How do you feel about suicide Sup Forums?

How do you feel about suicide Sup Forums?
If no, why and at what point if any do you find it acceptable.
If yes, why and when do you find it acceptable

For example. I am 30 years old and I have not once in my entire life done anything one could be pround of. I have literally no skills or talent. Everything I have ever set out to do has either failed or have been mediocre at best.
I have physical "imperfections" and while I am fairly knowledgeable, my general intelect is sub-par. In other words, If I had children, they would not be an enrichement to my country or people.
There is no work I can do that could not easily be replaced by a machine or a student.

So other than a religious claim that all life is sacred, what arguments cant here possibly be against suicide?

And what about other people, that are actually an economic and cultural drain on their society like trannies faggots etc, what possible argument can be made against suicide for them?

Other urls found in this thread:

If Trump loses I'm going to commit suicide.

You wouldn't like the other side.

Then lets say the person doesn't believe in god. Then he is going to hell either way when he dies. So why prolong it?

I'll probably off myself eventually. I'm a poor virgin, why live?

If you feel all hope is lost, that you have no family, that you are a hindrance, go on a cross country trip, get on trains, live outside and experience a totally opposite life than the one you are experiencing now. This will give your life a new meaning and you will learn.

>putting your faith in mankind

That's sad bro

>no money
>no home
>no job
>probably no Internet soon because I can't afford to pay for phone
>flunked out of college with lots of debt

What do Sup Forums

How do you afford to go on a trip though? What if I have no money for gas, food, etc

You don't know what is on the other side. Maybe it's 100 times more worse than your life. Besides, I hate the world and enjoy the fact that any moment I can inflict suffering on others. I'm gonna enjoy my life while I can, and when I stop enjoying, I'll do Martin Heemeyer stuff on the list of people I consider to be enemies.

Wish I could give you a hug user. No relatives?

Go innawoods

There's nothing on the other side. Maybe if I was religious I'd be happy. Idk. I just see no point in this life.

Find a rich self-important motherfucker, beat him into pulp, take his possessions and enjoy them as your own.

get transcranial magnetic stimulation. great for depression
or ketamine treatments
There are millions of good memories and sensations to be obtained with your consciousness as the primary driver. If you decided to kill yourself, you are denying all those things you could have.

The biggest blue pill there is.

It is impossible to tell, rationally. Likely there is nothing. But possibly, there is.

Whatever you want.

You could always go innawoods. I've done that a few times. Once you have a tent and suitable clothes, knives, axe etc, you're good to go.

For me it's very simple.
Disprove god, opening up the idea of an after-life being 100% unknown.
My life turns to enough shit, i'll end it and find the final truth of mankind (What happens after death)
Till then gotta be safe then sorry.

You are in the US. Do you have a car ? You can live in your car while you find a job and get money for food/rent ? Start right now.

>probably no Internet soon because I can't afford to pay for phone

There is your problem. Internet should have been the first thing to go.

If you wanna shuffle off this mortal coil then I think you should. The game of life is hard to play and you're gonna lose it anyway.

>Find a rich self-important motherfucker, beat him into pulp, take his possessions and enjoy them as your own.
Putin school of finance.

Pretty sure you have a brain disorder that keeps you from feeling rage OP.

Will to Power is the only thing that's ever kept the World going.... And for some reason the "((rational))" part of your brain kicks in, and turns it into self-pity.

Even Monsters can be loved, but taking this course of action will deeply hurt people in your life who don't have the luxury of a malfunctioning brain to remove themselves.

Pester your local christfags for charity, use it while searching for job at mcdonalds.
If you are good at making poker face, you may even do a career preaching to morons.

True. Life is hard. Some of us would've been better off never existing.

Get on trains, live on the street, shower at ymca, live exactly the opposite of how you lived. Suicidal thoughts come when a person is cornered whether it be because of stress, job, family, etc. Of course if you have little kids I wouldnt advise to do this.

I think you need some fucking big cojones to kill yourself

Even if I wanted to do it, I just would not do it

But yeah, I don't see anything wrong on suicide as far as you don't do physical damage to other people

>all this sliding from one norway proxy

janitors pls

Wouldn't be acceptable if that sadistic slut was on the other side. Making be buy more rope, fucking cunt.

Never understood suicide losers. If you can't play by rules, make your own. If they don't work, you didn't really lose anything.

What do you mean?
Surely, if a person lives a life that he gets no enjoyment out of, and he himself has nothing to give his people. Then his life has no meaning, it is just like being a mindless insect, living just for the sake of living.
Is that not what the blue pill is?

I've been thinking about this a lot. How do you get food
What are some places where you can sleep in your car safely

The only thing stopping me is the fact that I can't watch anime when I'm dead and there will be no one to carry on the family line as I'm an only child.

Oh and my parents might find that dragon dildo I hid under my pillow

It scares me too. This life is like limbo

A great way to be together with your waifu

>Pretty sure you have a brain disorder that keeps you from feeling rage OP

Nah. rage is pretty much my default state of mind.

>taking this course of action will deeply hurt people in your life

People die all the time. They would get over it soon enough.

in Russia, this man is considered an optimist

Are you a qt grill?

