated them
They were arabs, you nigger loving cuck.
lmfao no, sweety they were not negroid
What about Ethiopia.
They definitely weren't Egyptians, I mean maybe in the sense that a black man is now president they had become Pharaohs; essentially once Egyptian society went to shit they got some power.
But Ethiopia was once a powerful nation, very Christian too.
I don't know the history of it but it's essentially ruled by blacks.
Any histanons know anything about Ethiopia they could share with us?
Semeties are black to being with dumbfuck
They were slaves then, and had a black master?
They were sold as slaves to America, by black master?
They are being "held down" now, and have black president?
They destroyed Egypt
They destroyed Africa
They destroy America
Why cant they help them selves?
You're right, by their claims they invented slavery.
What is "WE WUZ KANGZ N SHIT" in Arabic?
They had atone castles and one of the oldest churches
Ancient and medival ethiopians were WAAAAAY more advanced than north europeans (muh nordic mustard race)
It's true. Black people invented and still practice slavery to this day.
Stone castles*
This is a slide thread and a PSYOP.
Sage and move along.
wtf I hate pyramids now
You niggers are so stupid this is why the world has so easily been able to enslave you.
What´s the matter with them now?
So where did it all go wrong?