>muh degeneracy, there's no good women left they're all whores
>LMAO get outta here with your ''women should be modest'' Ahmed
When will this end?
>muh degeneracy, there's no good women left they're all whores
>LMAO get outta here with your ''women should be modest'' Ahmed
When will this end?
women are the niggers of the genders, also autistic as fuck. fuck off
>it's all black or white
Women should be modest not wear bedsheets faggot
Then why do males perpetrate approximately 85% of homicides?
Mennonite women are fucking crazy and should remain segregated from society
Check mate, atheists
They want a pure woman that has been untouched as to not make their jealousy of chad flare up, but at the same time need women to be whores and make porno so they can have a release of endorphins a few times a day through masturbation, as nothing else brings them joy in their lonely, pathetic lives full of women blaming and victim complexes.
>1 post by this ID
Sup Forums is mostly satire. The people here who are advocating for a "race war" or "the revival of national socialism" are prominently rat-faced slobs and short fucks who are overweight.
Why are they crazy and why should they be segregated?
I've noticed this too. The stormfags and alt right fags on here claim to be "redpilled" and anti feminist, then they turn around and defend women dressing like sluts and call anyone who disagrees a beta virgin cuck.
It's fucking hilarious how Sup Forums and feminists use the same shaming tactics on men. The gynocentric twats here should hook up with tumblrinas.
Modesty is for the ugly and weak. A woman should take pride in her feminine beauty.
A cunt should dress as her husband tells her.
>I-it's only satire
every time
Keep sliding Mohamid
Why should she take pride in "her" beauty? It's not "her's". It's a gift from God.
What's pretty about an egotistic whore who takes pride in something as shallow as exterior?
OP here by the way, I'm on my phone
men do more in general, also most of that killing is just blacks
>everyone i don't like is mohammed
Someone should make this.
I really doubt this is the case. Like most Finns, I'm very highly educated, relatively tall and decent looking. And I would love to bash some nigger skulls.
I guess that explains it.
Nice meme.
Couldn't agree more.
Though this doesn't expand to all of Sup Forums, I still don't want to insult that tiny minority which actually has some common reason.
>LMAO get outta here with your ''women should be modest'' Ahmed
Sup Forums isn't one person, and the people who say stuff like that green text are retards. You're pretty retarded yourself for not understanding this.
I know it isn't one person, I never implied this is what the whole of Sup Forums says, it's just something I noticed in threads concerning women time and time again.
I'm god damn artistic.
Thank you so much Finn bro, I'll be using this a lot in the future.
Here's a halal version
get the fuck out of here you sexist bigot
>It's not "her's".
Yes, it is. That's like saying nothing is anyone's because imaginary man made everything is his. Oh, wait, that is what you think.
>It's a gift from God
No, god isn't real, dumbass.
>it's a gift from God
I am going to use this so much
Okay, have it from an atheistic perspective.
It's not something that she was born with by her own will, it's something she was "coincidentally" struck with. So why take pride in it? Why be obsessed with something as shallow as your outward apperiance? That's no beautiful women, that right there - is a sad, narcisisstic whore.
One would think it would be easy to figure out that, although the alt right values modesty in women, achieving that modesty by having it be paired with Islamism is not worth the price. Some might say that the failure to recognize this is less demonstrative of OP's dimness and more demonstrative of his desire to reap (You)'s through provocative shitposting. Really activates those almonds
there's such a thing as a happy medium you faggot.
IT existed 60+ years ago in anglo countries and still exists today to some extent in rural parts of greece, italy ,portugal nad other mediterranean, roman catholic countries.
Because we have a right to
oh shit nigga what are you doing
you can't draw mohammed
all those peace loving muslims are going to behead you now
Really makes me fire up my penis
why are people attention seeking except me? how come no one else has a fedora?
How considerate of you !
>why take pride in good genes
What the fuck kind of Serb are you? Aren't you people redpilled? This is the most bluepilled thing I've read
the women can annoy the males till they don't go full psychopath
What a silly argument.
By that logic you should take no pride in anything you do because you "coincidently" were born to whatever life you have instead of being some starving African shitskin that never lived past three.
Okay, care to share what exactly you're thinking of (provide a pic)? As far as I know, around 60 years ago the first hippies came to the scene and the whole degeneration process began.
So much this. It is also pathetic how pol constantly talks about how race mixing is bad, but all of them want an asian gf literally because they like anime.
Because black males are the niggers of niggers.
> although the alt right values modesty in women
Does it? I wouldn't be so sure.
>achieving that modesty by having it be paired with Islamism is not worth the price.
I'm sorry, but that's an extremely bad argument. Well I guess then we should also stop breathing, since you know, people would see that's paired with islam because muslims breathe too.
Modesty isn't an inherently Muslim thing. If you think whorishness is something that has been appreciated throughout our history and defines the European people, you're extremely bluepilled.
For every shitty woman, there's a shitty man.
Like pretty much all the edge kiddos on this board, for example.
For the same reason 95% of Nobel prizes are awarded to men. Men do things. Women are for comfort and procreation.
Dont you think that there are people, who prefer porn BECAUSE they cant find a good woman and dont want to waste resources on whores?
You mean losers who settle for porn because it's the closest they can get to asx without paying for it?
This doesn't mean good genes shouldn't be appreciated. A person should just be aware that this is inherently a gift from God, so that he/she doesn't become conceited, which is something that will really damage the community and the people that hold such a view (look around yourself).
Well, you seem not to listen. Idk, maybe i have something strange with my world view, but when contacting whores IRL i loose all the interest in sex for like a week and want to kill that bitch instead. So i'd rather go for porn than get that rage.
Spot on. You shouldn't take pride in anything.
You can appreciate and be thankful for it, but with keeping in mind that it's something you got as a gift.
You know, relationships aren't all about lust and perversion, I think that'd be your first mistake.
I cant build a relationship with a persone, who can go and fuck random dude while in those "relations". And I can think of relationship with someone who has pigeon brain.
>You shouldn't take pride in anything.
>with keeping in mind that it's something you got as a gift.
This is what Christianity leads to. This "don't take pride in anything, nothing is your own" thinking.
>you think women shouldn't dress like whores therefore you should accept Islam and unlimited muzzies
Do you even read the shit you puke out?
Yes, it does.
And guess you're implying that's bad. Well then, don't you dare criticizing the modern degeneracy ever again, since today's people follow the very opposite of what I'm preaching. This must be an utopia for you.
What sort of mental gymnastics did it take you to come to the conclusion that I was implying something as such?
The notion that women are equal to men is laughable and anyone that believes on it can be dismissed as a genuine retard.
Women should be men's property.