Is the homeless autistic chad aesthetic a viable way to get girls? Pic related
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Fuck off retard.
there's really no evidence of this. He was a virgin before meeting sarah, and they really only got hot for each other because they were in an extreme situation, and he was really the man to help her. Thoughts?
I started acting like him and a cute girl looked at me. I even do that weird gait he did while stalking Sarah outside the nightclub (yes I wanna kill myself)
biehn was so based back in the day, wtf happened to this dudes career
Also, i think when he demanded a huge lump sum to return in Alien 3, and was subsequently killed off the way he was, he probably upset Fox big time.
He drank too much so apparantly he would fuck up his lines. Hollywood Jews wouldn't put up with it
He demanded a too high bonus
that makes sense and all, for most jobs, but there are so many fucking actors that are complete messes from booze or drugs and do fine.
Well James Cameron literally cucked him out of Linda Hamilton too tho.
Star power. People put up with David O Russell's shit because he's a (((good))) director and has both Oscar and boxoffice - albeit limited - power
only if you save her from a terminator, otherwise you just look like an autist
What if I save one from a black person
Depends on where you live.
Amsterdam and Texas
He wasn't autistic, he was just in constant survivor mode because he grew up fighting killer war machines in a post-nuclear hellscape.
But reese got to smash Allison youngs pusspuss
He should have been huge. Guy was buff, good looking and a great actor. Came off like a real person unlike that creepy little faggot Tom Cruise!!!FACT!!!
He got to feel linda Hamiltons tits