Fuck you France if all those young men that died to liberate you from German occupation knew that you've become a niggrefied Islamised fedora nation they would be turning in their graves right now and you can bet your ass they would not have participated in Operation Overlord if given the chance one again.
This is France
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Leafburgers are the worst.
It's their fault for colonizing Africa
>Fuck you France if all those young men that died to liberate you from German occupation knew that you've become a niggrefied Islamised fedora nation they would be turning in their graves right now and you can bet your ass they would not have participated in Operation Overlord if given the chance one again.
Said the proud white Ameripoo after devouring his 3rd taco of the day. He then wobbled to the nearest WalMart to fetch himself a new pair of trousers after he realised he had shat himself again.
They just want to be like there heroic saviours the Americans.
Fuck you you hedonistic scumbags dont even give a shit your country is being destroyed. All real French men died along with Napoleon
fuck off amerikike
Racist scum...
Ignoring the real problem, I see.
Why are you upset by others country problems?
Isn't that what Sup Forums literally is about?
This country has a romanian problem, yes.
Do you know how many American families lost their husbands, fathers, and sons liberating these pathetic cucks?
You mad cuz i'm smashing some nice pale france pussY? Stay mad dog!
i am more white than u surrender nigger
French have always thought with their loins. This is the end result of the French Revolution.
Assad is whiter than you.
I honestly don't know why our army liberated you France. France was totally cucked in WW2 that more Frenchmen fought with the SS than against the Germans. Seriously it was Frenchman that protected Hitler in the Führerbunker in the last days of WW2
fucking Uganda is whiter than u Ali
woah well done. the bantz is too strong I surrender :DDD
I enjoy watching french people die
>I surrender
Surprising literally no one.
woahhh you got me good :DDD
wish i could be ur country, so powerful and influential owwwwww :'(((((
why are French"men" so pathetic? No wonder all French women are chasing the black and Arab bull
its your fault for helping them
Hey! Me too !
Why is Poland so based?
Mashallah :^]
ameristupid go to mc donalds, your blood sugar levels are low again. remember you aren't you when you're hungry
t. dumb american
Oh look, it is this french bashing thread #244240248 where Ryan Ramirez, will spew his "white flag" level of originality memes trying to trigger french Sup Forumsacks who hear the same shit since 13 years (still counting).
Oh I'm so furious, call the police, I surrender.
Americans really are nigger tier creatures.
You do realize thats exactly why we joined the war? Nice bluepill
You should be more thankful to the people that saved you twice and beat the fuck out of your country before that
Seriously for all the memes we get around here it's funny to see the European and American Olympic delegations full of niggers and sandniggers while ours is mostly white.
>"lol s-shut up n-niggertina you are n-not white top kek"
I saw more interracial couples/mixed kids per capita in France when I was living there than in Canada. They don't stick out that much, and outside of Paris, huge immigrant ghettoes don't appear to be a big problem.
I had a really nice time in Strasbourg.
Don't you realize the bad guys won WW2.
Only the Soviets and Japs were the bad guys in ww2
You didn't save or beat me personally so no, I have nothing to be thankful for, you're still pretty much the world's niggers.
Go suck your Queen's dick faggot
so what's wrong with that image ?
are racist people that sad ? LOL
To be air, she married a millionaire, not a broke nigger that sells crack.
Still a nigger
Why would this be considered based because they attacked a hispanic man who did nothing wrong?
How old are you?
>Booty blasted at being called out
Go suck Obama's sand nigger dick you faggot.
>Let's throw away 2000 years of evolution down the drain for a bit of temporary material wealth
>so what's wrong with that image ?
>are racist people that sad ?
Reddit must be closed today
is racism strong in u.s?
why do you hate black so much?
btw I never saw black person in real life
black people is monkey, kill rape steal take what is not theirs
isnt it just stereotype?
btw i never saw black person in real life
stereotype exist because most of them are like that
that make sense LUL
You must be new here
more than 50% percent newborns aren't white
do something tommy boy
do you think you honor your fathers who built your country by not making kids to outnumber the colored people
or at least 2nd amendment them
Not really just one more generation of bleaching and they will come white again
>our dank swamps will eventually turn all of them white, god bless mother nature
Life found a way
my mexican cousins always told me that south americans were subhumans
>Algerian girl with a niglet rooting for France
How is this a bad thing?
They are tired of boning their mistresses and the beurettes while Ahmed is hanging in mosque debating about the attractivness of goats.
Come on
FrancexBritianxGerman Union and we kill every shitskin in sight. All the Clay will be ours
> cuckold porn industry nation
> versus
> jacquie et michelle
take some sausage John.
Americans killed more french than german soldier.
And i don't count rape.
Germany was already defeated by communist.
And now because of hollyjew and your stupid history book we have a debt.
But indeed nazism followed by a another shamefull submission americanism destroyed france
I think france is the most hated country in Sup Forums even if we create racism and crusade basicaly the two favorite thing of Sup Forums
>"liberated" from the Axis
Sure is great being on the right side of history. We totally kicked evil's ass and are on our way to a progressive utopia.
actually yes
btw i never saw black person in real life
THIS, fugg butthurt chauvinistic empires, I am now #cruisin'4Argentin'
Except that your people handed over your nation to the kikes who in turn ran their sick experiments the Nazis warned you about
Now youve got a anti white LGBT youth high on cultural marxism who will be the death of you
> Beurette with nigger child
Who the fuck cares?
Yes that is in line with my implication. Things should never have gone this way. We were born in the wrong multiverse.
You're worst than us for that, 60%.
she's bakari sagna's wife BTW
he's an ugly ugly nigger
guess who's there for the money.....
hate to break it to you Muhamid but Colombia is whiter than france
Not sure if the pan in the image is hot or not. A bit difficult to interpret the two black guys facial expressions.
Nazi didn't warn they invade like nigger taking profit of our weak socialist gov and the low participation of england
Being invade by german or nigger is the same exact thing
sure nigger sure
That's the reason you ask why people hate blacks so much
You have the joy to live in a homegenic society. enjoy it
Los educados saben bien que Argentina mato a todos los indios.
Imagine another universe where khazars have chosen christianity instead
French people are such arrogant cunts. I can honestly say that out of the 20 or so Frenchmen I've known on a personal level, I've only liked 2. Normally I would be sad if any European country was becoming a caliphate, but for France I'll make an exception.
It's actually the Soviets, mostly
>Being invade by german or nigger is the same exact thing
The world hates you because you're rude.
don't talk too fast
we have laws against religious retardation, you don't
>mad because some shitskin is happier than your ugly ass
>amerilard telling other countries what to do
Kys op
As much as my fellow countrymen get a lot of things wrong and act like unsufferable twats about it, he is right in this case
We're probably the western power who's standing up the most to this giant wave of barbary. You, on the other hand, are the brown capital of Europe, and things do not seem to be getting better
you totally ignore what the french people had to take when your grand parents were in France
you germans were stealing everything, starving us and killing us in masses
how do you dare comparing nigger occupation and we should nuke the shit out of you fucking mongrels, just for the fun
fucking retarded piece of assburger shit
you're way worse than niggers an shit skins
Because they don't want mutts in their country.
>We're probably the western power who's standing up the most to this giant wave of barbary.
He's refering to pic related
France know how to deal with religion, we pratically shaped christianity into the peaceful religion it is today. Just wait we tackle the muslim problem.
honhonhon be afraid our our pens, or... of Le Pen
look that that virtue signaling whore
men of france have to let her know her dumbass social status is going down for keeping pet monkeys
that is how you change your culture
burn coal pay toll
>burn coal pay toll
I love this saying