Hey Sup Forums, what's the best state in the South? My personal favorite is Georgia, specifically Atlanta and North Georgia, for comfy factor and extra hospitality.
Alabamafag here, by the way.
Hey Sup Forums, what's the best state in the South? My personal favorite is Georgia, specifically Atlanta and North Georgia, for comfy factor and extra hospitality.
Alabamafag here, by the way.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Kentucky and WV
I couldn't find maps without them, sadly.
Kentucky or Tennesee
Florida man here. As far as innawoods goes, I personally would pick North Carolina for one of the best spots to set up a cabin somewhere and get cozy with the wife while the great 2016 chimpouts are raging.
I like Florida, but it has a Cuban and black problem.
Tennessee seems nice, especially by the mountains, but I've never really stayed there for longer than a night so I can't really confirm.
Georgia is kind of like Florida without the nice beaches and ever-lasting summer. So eh.
I haven't really visited the others so I have nothing else to say.
As a Texan, I have an obligation to say Texas but, that would be a lie. I liked Florida when I lived there, nice people and awesome weather. (Jacksonville Suburbs)
Georgia has some nice places since its still basically segregated.
>like the south
>hate the heat
>Jacksonville suburbs
>>hate the heat
i don't really care about the heat
i'm bothered it never gets cold enough for a White Christmas :(
Ayyy Fleming Island and Green Cove Springssss
Yeah Atlanta is my favorite city in the South, but it is heavily segregated between the business districts and the ghettos
Your whole region sucks. Too many niggers, it's hot and sticky, and you work for peanut wages.
Georgia is bretty good imo. I have a 4500ft^2 house in a good schools district for less than a studio apartment rents for in most major cities.
>literal home of country
>not dixie
Suuuure. Maybe oklahoma but never WV
It makes for some really cool hideaways throughout the city tho. That's probably my favorite part of Atlanta.
Monitoring this thread.
Considering moving to Asheville, NC. Any localanons to guide me?
I'm from Alabama as well but I don't care for Atlanta at all.
It certainly has it's nice parts but traffic is terrible and if you make a wrong turn you are surrounded by crackhead niggers and the like, fuck that.
My favorite part is probably the east TN. western NC area. Lots of natural beauty, shame about the metheads and other trash among the hillbillies though, I'd stick to the nicer areas.
TN and NC are both beautiful and filled with whites. The niggers there dont act like gang banging faggots, theyre just regular nigs.
Its all very small town esque, even in places like Nashville. Great places
Look its Florida Man!!!
(Clay County!)
NW Georgia/TN (Chattanooga area)
The best state in the South is the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Prove me wrong.
>the place with the largest concentration of Finnish blood
no thanks
>Georgia, specifically Atlanta
This is bait, right? Georgia is full of niggers, to the point where even their country singers have adopted the nigger ways, by creating "hick hop".
Plus, it smells like hot garbage in the winter time and feces infested death in the summer. The only good thing about Georgia is that it's not Florida.
This. Leave us out of your shitshow
Southside best side
SC lowcountry.
Can't argue
>Hot and sticky
You get used to it
>Peanut wages
Cost of living is lower. A lot lower. I can buy a nice 3 bedroom house in a decent area for less than 100k.
>nearly all of Ohio
Atlanta and savannah are shit. Lived in Georgia for over 20 years. I dread going to them. Augusta and stone mountain are comfy. Also cape San Blas in Florida is best beach in Dixie land along with Destin.
Stay out of the city when looking for a place to live. Lots of inner city libs
The thinf about NC that turns me off is the amount of spics there. I visited fo a month in July, and I was shocked at the amount there. Niggers are a given in the south, but the insane influx of latinos makes all of the good things about the state unbearable.
Charlotte needs to be nuked. I saw at least 5 black/brown people before seeing one white person. And they acted like I expected them too.
My truck was broke into. A girl I know there was carjacked at gunpoint in a nice neighborhood. They punched her in the face after she gave up her keys. Destroyed her car. 2 of the 3 were caught, the other is still on the loose. They were 15 and 17.
I mean I'm gay and I don't want to walk a lot (fat) so what would you recommend. My ideal would be a small like 1bdrm bungalow. I currently pay 2000 a month just for a studio here in DC and I bet I could get a small house or a nice apt in Asheville for even cheaper. I will not come unless I have a car but I'd prefer to be near cool stuff. That "Arts district" was kinda cool. It was near a river and they had a bakery that had good bagels with lox and sold pottery. That seems comfy.
Anywhere within 50 miles Of the Intercoastal. Bonus points for the stretch from Gulf Shores down to Apalachacola.
Low quality b8, m8. Stone mountain and Augusta are literal trash
I go to Emory. Literal AIDS paradise with too many shit liberal kids and loser professors
I noticed a huge amount of Asians and shit, as for the latinos they all seem to be in only a small part. But where are all these foreign fucks coming from?
>Situational awareness
In any city if you go near/in the spic or nog areas you're asking to be culturally enriched. I live near Charlotte and it's a decent place if you stay in the white areas.
Shit taste in state and city. Virginia was by far the best and will remain the best if they go trump this year
WV is the most stereotypically dixie state in the union
all shit holes minus texas.
It's Because foreigners pay full price at the uni. They let in your typical minorities for quotas and the rest is anyone who can play 65k a year for an education
GOAT tier
good tier
>north carolina
meh tier
shit tier
>south carolina
Literally who tier
>all others
South Korea actually
Why is tejas included in dixieland?
