Even if all minorities unite against the white majority, that still leaves whites the majority.
You have to half minority numbers as well, if you assume only men fight.
That means half of the fighting population is white.
Furthermore, it's virtually impossible for minorities to unite. There will always be fault lines in their unity. See the race riots of the 60s, where the asian minority resisted black looting.
It's far more likely that asians, who prosper in current, majorly white american society, stick with whitey.
Another point is that most of the rural population, hunters, woodsmen, farmers, are white. That leaves whites in control of most land in the US that's not a big city.
That means whites will be in control of food, water, communication and transportation.
At that point the race war becomes a question of resource control. A black city that has succesfully ousted its white occupants needs to somehow control the surrounding countryside.
Have you any idea how much land a city like Detroit needs to stay relevant? How much qualified personel and service men are needed?
Riots and revolutions stopped being a thing in the west because goods and services are too fragile.
Let's say a race war gets started. It's reasonable to assume twitter and other electronic media played a big part in starting it.
What happens if those canals break down, because no electricity anymore?
The riot looses most of its direction.
A racewar is an outlandish scenario. The site in control of public services wins by default. If you have several sites able to maintain what is essentially their own state, then it ceases being a racewar and becomes a sedetion.
Don't worry, Americans. Happens from time to time.
If a racewar breaks out in America and does not end totally one sided, your nation will split up.