Post white people things

Post white people things

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Fuk u


we've had this thread so many times already

Is this a new white person stereotype -- having fun?




I'm not offended by this at all.

Fucking savages

>Use strength and cooperation to do something innovative
>White people things

Sounds about right.

Usually the black twitter meme stereotypes of white people are usually:

Vapid white girls (fair enough)
Respectable working families
People having fun


Fuck white people, they're always so peaceful and corny.

Now do it by the nationality of the people who discover them

Income, civilization, intelligence.



mup da doo didda po mo gub bidda be dat tum muhfugen bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga


You missunderstand. It's people having HARMLESS fun that's uncomprehendable to them.






>photo that involves intelligence to plan, cooperation amongst people, and fun that doesn't involve sex or violence
>white people
>mfw I'm happy every day I wasn't born a retarded violent nigger

Oh yeah I get what you mean. Black people normally make fun of white people for stuff that either doesn't result in destruction of some sort or has one level of thought process (e.g. some more complex sports).


Easy there ahmed, without white people you'd still be in your shitty sandbox getting blown up by ieds and suicide bombers

I unironically dont mind these kinds of jokes and if you get triggered by them you are no better than your average BLM SJW


Of course it's the greatest thing if blacks do it.


Credit to Medledev for organizing the table.

its only a matter of time before some faggot posts the aleged moon landing

this so much

So I come here to rustle jimmies because I think people here are a bunch of hypocritical pricks with the intellect of a 12 year old that have convince themselves they're great and the most moral human being on this planet.

And I used to dismiss the shilling bullshit as you guys being paranoid pricks. But this exact same thread was really posted the other day.

Really makes you think.



Why do these always boil down to

>Haha look at those white people being peaceful and enjoying themselves and not committing crime haha


Kek confirms

Countless billions spent on useless scrap metal while children are starving.
White people alright.

only a lame faggot thinks that taking a pic like that is fun

ironically, conspiracy theories are a pretty white activity too, because black people don't ask questions.

Does this count?


>useless scrap metal

go fuck yourself, Bulgaria. The people who spent that money on those ships didn't owe shit to starving children in other countries.

reminds me of this

Eating animal feed like farro and sorghum.

Yeah, they should go burn cars, break windows, and rob stores.

>didn't owe

Well, luckily we are 2016 and humanity is moving beyond that simple minded thinking.
I am certain wasteful mistakes such as the space race will never, ever, be repeated again.


Also >http://


>while children are starving
They benefit much more from the discoveries of our labor, why satisfy their stomachs for a few weeks when you can give everyone so much more?

shouldnt you be removing the british from eu chart?



>wasteful mistake
>space race

Why is it only whites that can think past their next meal?

no need for that
there's a lot of non-lame shit they can do that's not criminal activity
but they are lame so they take a pic like that
I can only imagine what they are saying to each other and thinking in their little brains
"Hey lets attention whore on social media with a picture of us where we lean on each other"
fucking genious man, that's civilization, that and rights of homosexuals is what civilization is all about

I didn't make the chart

If this isn't proof that liberalism is a disease, I really don't know what is.

Nah, some believe in conspiracy theories. They don't understand them, but they signal to their fellow dindus that they are the "woke" nigger of their group.

Is it any worse than people like Ghaddafi who have gold palaces while their people starve and are attacked.

I basically described all of Africa, Asia, and South America.

>there's a lot of non-lame shit they can do that's not criminal activity
Then name it.


>They benefit much more from the discoveries of our labor, why satisfy their stomachs for a few weeks when you can give everyone so much more?
you are deluded
your oligarch controlled country along with Russia is the biggest threat to the world's well being

Bognigger detected.

>tfw poland is my only lifeline to do my part to save my race but it's too hot for me to survive there

I love this thread. I'm glad it's posted every day.

The second one on the left is Asian.

Well, they could be swimming in the ocean water considering they're on the beach

>all those dumbass triggered because we're talking about white people
>Literally the same as black people triggered about muh racism
When people talk about "white people thing" there's pretty much talking about beta turbonormie behaviours. Stop taking it personnally

Without the space program, you wouldn't have cell phones or the internet.

What makes you think they weren't already doing that?

Why the fuck do they wear their pants like that?

Explain this to me, Sup Forums


Man, you guys really can't have fun. These white people hate threads are usually aimed at nu-people, liberals, and the "open minded" crowd but you fucks twist it around and end up defending them

I'm just saying swimming is more fun than whatever it is they're doing.

Pretty sure KANGZ is their biggest conspiracy.

building a house
climbing a mountain

not this shit(pic related)





You didn't invent or conquer shit, stop acting so high and mighty because someone who's the same color as you did something great.

Bulgaria is not white confirmed.

>thinking Sup Forums isn't populated by all sorts of people, said people included
Nah mate you fucked up

You sound like a fucking nerd

Ooga booga, nigger.

>mistakes such as the space race
You motherfucker, do you understand why the space race was so great? Because this Earth right here is goddamn limited. It won't take too many more people, and even if we purge all fucking non-whites on the planet, eventually white people will get fucking bored.

My recent sentence may sound like I was saying we should use the Earth then get up and go - but I wasn't trying to say that. We need more land to lower overall population density, and find new sources of material to aid both Earth and wherever we may go. We are going to goddamn expand, and all attempts to resist are merely setbacks or delays. We may as well expand the correct way.

The issue wasn't that we wasted resources, it was that we wasted too many resources on everything else.

>It's ok to make white people jokes, but if you make a Jew joke your a nazi

Really mak you tinky

>there's pretty much talking about beta turbonormie behaviours. Stop taking it personnally
they can relate to the same lame things we make fun of thats why they get angry


Blacks are literally "stop having fun": the race. I've never seen any other race produce so much butthurt.

>muh your heritage doesn't matter
Classic black people defense.
>we wuz kings
>but you can't take pride in something you didn't do yourself

seriously. I just hate that we have to exist together on the same planet.

Fuck off nigger.

