Aren't you glad that the media no longer blames violent movies for shootings now that we have videogames?

Aren't you glad that the media no longer blames violent movies for shootings now that we have videogames?

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Why are there so many white mass shooters?


check em

Fuck off, nigger

Because the blacks just shoot eachother

video games dindu nuffin
society failed them

blacks kill eachother every day but it's not really a big deal since it's all motivated by money.

I bet they all had 2 eyes as well!

We really gotta start listing gays who commit crimes so we can blame it on them being a fag.

>fox news

Literally what the fuck, five out of seven weren't even close to being teenagers.

White people do this too.

what about all the people that play video games and DON'T kill people?

You know, I've never seen the media blame violent movies for shootings. They ONLY started looking for a boogeyman after video games came out.

Member that autistic lawyer that had a vendetta against violent games? Fuck i forget who he was.

>You know, I've never seen the media blame violent movies for shootings.
Because you're 15.

Does Cho still have the High Score?

Jack Thompson

Idiot got disbarred

How about the link between Right-wing politics and killing? Breivik and Loughner and Lanza were all white supremacist trumpfags

At a much lower rate. Black on Black violence is the number one source of violent crime in America. If black people stopped murdering each other every day America's crime rate would plummet below most of Europe's.

It requires a degree of thought and planning to successfully execute a mass shooting, which is beyond the mental faculties of a nigger.

You know what the link is between all mass shooters?

They all had guns.

Did they have a time machine?

I'm 26. You're the one who is 15.

Know another link? The places they target banned guns and everybody in them was disarmed. Whoa.

because when a nigger does a mass shooting it's another weekend in chiraq not news.

they're both alive you dipshit

Then you're just retarded which is even worse to be honest.

Whites are the best at everything.

I graduated with an honors diploma. You're the retarded 15 year old.

If niggers stopped murdering each other USAs murder rate would still be Eastern Europe tier and worse than any country in Western Europe.

What's the link between blacks and crime? Crack, fried chicken, and koolaid?

But burgertards will never admit this, and bury their heads in the sand
>m-muh constitution, muh guns, muh penis compensators

I love how he got disbarred though.

>correlation implies causation
It's almost as if the entire generation grew up with video games.

Because we don't count black mass shootings as mass shootings. Otherwise there would be one every weekend.

Correlation does not imply causation.

I think the durkah that shot up Pulse Nightclub beat it

It would be Belgium tier. And Western Slavs have low murder rates. Poland is one of the safest countries in Europe

>entire generation
Nice statistics, Sup Forumsermin.
These weren't just playing Mario and Tetris.

>It would be Belgium tier.
Not true.

>And Western Slavs have low murder rates.
Not true.

>Poland is one of the safest countries in Europe
Not true.

Look at Mr. gaymer, namedropping the top games and shit.
Correlation does not imply causation, chucklefuck.


literally everything you said is not true is actually true according to your map

>Crack, fried chicken, and koolaid?

Exactly, all three are connected. When a nigrit loses access to even just a single pillar composing the Holy Nog Trinity, it regresses to a more feral state and eventually goes berserk, attacking friend and foe alike.

Meanwhile, Poles are filling up the prisons here

The lowest murder rates in the US are in states where whites are 99% of the population, and their rates are lower than France and on par with many western European countries. If a state has a single big city with a sizable black population you can bet it won't have a lower murder rate than 2.0/100k, and it basically doubles for every major black city there is. It's really uncanny how accurately you can predict the murder rate in this country just by looking at how many black people live there. I give you the top 10 most murderous states in the US, each one sports at least one major metropolis filled with blacks.

Your map proves everything that guy said is true, do you even understand what it's showing?

>Poland is one of the safest countries in Europe

They all leave the fucking country in order to commit crime in western europe, no shit

Still, there are a dozen of euro countries safer than Poland

Except when brown people do crime.
Then violent crime is a minority problem

Your map shows Western Slavs have murder rates comparable to Western Europe.
Belgium rate is only slightly lower than White America.
Poland is pretty damn safe too according to your map.

....are you a nigger?

>americans consider murder rates above literally every western country to be "low"

Where you frozen in ice again, Captain? MOMS against violent games shenanigans stopped years ago. Nowadays games are to be blamed for misogyny and rapes. White people and history are blamed for mass shootings and shieeet

Well pretty sure their homicide rates are low in general, though I'm sure they excel in theft.

Well except the guy with a concealed carry license that was right outside of the safeway where Giffords was shot but didn't do anything until a retired army Colonel punched Jared in the face.

what are you talking about poland is the same color as germany

Alright, this is bullshit. If black people are supposedly killing each other at such an alarming rate, then why is the black population remaining stable over the last several decades?

It is compared to spics, niggers and sandniggers. Good enough.

>Poland is pretty damn safe too according to your map.

