And demonstrates how the Left serves the Islamic supremacist agenda

And demonstrates how the Left serves the Islamic supremacist agenda.

London’s new Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, is allocating over two million dollars (£1,730,726) to an “online hate crime hub” enabling police to track and arrest “trolls” who “target…individuals and communities.” There can be no doubt, given the nature of the British political establishment today, which “trolls” these new Thought Police will be going after, and which “communities” will be protected from “hate speech.” “Islamophobia,” which David Horowitz and I termed “the thought crime of the totalitarian future,” is now going to bring down upon the hapless “trolls” the wrath of London’s Metropolitan police force -- and this totalitarian new initiative shows yet again how easily the Leftist and Islamic supremacist agendas coincide and aid each other.

“The Metropolitan police service,” said a police spokesman, “is committed to working with our partners, including the mayor, to tackle all types of hate crime including offences committed online.” Given the fact that Khan, in a 2009 interview, dismissed moderate Muslims as “Uncle Toms” and has numerous questionable ties to Islamic supremacists, it is unlikely that he will be particularly concerned about “hate speech” by jihad preachers (several of whom were just recently welcomed into a Britain that has banned foes of jihad, including me).

- Robert Spencer in FrontPageMag

What the fuck

>britbongs will now be caught for doing le epic trolling

hahaha, feels good to live in a country with free online laws
i could watch child porn and get away with it

meanwhile britbongs will get arrested for hurting someone's feelings

>britcucks elected him

This time only 10c will be deposited in your account because you forgot to add the thread title.

It's all going downhill, mate.


Die Achmed.

That is pretty much it.


isnt Tunisia another muslim shithole?

I don't get it, just pretend it's anuddah shoah, that'll get him shut down quickly

>elect muslim mayor


muslim yes

shithole no

we're better off than baltics,balkans, and russia combined.

who's the shithole now?

have London become its own city state and let it crumble. Put every single brown shit in London and allow this camel fucker to have his way and ruin it

forgot pic

The City of London Corporation is already a city-state.

fuck tunisia, too hot and too much fucking sellers.

so its shithole, since lithuanians are dirt poor

>Robert Spencer

Oh my. I guess he's scared he could be sued over his usual bullshit.




> I'm a lying mudslime

Just tell them it was ironic, you dont actually hate the jews its was just a prank, see the cameras everywhere.

>74% less likely to die in infancy

You know, I'd take that but whatever.

>too hot

europoors can't into australia-tier heat

>Spend 90% less on healthcare
>78% more likely to get murdered
I feel like there is a correlation here.

Nah. He's full of shit and over the top. I'm surprised he is still doing his one trick pony thing.

He's been claiming zee evil Muslim conquests for over 10 years now.

So he is helping stormcucks to move from useless internet trolling to be an actual society of people with shared ideology who know each-other in person

Lol you're not fooling anyone Achmed

Tanned German here. Tunisia is pretty liberal in the parts that matter compared to other muslim countries. Girls can decide if they wear Hijab or not and women who wear Burkas are laughed upon and compared to ninjas. Economy is Balkan tier but still better than, lets say Ukraine or Romania. Military is also pretty much everywhere so its safe.

You mean the most recent ten years, which are currently climaxing with an unregulated invasion of millions of Muslims?

Yeah, crazy and unlikely stuff.

Yeah sure, whatever floats your boat.

>foes of jihad, including me
He's so full of himself. Didn't know he was barred from entering. Good riddance I guess.

>mfw you think I like Islam or something just because I point out Spencer's a shithead

What happened to his beefy friend, the one who wrote the Al Quaida Reader?

What are you, some kind of racist dumbass?

>be refugee
>flee home
>trek across Europe to escape Islamists
>yeah I wanna establish an Islamist shithole where I go

You dumb man, you dumb.

gouge a sow


holy fuck man can WWIII just kick off already

>kuffar BTFO

How is Spencer "full of himself"? What does that even mean?

Raymond Ibrahim is still doing a great job as ever.

>I wanna establish an Islamist shithole where I go

That's specifically what they want to do. It's not even a desire to establish a shithole, just a desire to normalize to their cutural values (ie, what feels like "basic common decency").

