Why do niggers hate Trump so much?

Why do niggers hate Trump so much?

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His social and economic policies would disproportionately harm them

because he wants to make them work and do something good for themselves and their community .

like most blacks already are?

add total disconnect from reality to the list

so we're stuck with paying for their gibsmedats till the end of time because it might harm them to take it away?

As if they haven't been proportionately harmed by Democrat policies in the last 50-60 years?

Oh I'm sorry, you're right. Thank you for Correcting the Record! I'm now #withher, thank you for opening my eyes.

They know a scam when they see one.

Well put!


The difference is they can't be bothered to do that research and if you try to inform them of that truth they won't hear it. I've tried, even with "wealthier" blacks.

Niggers are dumb

I know right
They'll have to get jobs and shit

They are blacks before they are Americans

You are a cuck and a faggot, into the trash your post goes.




Niggers only vote for people that promise the continuation of gibs; they don't want to work. lol

Working only interferes with their plans to become rappers and drug dealers.

Dem Brainwashing courtesy by LBJ

>Literally in favor of death taxes

You fucking leaf faggot

>the blacks polled chose Hillary NOT out of fear of being ousted as a "race traitor"

There are plenty of people like me who support Trump. The problem is, you won't see it in the polls because

1) People like me don't get polled in the first place

2) Those who are polled know not to say they support Trump openly. Lest they be called a racist Uncle Tom.

Also, nice to see that this poll was taken during July 31st and August 3rd. Give me his most recent numbers please.

R next to his name

They just saw him give away a bunch of free shit in Baton Rouge so their opinion of him may change.

Not all niggers


Trump should play this at rallies to attract dindus


When niggers discovered they could vote themselves welfare from Democrats (thanks LBJ), that's when Democrats started their black plantation 2.0.

Jesus fucking Christ I hope that in the event he wins in November (god help us all) that he stops covering himself in cheetos dust



If he ran as a Democrat with the same exact policies, niggers would love him.

Because they are on their way out and they know it.

trump is a racist, the nucleus of his support are a bunch of white nationalists and otherwise fascist altrighters. clinton's a genteel racist, who won't completely shred social welfare. this isn't fucking rocket science

>91 to 1
>9% margin of error
Someone doesn't know how to poll properly is all that says
Seriously margin of error should never be more than 3-4 percent, thats it, 9 percent means just throw that shit out and start over.
> yeah we made some calls and a graph but we didn't really know how to math it so whatever

You know what's sad? You're right.

Had Donald Trump run the exact same way, said the exact same thing, and done everything else the EXACT SAME WAY as he is now, but ran as a Democrat rather than a Republican, he would have the support of 96%+ of the black vote.

What can I do to help shed light on my people?

Kinda like this, why would they support the candidate of the KKK?

90% unironically believe he will ship them back to Africa. Ever try having a convo with a black? Morons the lot of them.

While I don't really trust the poll, it says 3.5% in the corner.

Niggers destroy civilized societies and they associate the name "Clinton" with gibs.

The fact that his policies would disproportionally affect them by effectively making it harder to get gibs and instead a bit easier to get employed to work(this, of course, being a negative for dems) is just a testament to how much democratic policies have truly fucked black people and the black community. The subverted attitude of the black community, where they actually believe that achieving "ain't for them" and becoming successful "is for the white man" is predicated on how much the dems need black votes. The minute black support for dems drops below 80%, I swear to god, the dems will move on to Hispanics and the Latino community. The only reason they don't fully commit to those communities is because the nuclear family structure is a lot more innate in their community than blacks, effectively making it harder for dems to take advantage of them.

Because they fell for the lie that Trump is racist. Black people are easily fooled due to lack of education etc.

That picture reminds me of the primaries all over again.

>everyone I knew except for 1 guy voted for sanders and even had signs out.
>no Hillary signs in sight

>Hillary gets the DNC to disqualify out delegates after Sanders win

>Everyone hates Clinton
>Trump signs are surging in my state

He's gonna win, no super delegates can sway the general election.
I already signed up to be a poll watcher.


