>Asian immigrants are good
>Asian immigrants are good
Why does USA bring out the worst and the best in people?
But they are! Vietnamese here are great entrepreneurs and make really good students.
Shut up, filipino.
You refuse to speak Spanish like the dumb Indians you are.
Faggot, go to Canada.
I hope they get rolled over by a car.
Admit it, gangbangers in Vancouver looks like that.
>mexican intellectuals
>cant hover mouse over flag
They are so skinny lmao, i can btfo any1 of them just by 1 good spit.
Filipino my god, it Czech
>pick random image
>yeah fuck these guys
Because you have the freedom to be the worst or best you can be.
SEA monkeys are usually quite shit indeed. nips are alright and usually don't bother anyone, some viets are alright, and some chinks.
but the rest, lord no.
>Switzer intelectuals
>Take away the word god off your anthem
Asians have the lowest crime rate of any racial group in the US. Meanwhile, Hispanics are three times more likely to commit violent crimes than whites.
All nonwhite races (except maybe Native Americans) eventually need to go, but you need to go long before the chinks.
malnourished ass gangstas
You answered your own question. You choose what you do with freedom
Bunch of subhumans
That fucker is so brown.
Have you actually seen an Asian gang member before you spic? Meanwhile, I can go to a middle class neighborhood and spot you fucking faggots posting up on a corner without even trying to look for scum like you.
Short hair on Asians should be a misdemeanor.
Those kinds of Asians are an anomaly