Or do you really believe that deep down, underneath it all, everyone is really a white middle class liberal?

None so blind as those who will not see.

Your bullshit is not fooling anyone. The mudslime invasion isn't to "escape islamists"

where is this and how old is this?

god damn this is some heresy



This is not how it works. ideologies spread over Internet will have enormous advantage in the propaganda and indoctrination over ideologies that are banned from there. Numbers win. Market and competition are everywhere. It would be like trying to be provide services of pigeon post in the age of smartphone.

Don't you just want to grind this mans face into a paste?

It's real and it's in Paris.

They cleaned it though.

>None so blind as those who will not see.


Muslim prime minister when?

Actually look up the Uncle Toms thing - he was in a government anti-terror thing and people were complaining he was talking to radical people, he said "we can't only talk to people who agree with us, uncle toms if you will" WHILE DOING AIR QUOTES.

I hate this board


I want Khan dead

As an example, he calls himself "foe of jihad" as if it's something special. He's not special, he just pretends to be and to have some special insight, which he doesn't have.

>That's specifically what they want to do.

You claim to know what millions of refugees want to do based on.. what exactly? The Christians among them also want to establish an Islamist shithole? You're retarded.

>everyone is really a white middle class liberal?
No, but those who can afford smugglers and/or escape refugee camps are likely middle and upper class and don't care about some global jihad fantasized by Spencer and his dummy friends.

Are there Islamists, jihadist or whatever you want to call them? Yes. Does Spencer have anything to offer which has been neglected? No. He just paints all Muslims with a broad brush and has been fantasizing about his pet peeve.

Oh and why do you post that picture? It's France's capital and biggest city, people piss and grafitti everywhere, what does that have to do with Muslims?

And I thought Russia was trying to take internet freedoms away

>the left is literally unironically going to ignore the fact that they are more totalitarian than any of the boogieman they use on their strawman arguments
>literally the only recourse left is an armed revolution
>europe is literally going to become an islamist state
I had to repeat literally because I can't fucking believe it's not some bad joke or exaggeration, holy fuck.

Seems like he was right all along then.

Not in the slightest. Muslims population increases, they want some shit like pool times for women or halal products, capitalists discover a new target group and provide, oh my god it's Islamization!!11oneone. It's retarded fearmongering.

That's some nice taqqiya you have there.

You don't even seem to understand the term you're using there.

Yet it's funny how it happened on the whole silk road, north africa, turkey and so many other territories, totally fear mongering and not islamic agenda, even though now you can be jailed if you criticize the fact that mudpeople whose culture destroyed the entire middle east the second they were off a leash of a military general, now want to bring the same culture to a new continent.

But oh wait you're probably just a rapefugee.

I wonder what the guy in pic related would say.
Fuck ..

I wonder how long our euro fag friends will be on pol before the state police start rounding the fuckers up to go to their re-education centers

Why do you argue with us? We want them gone or dead, which amounts to the same thing in our eyes.

We're not interested in your idiotic denial of cultural realities or your suicidal diversitopist ideals your fucking Turk.

this guy would probably just walk up to you and beat you to death with the back of his hand for not doing something yourself

wait until trudeau rounds us up

Why do politicians always read dystopia books and think they have some good ideas.

Seriously, writers need to stop writing dystopias if they're going to hand over the tools on how to rule people. STOP GIVING THEM MANUALS YOU CUNTS.

>literally the only recourse left is an armed revolution
I hope my home town gets a decent warlord and not some degenerate.

Just as written in the prophecies.

I had hoped these idiots would see which way the wind was blowing after brexit and stfu.

You could argue that it's already started with the changing of words and the introduction of PC terminology into dictionaries.

>oh don't mind them they're just trolls
>they don't actually believe any of this guys they're getting a rise out of you
>nobody seriously supports nationalism
>but just to be safe we'd better arrest them for speaking anyway.

Brave new world is closer, distracting the masses with trivialities

It's honestly both. Police state and changing the definition of words and being bombarded with propaganda.

And distracting the masses whilst they do it.

>Not a shithole
>99.8% Muslim