I challenge you to find a single movie where a woman cheats on his man that women rated lower than men.
Protip: you can't.
I challenge you to find a single movie where a woman cheats on his man that women rated lower than men
>I challenge you to find a single movie where a woman cheats on his man that women rated lower than men.
In the words of the Virgin Mary "Come again?".
>a woman cheats on his man
So you want trannycore?
RIP this thread
As expected you can't.
Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Find me a movie where a woman cheats on man that has a lower rating by females on imdb compared to the male rating.
good call
filthy dumb imdb scum
can't understand what the fuck you're saying
Not good. It's only because he had been with the mother before.
Bitches be jelly as fuck.
Not even gonna start with the existential shit that fries their brain for good.
I can't understand a 5 words sentence? Dayum nigga, get it together.
wow faggot, you got what you want
stop packpedaling and go back to the frogger board
So what?
That's a black mirror episode, the girl get knocked up by her former lover and she lies about it to her husband
You can't get any better than that
You know what the fuck I'm talking about, stop playing the retard, faggot.
Good, now show me a meaningful example.
I mean something like this, with obvious cheating, not some debatable shit.
I just showed you a meaningful example faggot
No you din't. Can't you read?
I can read, but you are just butthurt
Anyways look up Blue Valentine for a meaningful example you retarded faggot
Have you even seen Brief Encounter? He's cheating on his wife as much as she is cheating on her husband.
It's presented as ultimately a very bad thing and her husband is probably the most moral character in the film in the end.
So I'm not sure your point?
>husband tries to fuck schoolmate of his daughter
Mmh, I wonder how is it possible that women rated this lower than men.
It's like you guys do it on purpose.
Thanks for spoiling me the movie, faggot.
Your point?
What are you looking for?
I just gave you an example right there.
>shitposting this hard
you haven't even seen American Beauty and Blue Valentine
Also I'm pretty sure you don't even watch any movies
Ballgags are fucking hot, why isn't it more common in porn other than the sex dungeon stuff?
>all those 8's
I have seen American Beauty and was jokign about Blue Valentine.
You're the one shitposting.
Something where a woman simply cheats, not some special snowflake circumstances like the things posted.
>fucks mother before daughter
>wants to fuck an underage schoolmate of the daughter
I guess the drool puts a lot of people off
He is trying to "prove" that women are okay with cheating if the girl does it
He chose pretty much the dumbest way
yeah women are shit OP
more importantly, i'm seeing Liv Tyler with a ball gag. Now I'm thinking that it's no more than to keep her quiet in a hostage scenario, but just in case, i'll ask: does anything lewd happen to her in this movie?
no you haven't seen American Beauty since Lester does not fuck that girl meanwhile his wife cheats on him the entire time
you got proved wrong retard
No, I'm trying to prove that even unconsciously women condone cheating.
Prove me wrong.
How stupid can someone be?
Yeah ok I know you're a low-effort troll, but just actually watch Brief Encounter. Noel Coward is one of the greats.
Fucking normies, that's the best part
This is just effortless shitposting at this point, fuck off retard
I watched it when you were sucking your mommas tiddies.
nice, very nice. what a waste.
marxist propaganda, fuck outta here.
You moving to Uganda soon, friend?
brief encounter
hiroshima mon amour
Literally posted one myself and women voted it higher.
damn women!