Have you ever spotted a trump supporter on the road?

Have you ever spotted a trump supporter on the road?

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sadly yes

I wanted to ram them t.bh but I'm a liberal pussy so of course I didn't.

Central Florida here and I spot easily 10-20 per day.

I have a MAGA sticker on the back of my truck as well.

I usually see 0 Hillary and 0-1 Bernie per day

Yeah KYS fag


Alaska, see them all the time. Same with Bernie stickers.

We are second most free state in the nation so we don't have any poppy diaper Clinton supporters here.

funny you bring this up
because there is a hillary shitmobile parked around the block from me.
im going to destroy it. fire bomb it something good. will deliver. very soon with in days. it never moves, probably a leftist that loves public transport. the cuck has 15 stickers on the back of this blue shitbox, hillary yes im with her all that retarded shit. bitch is gonna pay.

this is now destroy shit that has the mark of the best hillary on it thread.

Central Florida....There everywhere. Every single employee in my office (30) are all Trump supporters. I don't know a single Hillary supporter except for possible\y a few black guys that work in the shipping yard. THe parking lot is full of cars with Trump bumper stickers.

Yeah, there are a bunch of Trump bumper stickers in my town and even a truck with the whole tailgate professionally painted with Trump's logo.

I love living around people that aren't cucked.

Colorado here

They are everywhere

>Carlisle Pennsylvania

What a shithole.

>We are second most free state in the nation
I'm going to need you to back that up, buster.










I live in Commiefornia, so they're few and far between. I have a Trump sticker on my car, and in the three months since I've put it on my car, I've had notes left on my windshield with unkind remarks, two different cups of coffee thrown on my vehicle, and we're into double digits of instances where other motorists have flipped me off, yelled at me, or cut me off in combination with one of the above.

I have never had so much freude up in my schaden. Feels good.

A lot actually here in mass.

>trump stickers are alway on pickups, jeeps, and company vehicles
>hill/berm stickers are always on Asian brand sedans

California you can't have these stickers the Mexican KKK will attack you.

Diversity is so good for white america.

I saw 2 today, not only the Cadillac

The other was some guy in a 6 series with a trump sticker on the back, I was at a stop and there was a Mexican in a Honda behind him, and next to meand he was clearly mad. Didn't take a picture tho.

I'm in North NJ

Fucking Mexican KKK

>tfw I see a Bernie sticker still on someone's car

OP is that Broadway in Fairlawn/Elmwood Park?

No Its route 18 East Brunswick

Yep. I've seen dozens. Look for the green Tundra in PA. That's me.

Oh fugg looks similar, another NJ fag here.

Joo Yawkah here
In Orthodox Jewish Neighborhoods I still see a lot of Cruz stickahs around (Borough Park, that Jewish part of Marine Park, the Jewish part of Bushwhick )

I still see Sanders stickers and flags

Around the 'comfier' (read: whiter) neighborhoods I see a fair amount of 'subtle' Trump paraphenia e.g. back seat, hanging from the mirror, and some of the older guys don't give a fuck and just have MAGA hats on and Trump stickers on their 1988 Lincoln Town cars.

I only saw one 'I'm With Her' sticker and that was on the back of a Range Rover while I was at Home Depot. It was a black guy driving, and has a Fraternal Order of Police sticker on the back. The RR was an older model and a bit best up, so it was owned not used.
>I suspect the wife was involved

However, the Blacks, Hispanics, Middle Easterners and Desis are largely voting for Clinton, even though they're not big on stickers and rallies.

Arabs/Lebanese and Desis (Indians, Sri Lankans, Bengalis and a whole host of loos) have a vested interest in voting Democrat though, since they want to bring their 100 family members over.

They have a vested interest in not voting for Trump, since he indicated support for closed borders and border controls.

The Puerto Ricans and Cubans don't care much - I'm dating a based Hwite PR myself (Dad was in the Army and racist as Hell, Mother is smart and sees through the BLM bullshit on the news but not full Race War Now.)

Cubans are a mixed bag from who I've spoken to.

About half of Mexicans want to bring their family over (usually the women), so vote Democrat in hopes of increasing those chances.

The other half (usually men) actually don't want to see the value of their already labor power decreased by over supply , and I've had a conversation between a man and his wife translated into English
>If your brother wanted to come here so badly he wouldn't have given up after the first try of getting wet (I.e. from the Rio)

I only see Drumpf and Bern-out supporters in PA

>t. Correct The Record


>there are people out there with bernie tattoos

In Georgia/SC border? You betcha.

So are you a Clinton, Johnson, or Stein supporter?

I think he means actual "Drumpf" stickers

See them on occasion here in NW Florida. Also see Bernie stickers on all the tourist faggots, but never locals.

Drumpf supporter. I just think it's funny and pathetic that the left think they "got him!" With that name

No, but I don't live in the US so I guess it's normal.

Well don't you see newt stickers?

I saw a "Bikers for Trump" sticker yesterday

>1 post by this ID

back2reddit shill

They have nice car shows tho

I don't think we're a sticker country, I only see baby on board stickers and the likes.

increasingly often in socal

What part of Central FL?

I'm in Orlando and occasionally see a Trump sticker. Had one on my car but it was yanked off when I worked at the airport for a few months. Feels bad man


I don't like bumper stickers on my car, but if I did I probably still wouldn't put a Trump one on because "progressives" would key it and take selfies in front of it to virtue signal.

Yes I've seen 3. I talked to one at a stop light.

t. correct the record

Meanwhile in the real world Trump supporters don't touch anyone elses shit, and rabid liberals claim the moral high ground while assaulting people and destroying their property.

Just saw one the other day. It had a picture of trump in the obama filter thing that said

Trump 2016, Fuck Your Feelings

this is oregon btw.

Yeah, every few days

Although I still see more Bernie stickers

I live in Florida

UCF here. Afraid I'll get my car vandalized if I put one on.

what would happen if someone put a trump sticker on a prius. would they just cancel out?

I would have a sticker but my car would get vandalized if I did. That liberal tolerance is a motherfucker

>putting a sticker ON THE PAINT


Yeah the trump truck hangs out around here, it has a Florida plate but it's in north NJ, he put more flags on it. Theres a marines sticker somewhere too


Can someone explain this? Why do Americans feel the need to show eveyone who they're going to vote for?

Yes. More than $hillbots or bernouts

t. buffalo NY

patriotic fervor. in America we consider the right to choose our elected officials to be the ultimate form of political expression (similar to the swedish tradition of prolapsing your anus for abdul) and so people will proudly and loudly display and fight for who they believe best represents their ideal version of the republic.

stfu pussy

please have cancer