Tell me about Texas

Tell me about Texas.

Why is it so great?

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I want one.

Texas, here I come!

Blue state next election cycle

Because republicans had control of it for the last few decades.
California is shit, but its controlled by democrats.

fuck off wendy davis

>California is shit, but its controlled by democrats.
>6th biggest economy in the world
>California is shit

Kek, the only thing that keeps american economy alive in commiefornia and wall street

They say everything is bigger in Texas are there any more pictures of this fellow to prove if it's true or not?

Texas is great because the culture is one of self sufficiency, rugged individualism, and standing up for what you believe is morally right. The roadways are some of the best in the nation and we have 80 mph speed limits. We have our own energy grid, oil, and aquifers. We have a huge semiconductor manufacturing, computer (Dell), and other tech industries. We have the San Antonio Spurs and the Dallas Cowboys. Barring illegals, the Hispanics that live there are patriotic, assimilated, and hard working Americans. Texans are not afraid to fight for what is right and they do not retreat. We have the Alamo, the absolute destruction reaped upon the Mexican army by Sam Houston at the battle of San Jacinto, and we successfully fought for our own independence. We were our own country, the Republic of Texas, prior to joining the United States. We are the only state that joined the US as an independent country and can fly our flag at the same height as the American flag because of it. We have guns and last but not least, we have NASA!

Don't Mess With Texas.

you have been shitting up multiple threads with your dim witted fuckery all day. im on to you kike.

Is everything bigger in texas?

That guy looks like a queer, who is surprised, he's a Texan.

this famalam




i thought you swedes only liked minnesota, and thats why we have such a horrible somali problem there. now shoo, texas doesnt need any more niggers

So essentially bluepilled cuckservatism, the state.

Lax gun laws

No state income tax

Republicans run the state

Pro business

Once its own country

As a New Yorker living in Texas, I can say that it's pretty shit tier.

The people are so up their own ass about "Muh Texas." They have this weird cult of Texas thing going on that I just don't understand. The place is hot, it's full of rattlesnakes, giant bugs, and mosquitos that could carry away a baby. The people are have their heads shoved so far up their own ass about Jesus and guns that it's comical. Literally every single thing wrong with the Christian Right is personified here. The people are a joke with no punch-line.

The job market here is a fucking joke. I have a college degree, spent five years working over-seas and have a ton of experience in a few fields. I returned to the US in December and I've put job applications in everywhere, and I do mean everywhere, from professional jobs that I am more than qualified for to fucking McDonald's. I have received ZERO calls back. Not one.

tl;dr, fuck Texas.

>once its own country
did you mean wants its own country, or was once its own country, pretty sure it was either mexico or america

You're right. Thank you for correcting the record.

I live here

Its not. Its kind of an armpit, despite its many appealing qualities.

Degree and location faggot.

>it makes you money
>therefore it is good
That's some kike-tier thinking right there.

Look at Poland: it's poor as fuck but probably one of the better places in Europe to live right now.

then why are you there? go back to new york

Texas was an independent country after kicking Santa Anna's ass

Feel free to go back to your shithole at any time fuccboi

It used to be. It's turning blue within next 3-5 years. Over 50% of kids in Texas are Mexican

Gay != Great

Job market is prob a joke cause we don't have a wall, but what do I know.

Anyways I love New York, but let's not pretend that it's not the worst hipster cult in the entire country...and the job market is totally saturated with trust fund gooks

>New Yorker

You have to go back.

Read a fucking history book

Allow me to explain. Texas fought for its independence and defended itself from an invading Mexican army. Texas was its own country for about 3 years prior to joining the United States. Moreover, all the land that makes up the Southwest actually changed hands many times between Spain, France, Mexico, The Republic of Texas, and eventually the United States. There is a common misconception that the United States stole the land from Mexico when it was, in fact, purchased legally. Mexico was not robbed at all. Mexico did try to steal it back however. The narrative that the land was stolen is completely false.

Steers and queers. Fuck those brokeback cowboy larpers


Went to Houston for an audition at their Opera house and I loved it. Stayed at a hostel for two nights for cheapness and ease of access to the theater and ate at a couple local places. Amazing food and unbelievably nice people.

Northern libtards are a fucking cancer
> Let's vote for Democrats
> Holy fuck, taxes here are ridiculous
> Let's move to a low tax red state
> Let's vote for Democrats

His traps are so big, yet his arms are so small.

This. People have romantic notions of Texas that aren't true anymore. It's Mexico 2.0 and gonna continue eroding as more of the old breed die out each year.

The People's Republic of Austin should secede fro Texas...
They're making everyone else look bad.

>Hispanics that live there are patriotic, assimilated, and hard working Americans
It used to be like that back in the days. Mexicans that live in the cities no better than niggers. They're not so wild, but they don't share original American values anymore

Democrats are locusts. They ruin their city and state and move to new ones to ruin it like the ones they came from.