So like literally 20 people.

This is not a major loss.

i mean duke enthusiastically supports trump. black people who support trump must be very wealthy, very stupid, or both

So let's go ahead and make it worse right?

because he's the 1%


So what if he benefits from it, you do too moron! THAT'S THE POINT!

where you live ameribro?


>el CONGOlombiano siding with nogs

Because Trump wants to bring jobs back to America. Niggers are lazy.

makes me think

"He a cracka, he aint' done do nothin fo us, he aint do gonna give us money fo dat welfuh" - Unusually articulate black man at the bus stop

He represents white nationalists like Sup Forums.

Really makes you think

Look at this soft bigotry of low expectations over here. If you truly believe the black community can only survive on gibs and cannot take action for their own future and take responsibility and become successful, then you're everything that you project onto republicans.

Where the hell did that come from? For some reason, a friend of mine's mom (who was granted amnesty during the Reagan days and became a citizen in the 90s) is scared that he'll nullify citizenship for people that obtained it already.

Maybe it's the anchor baby provision?

because people with higher IQ vote democrat and blacks are known for their high IQ :^)

>NBC Wall Street Journal Poll
Sounds legit, good find OP, make sure the record stays correct.

My family always says that Trump has to do "outreach" the problem is Trump isn't the gibmedat candidate its that simple. He just has to win enough of the minority vote. Blacks and Hispanics dont want jobs overall. They want a quick check. There are some in their ranks that work to the bone but overall they refuse to work. Look in the city and federal jobs. Its always Blacks>Hispanics>White>Asian that are the laziest bums and dont do any work.

because unlike hillary he doesn't dab


I don't trust people that don't like black licorice.

I never said any of that, wow. Yet you talk about projection.

That's an old poll. My dad's African-Guyanese and he supports Trump.

Maybe because he made this tweet
(this stats have been proven wrong btw)

Too bad 1/3 of them can't vote due to being felons.

they don't hate trump. they just vote like they're told to, like good little slaves are supposed to. the democrats own the nigs completely.


>Why do niggers hate Trump so much?
Because Trump won't give the niggers free shit.
Hillary will give the niggers free shit.

Thank you greatest ally.


Hispanics are voting for Trump at 40% but Sup Forums wants to keep niggers and deport all Hispanics even the legal ones

wew lad

Maybe they've made note of all the trumpanzees calling them "niggers."

he should have just used fucking FBI statistics like everyone else does, they're almost that bad anyway.

Trump is racis

>oy vey

>taking away some of the free shit they feel entitled to

Nigger detected

>Hispanics are voting for Trump at 40%
So they're voting for Hillary at 60%?

60% > 40%

You're a fag. Why don't you actually hit me with some points instead of pointing out how your lack of points somehow negates what I said?

>What about trumps policies would make shit worse?

>How would those policies would make shit worse?

>Do you think they affect gibs, and because of this, would affect the community's ability to achieve?

>What point are you trying to make?

>Do you even have anything of value to say?


our narrative should be "imagine the (leftists) media narrative/outrage if only 1% of the white voter demographic had voted for Obama."
Create the hypocrisy and point it out.

> Sup Forums says that blacks want 'free shit.'
> Meanwhile Sup Forums is hoping Trump will restore whiteness to greatness, oblivious to the fact that white power is 'free shit'

Black people have long voted Democrat by margins of like 95/5. Feel free to look that up. Almost all of them vote Democrat.

Democrats are the American party of "free shit". They're the ones pushing for more welfare, more "Obamaphones", section-8 housing (paying poor black families to live in white neighborhoods, renting out large houses they wouldn't be able to afford on their own).

Black people don't realize that this is just the new slavery. They are beholden to the white man and Democrats want to keep them there, because that's how they buy their votes.

Republicans want black people to pull themselves up, start businesses, become successful workers, start successful families and join the middle class but that's harder to sell than just "have some handouts lol".

