I don't understand this man

I don't understand this man.

Other urls found in this thread:


Mike “Spike the Kike” Stoklasa
Mike “Slam the Chink into the Kitchen Sink” Stoklasa
Mike “Wham, Bam, Bomb Vietnam!” Stoklasa.
Mike “The Concentration Camp Champ” Stoklasa
Mike “girth of a nation” Stoklasa
Mike “The Clip-Tips to Crypts Kid” Stoklasa
Mike “No kielbasa for Mombasa” Stoklasa
Mike “The Minority Murder Authority” Stoklasa.
Mike “The Volunteer Gulag Guard” Stoklasa
Mike “Guess Who Hanging For Dinner” Stoklasa
Mike “the renegade world trade grenade” Stoklasa
Mike “Spic Kicker” Stoklasa
Mike “The Spook Nuke” Stoklasa
Mike “le Ethnic Cleansing Man” Stoklasa
Mike “One Man Lynch Mob” Stoklasa
Mike “Nig-Nogger” Stoklasa
Mike “White Future, Bright Future” Stoklasa
Mike “Genetic Jackpot” Stoklasa
Mike “Not just the men, but the women and children, too” Stoklasa
Mike “Kike Krowd Krusher” Stoklasa
Mike “Hitler’s Youth Deux” Stoklasa
Mike “Minority Authority” Stoklasa
Mike “Holoclasa” Stoklasa
Mike “The Milwaukee Mulatto Murderer” Stoklasa
Mike ‘the Bourne White Supremacy’ Stoklasa
Mike 'Darkie Glasser’ Stoklasa
Mike “Catch Me If You Klan” Stoklasa
“Myklon B” Stoklasa
Mike “The Milwaukee Mulatto Murderer” Stoklasa
Mike “Going Rambo on Sambo” Stoklasa
Mike “Kill a Kike” Stoklasa
Mike “Ampf” Stoklasa
Mike “The Nigger Grave Digger” Stoklasa

He's a former Chad who squandered his good looks with alcohol.

Thats almost all chads though, when they fail to get a scholarship.

Why would Chad waste his time with this dork?

It's simple.

Mike Stoklasa has become the very thing he once ridiculed. Look at the Avatar review for instance; he spends 90 minutes going on about Cameron's blatant pandering to the lowest common denominator, marveling (no pun intended) at Cameron's proficiency for manipulating the audience to make them feel how he wants them to feel, how he wants them to think.

Fast forward a couple of years later. Jurassic World is released -- its heavily established to be a soft reboot operating on the hype of faux-nostalgia and Pratt's recent Guardians of the Galaxy success.

Mike loves it. Hits all the right buttons. Really gets his inner manchild going. He basically reveres the film to Jay Bauman's utter disgust.

This is the first sign of Stoklasa's downfall, his immediate descent into the anti-thesis of Mr. Plinkett. He's become lazy, brainwashed, unwittingly indoctrinated into the modern Hollywood machine sculpted by the likes of Disney executives.

It's October 2015. Disney gets in touch with Red Letter Media. They offer him a deal he simply can't refuse; he's instructed to praise Disney's numbered Star Wars episodes while taking critical albeit nonsensical liberties with the standalone films, all the while consistently spewing a casual commitment to every Marvel film that is released. Mike and his goons are heavily compensated for this, successfully turning the likes of the internet's pseuds into DDs (Disney Dudes).

The real enemy isn't Collider, or Loot Crate boxes.

It's Mike Stoklasa.

He needed a punching bag.

>Sup Forums's favorite YouTuber is a non white
Really makes you think

>“Myklon B” Stoklasa

That one's actually pretty clever. But I'm partial to Third Reich Mike

He not meant to be understood, just appreciated for his contribution to humanity in the film realm. A true under appreciated genius.

nice bunch of nonsense you typed out there. it's perfect copypasta length too.
a big part of rlm's humor is that they enjoy schlock in films, if I remember correctly mike was surprised to like jurassic world because it was schlocky. avatar is not schlocky but extremely pretentious so I can understand why he doesn't like it.

>le Slavs aren't white meme
Fuck off kike. We're not falling for your divide and conquer tactics.

he likes all the movies he hates

>Mike "The Man in the High Casa" Stoklasa
>non white

git out

He acts so cynical, yet I sense a kind heart.

>poles are not white now
t. 56%

>The real enemy isn't Collider, or Loot Crate boxes.
Hrrm, nothing suspicious about this opinion™

What's to not understand?

he's czech

He's fucking American


I was replying in kind to the persons insinuation that he was polish based on his name, when in fact it's a czech name, not that he's literally a citizen of the czech republic, you pedantic Sup Forums fuck

Mike does have the "chad face" going on in this pic, while Jay has the "virgin smirk"

You know the song that goes "Party rockers in the hoooouse tonight"?

That basically sums it up.



what is this from?



This dork is the best part of RLM though.


I find it difficult to reconcile the fact that Jay used to dress like Fred Durst with my current image of Jay.


horsey sauce

Least he got his teeth fixed.

Everybody dressed like that back then. Sort of like how every basic fag now wears a flannel shirt and a beard

Not sure why he doesn't use his real name though.

All you need to do is read a little book called Mein Kampf. Then it will all be clear.

Why the fuck is Jay balding in that pic?

He's right, though, not in the sense that Mike necessarily got an offer from Disney, but in the sense that anyone who praises The Force Awakens is obviously not worth taking seriously as a movie reviewer.

Wait...how does Jay now have a full head of hair when he was cleary balding from an early age here?

what's wrong with praising it? are you also holding a lighthearted scifi film to impossibly high standards? he released a pinkett review of that too which was a little more critical then his initial reaction. again, nonsense post.