>I have received ZERO calls back

Thank God Texans can still spot a Jew when they see one.

A piss that's not even owned by Texans

North Texas, Wichita Falls area. BS in Pharmacy.

My wife is from this area and her family lives here.

I would if I fucking could.

Shit, I wish I was Jewish. Then I'd be able to fucking rely on nepotism.

>californian education

6 flags over Texas, faggot

The eyes of Texas are upon you

Lmao, as if your governor isn't the biggest shill for the Jews.


Hard to believe you can't get a pharmacy job with a degree.


>cuck going by what his wife says

Does everyone in Texas have big traps?

>loved it
>unbelievably nice people
You better be kidding me. Houston is the worst place in Texas

I'm pretty sure it's due to the area. I'm not in Wichita Falls, that's just the closest city. It's nothing but fucking cows and rednecks where I live.

Says the lonely virgin.

Pro tip: Californians moved to Texas because they got priced out of the insanely hot SF/LA housing market, not because of high taxes

Houston (like any llarge city) has great areas and shit areas

You've obviously never been to Texas City, anywhere in Dallas, or the Valley.

Houston is one of the most well rounded cities in America. Why do you think people flock to Houston? Songs are sung about Houston. Billions of dollars are made there

Top restaurants, diverse culture, NASA, and you can drive for hours and never leave

And to top it off, we're the least racist of any city in Texas.

I know this story is false because I live in Texas and Houston is our shitty ass swamp we don't talk about and pretend doesn't exist.

Fuck you, Texas, and fuck your Lone Star Beer.
Fuck that fucking Alamo, and fuckin' long-horned steer.
Fuck every Dallas cowboy, that ever draw'd a breath
Fuck you, Texas, and fuck you plumb to death!

SF housing is insanely high because Democrats have passed draconian building restrictions to raise the value of their own properties and their handlers. It's all artificial.

wtf I love Texas now!

How do you guys handle the Texan heat? I would die in 30 minutes.

Which welfare ward do you live in nigger?

I'm sorry, but how do corporations get priced out of a housing market? What is bringing major tech companies out of California and into Austin?

Sorry Paco, but yer wrong

I emailed the governor on a whim about an issue with Obama, he replied thanking me for the concern and started tweeting about it . pretty cool

Our women, cities, beer, and food are god tier. Especially our women

air conditioning

If workers can't afford housing, companies move to where workers can afford housing.

I'm pretty sure El Paso is the safest and least racist city in Texas

>White minority

Pick one

you must like bbws then

Please. Give me a break. Texas is just the poor man's Arizona.

>tfw no cowboy texas bf

zona has to be the sluttiest state ever, how do you find a wife down there

>Wichita Falls area

There's your problem right there. I used to live there, so I can say with some certainty that there isn't fucking shit in Wichita Falls. There's the Air Force base, Midwestern State University, and literally nothing else. Try any other reasonably sized city in Texas and it will be better.

surrounded by Commiefornia, Mormons, little Mexico and old Mexico

what workouts do i need to do for that type of build


speak for yourself, nigger.

>Worst place in Texas
>Not People's Republic of Austin
The weather might be God awful but at least it keeps the commies and Californians (but I repeat myself) north of Bexar county.

Please leave. We don't want your kind here.

Demoshits are like locusts. They sit and shit all over their spot until its ruined, then move to a clean area just to repeat..


cowboy gay sex

That's not true. Arizona Cowboys Best Cowboys.

My family has big cattle ranch in Northern AZ

They got priced out because of socialist zoning laws

It's a dry heat, unless you're in the niggerswamp called houston

Nevermind. I'm an idiot.

tell me more

no bully

you scoping out them contractors at sheppard, used to have a few there and we'd pay out the ass for shit like pharmacists, only having a BS makes it tough but should still be aight.

just type into indeed sheppard air force base for any position, make a list of the companies who are advertising for positions, and contact them and ask if they have any pharmacy positions open

Steers & queers.

All the land between San Antonio, Lubbock, and Oklahoma is blessed by God.

BS in Pharmacy? AAHAHAHAHA No wonder.. Who the fuck gets a BS in a medical related profession.

Wichita Falls is a shit hole podunk area.

No wonder you have a shitty view.

Thats because its nothing but mexicans, who never talk to each other. Living in Austin opened my eyes to humans who actually spoke to each other even if they were strangers, it was so nice. Moving back to El Paso just reminds me of all the reasons of why i left. Main reason is the people and city are shit and JuareƱos are everywhere now, they took over the west side which was predominantly white rich folks.

Median income in Hungary is USD $15,422.

Your entire country is a poor neighborhood in Texas.

Texas is a state of cowboys and bbq.
Hardy men who take Pride in the old ways, drinking black coffee before tending To lifestock.

Traditional women who know their place and see it as their duty To care for their husbands, especially after a hard days work.

How wrong is my picture?

By not being pussies