>The Starks have manned the Wall for thousands of years. And you're a Stark. You might not have my name, but you have my blood.
Ah, I get it now.
>The Starks have manned the Wall for thousands of years. And you're a Stark. You might not have my name, but you have my blood.
Ah, I get it now.
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What ever do you mean?
S1 dialogue was legit.
"The next time I see you...we'll talk about your mother."
Gosh S1 was great.
>Hey dad; is there a chance that I get spared to being a literal slave and be sorrounded by the worst people from the north for all my life?
>I mean, I dont ask for nobility comodities but I could use a job as a farmer or even as a soldier on the army, anything is better than the slavery of the wall.
Jon went of his own accord to the Wall, he thought it was honourable and was looking forward to it
>GoT will never have season 1-3 quality again
fucking D&D
>watching Game of Thrones instead of reading it
Didn't even have to join once he got there. Until he said his vows, he was free to leave.
>We will never get writing on the show on the level of Season 1 GoT again
why even live
>GoT will never have season 1-3 quality again
too bad quality means institutional racism
>implying any of us will still be alive to see the release of the final asoiaf book
>implying GRRM is still alive and not a meat puppet meant to appease the fans until the franchise is milked
>We will never get writing on the show on the level of Season 1 GoT again
>"Tully... Isn't that your wife's house?"
the reason why writing was good in S1 is because it was a 1:1 recreation of Book 1.
After that it went to dogshit
>Until he said his vows, he was free to leave.
I dont remember that, is it from the book?
S2 was kino
S2 Theon was the best acting the show ever had
they missed their chance when they didn't keep the viper alive
Its a biblical reference. Jesus never had the Blood but he had the name
>Jesus never had the Blood but he had the name
you are fucking retarded
>Started reading the books around the same time the show got popular
>Finish Dance of Dragons
>"Holy shit they killed Jon, is Stannis gonna fight Ramsey"
>Show gets to season 5, get to laugh at the tv plebs who were suprised
>2017 rolls around
>Dany, Jon and Tyrion have met up
>In the books Jon is still dead
>Don't want to watch the show because I want the books to suprise me
>Realize the books will never end
Yeah, and the show. They basically tell the kids that once they say their vows they're fucked. Unless they had a commuted sentence.
Alfie Allen and Rory Mccan are the only good actors left, or at least the ones with plotlines that aren't fucking retarded.
you can stop spamming this troll bait now nigger
>"That's Jaime Lannister the Queen's twin brother!"
Fuck I miss season 2. Blackwater,Jaime and Brienne and Theon were fucking good.
Blackwater was dumb
>Let's send a single ship full of wildfire out into a huge bay and hope Stannis is retarded enough to make his ships sail within touching distance of each other.
Jon is basically royalty being the son of the ruler of around 5 million people. After being broken in he'd quickly rise through the ranks and eventually be running the Night's Watch and all attendant lands, then he could eat roast boar, drink wine and keep as many mistresses as he wants all the days of his life.
i miss this theon on thn cusp of becoming alpha.
Or he could have just sat around Winterfell drinking wine, eating roast boar and fucking whores for all of his days.
In the books there are multiple ships and Tyrion had a giant chain with two towers topped with archers to rip ships hulls apart while blocking off the bay after the explosion. They rode horses while fighting of Stannis' men on foot.
I know....
Catelyn would never allowed it and probably try to have him killed at some point. She literally hates Jon in the books while the show only showed it twice with Jon not being in the dining hall and that conversation when he leaves.
She wouldn't have done shit.
I told myself I would read the books when winds came out during season 1
That cunt is going to die before he finishes
imo the show was good up til season 4 and 5 was where it started its downturn with sneks being retarded and the whole Martell plot thrown out the window with Doran dying because of feminists. 5 was watchable but as stated above I just want to see how retarded it gets.
She's a cunt and she would have probably been just like Randyl or pulled a Ramsey poisoning him if he Ned would have even attempted to usurp Robb or Bran's position as Lord.
He is a bastard and wasn't going to inherit much more than a bit of money. Since the Night's Watch eschew their inheritance it is only a bonus for him, he would also gain the respect of his father, uncle Benjen and brothers.
About the only negative for Rob would be going through boot camp.
Pretty sure it was evident from the start that the creators only cared about the source material up till the Red Wedding. After that they didn't know what to do and it went the direction of the Hobbit films.
Right now I'm only watching it to finish it. Quality has gone to shit and they've best boi's (Jamie) character development.
Jaime is still great and I still like Cersi fuck Dany and the only thing interesting about her is the surrounding cast. Only time I didn't like Jaime was during his escapade into Dorne but that's because of sneks.
Jamie is only just getting the development we should of seen in S5 and S6 and it's feeling rushed.
Can someone give me reasons why the show sucks now? I can't give any but it really feels like shit has gone downhill since season 2.
Probably because almost all of the good male characters are dead and all we're left with is Mary Sues and stronk empowered womyn.
The first couple of seasons were more like a traditional fantasy battle show. Now it's more like a drama with dragons
>women in all the positions of power (we know Jon is Sansa's bitch)
>terrible modern dialogue
>terrible acting from 90% of the cast
>weird time jumps with no warning, people seeming to teleport around Westeros
>no strong male characters left
I remember this scene.
I'd just finished reading the first book (I bought it based off the a trailer I saw for the show).
Clearly you could tell he wasn't his kid. From the book it was easier to spot he was his sister's kid.
The scene (and show) just firms everything up.
He started to develop in season 3 and SoS with the story of saving King's Landing. He started to care about his legacy when he became a kingsguard again with the book and when Joffrey died he cared about how he failed in his duties but not about that evil little bastard.