“The Milwaukee Mulatto Murderer” is in there twice.

when hair is really short it can stick out at all sorts of angles and not fold over. when this happens with a lot of hair in a certain patch of scalp and its pointed at the camera you can see the scalp between the hair!

they have to be reminded

Wow this place is full of fucking idiots.

he looks like he could grow the best beard ever. but you know it could be shit

I'm just holding it to regular standards of being a good movie, which it isn't. The basic setup (the galactic politics, what the characters are doing, etc.) is nonsense when you consider the universe that the original trilogy set up. The original trilogy characters seem off, like they aren't the same characters. Why is Han Solo a smuggler again? The acting is mediocre. Finn is 1920s blackface slapstick from a vaudeville show. Rey is dull. I like Kylo Ren, but that's basically the only character I find interesting. Just like he did in Star Trek, JJ Abrams imposes a frantic pace and mangles the fictional universe's sense of cosmic distances. The editing and cinematography are workmanlike, dull and uninspired. And so on.

RLM has been shit since 2015. Compare earlier episodes of HiTB with the new ones and you'll see. It's become a shadow of it's former self. A fucking mockery. Space Cop was a piece of shit and I bet it's the last time they'll ever try to make a movie together. Jay should find some better friends who aren't alcoholic degenerates or crackbabies.

>Hey guys, I used to like RLM when they weren't as popular. Am I cool now?

good reviews all around and maintains good ratings on rotten tomatos, giving it inital praise upon first watching hardly constitutes a dent in mike as a bad movie critic.
he mentions the issues about the politics and plot issues not making sense by posing the question of why the rebels aren't just "the goverment" now but that he liked the movie because of the characters. idk what you mean about han, I liked the OT and didn't have a problem with han being a smuggler.

he didn't hate on avatar that much, he just pointed out there was a lot of manipulation which carried the movie in spite of it not being very good

which is true

>A former Chad who went to Star Trek conventions and played D&D
ay dios mio

RLM are hack frauds

someone post the TFA review that BTFO cucklasa

Do you want to be called Jerry?

>viral marketing a youtube parody video for free

This might be a shot in the dark but is your name Sean by any chance

>giving it inital praise upon first watching hardly constitutes a dent in mike as a bad movie critic.
It does to me. I respect him for his prequel reviews, but after his TFA review I just couldn't take him seriously any more.
Why would Han be a smuggler again? I'm sure that the Republic government would give him all the money he wanted. He helped save the galaxy, after all.

>Why would Han be a smuggler again? I'm sure that the Republic government would give him all the money he wanted. He helped save the galaxy, after all.
he assisted in a few skirmishes that obviously didn't amount to anything, seeing as the galactic empire is still alive and well and still blowing up planets left and right. honestly I didn't even like tfa but mostly because rey and finn were annoying.

When I said I wanted to be a guest on a Wheel of the worst episode, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind. The last thing I remembered was Mike offering me a beer and now there I was, naked and tied to the wheel. The entire RLM crew was stood over me, erect meat in hand all smiling... well, actually that's not strictly true. Josh was in the corner wearing a chastity cage and nipple clamps.

"Now we spin the wheel, and which ever dick is closest to your face gets to nut all over it." Mike announced in his usual dry tone. "You might say it's gonna be a "cums festival"" quipped Rich, stroking his tiny pecker which was almost engulfed entirely by his rolls of fat. The crew had dick's of varying sizes, from Rich all the way surprisingly to Jack, who's mighty 9 inches was in stark contrast to his the rest of his "terminal cancer-esque" frame.


>It does to me.
Grow up, you fucking baby.

>muh prequels
How serious does your brain damage need to be to defend that horseshit? I mean, how do you even justify them?


I'm a student studying film at UWM here in Milwaukee. I started my Freshman year recently and I'm currently in a class on digital media where one of my projects is to research and do a write-up on a particular online film maker. Well somebody in my class mentioned this local YouTube group called Red Letter Media, but he decided to do the project on something else, so I decided to do it on RLM. I had actually never heard of them before, but I really liked their work, and I got lucky enough to meet Mike to give an interview. That student later on told me about this website and mentioned that you guys like RLM, so I figured I'd lurk and give you the details.
Well it was pretty interesting. I shot RLM an E-Mail pretty late at night, like 2:30 in the morning or so. I had been up studying, but I figured I should shoot them an E-Mail since I had just been thinking about it and didn't want to forget. Well lo-and-behold, I get a message back from Mike himself, who said he would love to meet me and gave me an address, which I would later learn was his home address. The weird part about it was that I got the reply only 2 minutes after I sent the original E-Mail, almost like he was just sitting there waiting for me or something.
Anyway, when I got there it was a pretty nice house, I guess. The cool part about it was, and I don't think many fans know this, but Mike is a HUGE history buff, and I mean he is REALLY into it. Especially WWII-era German stuff. He had WWII-era German flags and photos of figures from the time hanging up all over his walls. I even noticed when I went to the bathroom and peeked into his closet (I know it was wrong of me, but I just couldn't stop myself,) that there was a WWII-era German uniform! It was so interesting. The odd part about it was that it smelled really damp and sweaty, like somebody had worn it very recently, but I figured it had just been stored improperly at some point.

Nice numbers

who said anything about defending the prequels?

Rich is a funny guy

Jay is gay how is he a virgin? I am sure he can find people to fuck his butt.

kill yourself

please, hurry. my wife is driving away with our children and I' only have so long to stop her, I need to bust a nut to this horrible fan fiction first tho.


That's fucked up. Source?


nah looks like a typical dad. not everyone ages like tom cruise.