We dont take kindly to traitors.
Jesus I went to a top tier Uni and it was 45k 10 years ago and I thought that was a lot. They really are just going crazy with the prices. I don't think College should be FREE but I think they should cap the prices as equal or less than the median income for whatever state its in. You aren't getting anything fucking magical for 65k other than subsidizing 500k salaries for the football coaches.
>visiting Charlotte
That's where you fucked up.
Also Durham, avoid Durham at all costs.
Eastern Kentucky is the best place to live.
No niggers, no degeneracy (from the left), and nothing but this comfy view.
Yea don't remind me. At least it's a pretty good uni or else I'd want to kill myself. This uni hemorrhages money like crazy tho. They will buy the most asinine things and fund the worst events. Also their nigger tier student Heathcare wouldn't even cover my specialist visit.
Frog detected. Don't you have a flood to drown in you filthy porch monkey?
That is nice but I'd still pick eastern WV or eastern TN or Western NC as top comfy. But then, I haven't visited Kentucky so I have no idea what its like comparatively.
I'd love the south if it weren't so full of niggers.
>inb4 "the niggers here are different"
Niggers gonna nig
My family is from down by the Tennessee. Columbia KY have you heard of it?
Tejas no es dixie, es Aztlan.
I thought Emory was shitty when I was in HS. Like for kids that wanted a brand name private college but didn't have the grades for ivy, kek. I could have easily gotten in there.
I was raised in georgia but have spent time in all the other states listed
northwest georgia here
Any Georgiabros from West Georgia?
I went to NOLA last year and it was probably the dirtiest worst city I've ever been to. It's like a third World country
Which county?
It's the best I could do. We we're having a nice convo and you decided to start being a prick
fuck of white niggers south florida is not dixie land. We are part of the Caribbean AND we get Disney in the inevitable civil war now fuck off.
whitfield. lots of mexicans and not much to do
PSA: Atlanta is filled with libs and blacks.
I go to Emory also friendo. Are your initials J L ?
>muh unique culture
Sorry I just felt like douchey kids went there so I avoided it. Turned out where I went (Chicago) was equally douchey. I should have just gone to a small lower-tier school that was cheaper. I dropped out so jokes on me in the end. I still have to finish :(
That's a little north of the border in Adair County I think.
I remember this thread from r9k. Looks like near where those kids got murdered in Arkansas.
Wouldn't think all those spics would traverse that far north. At least you're not too far from the mountains and the Valley/ridge and Plateau regions are beautiful.
Texas since open carry guns is allowed
It's ok m8. There are a ton of douches here. I hate it but I use to go to community college and I'm just very happy to be at Emory.
Proud to be a Tennessean
Yeah, won't make that mistake again. The girl I know that lives there only had good things to say about it, but of course she's pretty liberal, but the carjacking gave a low dose of redpill.
There were great places in NC though. Just more spics than I expected and it honestly depressed me a bit.
Definitely better than the south georgia niggers. Yeah do a lot of activities. Plenty of places around for easy day trips too.
Also you can go back and finish p quickly. I think It would be worth it even tho it's sucks. Chicago is. Great name to Have on your cv
Fair enough. I wish I were at some sort of magical southern small private liberal arts college RN instead of stuck here.
Confirmed for never having been to oakland or san Francisco
North GAfag here. Georgia is pretty good, has its ups and downs. There was an Atlanta BLM chimpout last month, luckily it was a low-level chimpout, not even enough to be considered a happening. I was born in Texas though, so I have a natural bias towards Texas, even with its flaws.
>centuries of slave labor
>now stuck with dindu nuffins
Haha oh wow, bravo south
Is it? I haven't been down there since I was a kid. What's a good place to live around there? My cousin lives in Lexington
I mean I have good grades, SAT scores all that. Issue isn't getting in its completing with my weirdo Autsie NEET nature and the cost of course. I don't think I quite have it in me to do a pure science degree and social science is a meme but I genuinely enjoy it and I'm not on drugs like I was ten years ago so I think I could be like best in the class.
Literal proof that mountains keep black people out. I suggest Trump build mountains in the inner cities of Detroit, Oakland etc. Maybe whitewater theme park? Blacks hate /out/ stuff.
>who tier
have you heard of disney, or universal?
I'm not american but I've lived in georgia about 8 years of my life on and off, and I can say I absolutely hate this state, its culture, its people, and weather. Maybe its cause of lack of connections or whatever I just really don't like it here. I can't complain though right now because I'm in my second year of college and at the same time senior year of high school thanks to this dual enrollment program. Don't have to pay a single cent for anything and all my classes give high school and college credit. I really hope to get the fuck out after this year though and hopefully go back to germany or maybe some other state.
I live in Gwinnett aka Mexico.
Which are the good counties to live in?
No its fucking not WV left the south in favor of the union
Yeah, nogs everywhere past the fall line. West Georgia isn't too bad either, but we're too damn close to Atlanta.
also forgot to mention in central georgia and college is CGTC
North Georgia fag here. You sound like a nigger. Don't come here.
Kentucky there is no other answer
The most important thing is finishing with a degree from a good school. As long as it isn't Adrian studies or something autism tier, people won't give a shit. You can say you went to Chicago. That's it that's all you say. No one will ask because they assume if you're smart enough to graduate from there then you're smart enough to do whatever. Just finish it will be over soon
They redeemed themselves by being like the whitest state in the union after Vermont