Darker spots than any western country except bongistan, thanks to pakis and poles

There aren't. It only appears to be the case that there are more white shooters because of selection bias. It's not so common for white people to shoot others compared to other races so when it does happen it becomes big news.

It's similar to how plane crashes are covered by the news. If you poll most Americans they would likely think that air travel is more dangerous the driving a car across the country. This is not true but it appears so because when there is any sort of accident involving planes its all over the news which skews perceptions. Like it is with airplanes, if you look at the statistics you'll find that white people are underrepresented in gun crime.

Northern Ireland too. No surprise that both these murderous scumpits voted to stay in the cucked-EU. It's fucking sickening that these degenerate barbarians get to influence ENGLISH law, now that we've had Brexit we need a new referendum to kick them out.

Think about places like New York or San Francisco, where up to 90% of crime are committed by blacks

They breed an an alarming rate. Promiscuity is extremely common among blacks, it's typical for a black woman to have 4 or 5 kids. Of which maybe 1 will live past 30 due to the hazards of black male life. Most likely they will be killed by another black even if they are not in a gang and live a mostly upstanding life, because the areas in which blacks live are infested with gangs and they prey on their own people even more than they do whites.


>black population has more kids than every other population
>still remains stable

Have you seen how much they breed? They start shitting out kids at 14 and don't stop until they are well into their thirties.

The black population is not dropping because the murder rate hasn't eclipsed the replacement rate. The fact that black people aren't killing more than is being replaced by new births don't mean that blacks aren't committing a wildly disproportional amount of murder.

they dont
hispanics pop out the most
black is only .2 children a woman above whites

>Poland is one of the safest countries in Europe
It's US tier shithole.

Lanza was a registered Democrat who posted anti-gun rants on his "Smiggles" account, and Loughner is apolitical.

It's stagnant, it doesn't grow and it doesn't shrink. Really we should be thanking our lucky stars...

The worst mass shooting in American history was not perpetrated by a white person

I think there was a docu about him couple of years ago

Violent media isn't the problem. Guns and ease of access to guns in America are.

But we can't do anything about it because muh oathkeeper second amendment types sperg out about any suggestion that we place sensible restraints on gun purchases and somehow get away with the nonsense argument that someday their Turner Diaries fantasy will come true and they'll actually stand a chance fighting against the US military.

>user posts a map that proves himself wrong
>keeps posting shit that doesnt make sense and lying
oh wow

It has a significantly lower homicide rate thant he US, and it's low rate is on par with Western Europe.

I'm not sure why you are so butthurt bro. Stop being such a nigger.

What are these sensible restraints that will keep guns out of the hands of bad people and in the hands of good people? it really?
The answer is of course it isn't.

The worst is the Pulse Nightclub shooting by Omar Mateen, another non-white

Actually the new record in the US is owned by Omar Mateen who shot up the Pulse gay bar in Orlando.

Still not a white dude.

>>user posts a map that proves himself wrong
It didn't.

>>keeps posting shit that doesnt make sense and lying
Jesus fucking Christ Sup Forums. OECD study must be wrong because Poland actually isn't a paradise on earth?

>But we can't do anything about it
Thank the gods above.

Just do what they did in Chicago and NYC! It stops niggers form....oh right.

This. Guns should only be allowed to be owned by law-abiding people.

If we control and restrict guns, they will not fall into the hands of criminals -- since they follow the law.

are we still pretending poland is as bad as chicago

Breivik was just ahead of his time in a few years he'll be a like Nelson Mandela

24th in the world? Very good Poland. However, sounds like you need some refugees and cultural diversity and that number will skyrocket!

If that's the case then how do we convince black people to use condoms and get more abortions?

I trust them.

Maybe instead of teaching them to kill their kids we could encourage them to start respecting life?

Arabs are white

Too bad that link to the source proves that meme image completely wrong.

>registered Democrat
So? doesn't mean he isn't right-wing, Dems are a fairly right-wing party. You know Fred Phelps was a Democrat?

>literally shot politicians for their political views
o i am laffin


show me where in that oecd better life index it says poland is a shithole

kek, I accept your concession my shit colored friend. Give the goat a rest tonight.

After 40 years of abortion it seems like black people are worse off. At least during Jim Crow they had stable families.

Are you retarded=

HK is way lower than I would have thought. I must have been watching too many John Woo films.

i dunno am i this is from the site you posted
>The homicide rate (the number of murders per 100 000 inhabitants) is a more reliable measure of a country's safety level because, unlike other crimes, murders are usually always reported to the police. According to the latest OECD data, Poland's homicide rate is 1.0, lower than the OECD average of 4.1.

Why were DC niggers so far ahead of the game when it came to killing? can somebody explain this?

Let's see. 2 of them look like psychopaths, the rest look junked out of there minds with ssri medication.

yep certainly it was the vidya