I think suicide is one of the biggest red pills there is.
It has some of the riskiest consequences out there.
1. god is heal and suicide is a sin =hell
2. god is not real and there is nothing.
3. God is real and forgiving of all sins=heaven.
4. there is a god but on some kind of dimensional step. You die you move up or down. (who knows)
5. reincarnation so best of luck in round 2

Regardless of what it is once you do it, you can't truly tell those you left behind without a suspicion of doubt.

No. I'm a kissless wizard


i WAS on second side due 2-3 really HARD-meditiation. i name it HARD because i was suck to other dimension so hard that i forgot how "breahte" and i almost die from strangulation.

but ding ding ding i have some knowledge from "them" thanks it. now its all simple for me BUT very depressing that i must be HERE

deadly meditation. seriosly if i would not survive this experience myself i would be laugh so hard.

but if you want know and be more deprresive ask me about anything.

Go to your waifu user, she's waiting for you.

Goy you don't own your self you are a slave (((they))) own you. Now go get a job and pay your fucking taxes so the (((central bank))) can keep sucking your nation dry.

How dangerous is it to start living like a hobo where you're living? I found that over use of technology gets a person clinically depressed tend times mores than a person that has a garden and tends to it every morning

I have seen the other side.


This life is the only one you have, make it count.

Killing yourself doesn't result in any more dead sandniggers.

There are an infinite amount of possibilities ahead of you.

Suicide is never an option.

Happiness is just a state of mind.

The biggest redpill is when your parents will tell you to GTFO

When I've been innawoods it has been for fairly short ammounts of time. So I've had some food with me, and a fishing rod. If you plan on staying during winter, you better learn how to hunt.

Any powers?





One week in the woods shouldn't be too bad right? I think I will try it for a week, and then see where I go from there.


Bring a knife or a gun for wild bears bigfoot and interdimensional owls.

You hardly need to bring any food for a week. Just eat berries and fish if you can. If there is no running water where you go, bring some chlorin to purify it. Or simply boil the water.

Nah, you're a self pitying fuck who can't feel real human emotions.

Suicide is a perfectly acceptable thing to do. It's just almost always better to not do it.

People who look down on or are angry at people who have committed suicide are pathetic shits who are out of their depth.

>Happiness is just a state of mind.

What a meaningless statement. I'm sure you felt smart while typing that garbage. You should kill yourself.

I can cum in 5 minutes

I guess I have the power to speed up time, sadly it only affects me and I can only use it in special situations such as fapping and hypothetically, sex

Life, being conscious, is kind of wild. You won't get another shot at it. This is exotic stuff.
>Not your country telling you to KYS

Make sure you do it as far from civilization as possible, there's nothing more disgusting than a bloater leaking purge fluid while thousands of flies and maggots infest your stinking rotting corpse.

here's some pics of your future.

Nah dude, if he loses you're going to miss out on some of the greatest happenings in mankind. Plus, there's more work to be done.

Holy shit that made me gag, my eyes are watering.

What the fuck happened to its face?

>I hate people who try to improve the lives of others, what a bunch of cunts.

what happened to her face?
why did she killherself?

why did I click on that thumbnail at 3 in the morning


That pic would be a good deterrent against suicide. Too bad I'm not enough of a sick fuck to save it to my computer.

It's something that happens with your fat when you decompose. Here's the mongrel woman in "better" days.

Because her baby daddy left her.

not much better desu

More importantly, why the fuck do you have these saved?

Wtf happened to his/her face? Or is this photo just taken from a weird angle?

Found it, it's called adipocere:

Here's another one, this one was killed by her man, who locked her in a car and pushed it t a reservoir, I'll post some pics when she was still alive.

that smell in that room must have been awful

This is the "thing" in purple blouse.

grave wax, I remember collecting this in morrowind.

thought it required very specific conditions to form though, not like you'd find on a hanged body

Explain yourself

Yeah, and it probably got even worse after she hung herself

Wait for Trump to win then join the fight to cleanse Europa and restore your nation's honour. Join the army or go into politics, become a hero for your people. We need everyone we can get. Kill yourself afterward if you're still depressed but make Europe great again first.


there should be mandatory suicide for every diseased, elderly, gay, unintelligent, jewish, black or otherwise annoying person.

I have more of these, this one is one of my favorite.
I call it human milk shake.

how many years was this after she hung herself?

why her man killed her?

how long did it hang there to look like that?

It's more common on people who died underwater, the dead jap girl which I posted (Mercia Nakashima) is a clear example.

Doubles and quads of wisdoautism

Why not just improve yourself? It takes less time than you think.


>not tricking yourself into being happy
hows the blue pill taste

I don't collect gore pics but I was always partial to this one.

suicide by train

>the dead know only one thing
>that it is better to be alive

I think it was just a few days user, corpses decompose a lot more quickly down here.
In Hati when they had that earthquake, corpses would become skeletonized in no longer than a week.

dude, my question

I think it's a cowardly act, but I don't see how it's my business what people choose. If I saw a loved one try to do it I would obviously try my hardest to stop them and help them, but in the end it's not up to me.

Being you, ill go ask about this to /k/, maybe /out/, they will help you much more with this than Sup Forums

There's some pic on bestgore of a girl in the Brazilian jungle who was tied to a chair and murdered and in the pic when they found her the body is intact but the flesh just melted off her head and it's just a skull with a collar of sagging flesh around the neck.

your country is crazy

Because the jap brazilian dumped her ex boyfriend (a retired police officer and lawyer, pic related) and he decided to avenge by shooting her and dumping her body in a reservoir.