Democrats will keep winning black votes until we can convince them that sucking off the white man's tit is not ultimately in their best interest.

I make about $1100-$1300 per month at my job before taxes. Would I be better off voting Hillary economically? Or is that for people with 10 kids and no job at all? I make too much for housing assistance and free healthcare and food stamps. It almost seems like I should just NEET it up and I would be better off

Do black people actually vote though? I deal with a lot of black people on a day to day basis and believe me I find it hard to believe a significant number of them even follow politics let alone vote.

>> Meanwhile Sup Forums is hoping Trump will restore whiteness to greatness,
Anyone who supports trump at this point has no delusion about that actually happening.

He's made his stances on "ebil rayciss" like David Duke and Israel/the Jews too well known.

Most blacks don't understand that the Democrats have been actively working to make sure black communities fail. Welfare is a fucking trap.


Because niggers are dumb and listen like black sheep to the Democucks

Seriously, these niggers will believe anything. Let's stay poor for another 5 decades and lets keep the racial divide growing

Ikr, should have been 114%

A toddler gets angry when you take away the tit, doesn't mean it's not better in the long run.


not an argument

I think it depends.

Obama was able to mobilize a lot and this year Hillary is trying to do the same by painting Trump as a racist bogeyman but I don't think it will work nearly as well for Hillary as it did for Obama

Because he'll give all of them jobs.

Lol what policies?

The goal to end the divisive rhetoric between blacks and the police, and allow black communities ravaged by crime to have the security they need to walk to school or establish a business in their neighborhood?

Or... restricting immigration to high-skilled workers to limit competition for unskilled jobs that blacks can't access?

I guess we should increase the minimum wage, because econ 101 doesn't real and that will *surely* result in more employment, especially among the black community.

I mean, what's the worst that can happen with democratic policies? Detroit?

you never said anything. i dont see any rhetoric backing up your statement that trump's proposed policies would "disproportionately hurt" african americans

No I don't think that this is the reason, it might be true, but its not the reason I believe. I think its because of brand loyality, they will ALWAYS vote for democrats because goldwater pissed out any last black from the GOP, and this behavior is being transmitted through generations it seems.

>What about trumps policies would make shit worse? How would those policies would make shit worse?
Trump wants to continue trickle-down economics which will only continue to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. The same economic policies that McCain and Romney ran on that helped lose them their elections.

>Do you think they affect gibs, and because of this, would affect the community's ability to achieve?
Reducing the amount of people on welfare will be great, I do consider that a problem contrary to your assumption. But how can people lift themselves out of poverty when his economics will only make more people poor and make it harder and harder for small businesses to be created and thrive? Do we really want more giant corporations like Walmart and their already crime-ridden stores to get more handouts and even more common, swallowing up even more businesses in poor communities?

>What point are you trying to make? Do you even have anything of value to say?
The Clintons' plans in the past caused a lot of harm in the black community, but her campaign has consistently been about recognizing and correcting those mistakes. Can she succeed? I don't know, but at least she will try. Trump just wants to perpetuate economic policies that we already know will make America worse and make it harder to solve the problems Bill Clinton caused in the past.

Yes: they've been a key demographic for the democrats since 1996 in particular.

And the clinton brand is particularly popular among them.

Clinto actually carried AA voters by a larger margin than OBama did in the 2008 primary.

Bill is exceptionally popular (for whatever reason) among them.

It's why universial voting rights are a mistake.
Your lower class is ALWAYS huge and once they realize that they can vote for free shit you are fucked

because people who call them "niggers" are all voting for trump. why would they vote for their enemy's candidate?

Who wouldn't hate Trump? He's a moron

Cyka blyat senpai

Democratic policies haven't fucked the nigger. The nigger has always been the nigger. Look at niggers in other countries. Still the same subhuman violent trash. There's a reason sub-saharan Africa never produced anything worth mentioning and it's not 'da evul wyatt manz.'