Who was the worst character (besides Jim) on the office and why was it pic related?
Who was the worst character (besides Jim) on the office and why was it pic related?
The British bitch
>not any of the meme replacements they added to the main cast after Michael left
At least Elba appeared in like 5 episodes if you didn't like him
The faggot CEO from season 9 and the english thot
Idris Elba
I wanna fug idris elba so bad
Pam and pic related
yeah! go away pol ! this is a left board and we are AGAINST racism and ALWAYS have been ! bog off pol ! bog off !
>Sup Forums homos falseflagging as anti-themselves
Lmao tbqh
andy by far
the warehouse nigger
man i hate everything he's in
Overall it's Andy. At the end it might have been Pam. Her role was reduced to nagging mom for the whole office.
Angela comes in close.
Why does Sup Forums hates Jim so much? He is literally the funniest guy who does the job done without even doing anything. He is successful lazy guy incarnate. The only bad thing about him is being omega coward when it comes to Roy.
Tbh I don't even think of those characters, ever. For me The Office ended with Michael leaving.
Because you're racist and like baiting people?
I unno.
>itt: reddit
>Is the only character who sees how much of a cunt Jim is
pick one
>did my punctuation offend you?
>you're a ducking idiot
Dwight, get out.
On a related note who has the best feet on the office? I'm gonna go ahead and say Erin or Pam
It's not him, although he is fairly bland in one dimensional, but that's not necessarily a bad thing to have a straight man to the antics around the office.
Yeah Nelly was fucking cancer.
I can see where you're coming from, but he was at least okay when he was first introduced. When he came back from anger management, it was all downhill from there for him.
I would say to you, "Never breed", but I don't think that'll be a problem for you.
>Erin or Pam
Truly a debate for the ages
>tfw my girlfriend said this in theatres and said it was a joke
Should I be worried?
It's hard to find someone there who isn't a cunt
Maybe Karen who got fucked over so she was bitter about it
>why was it pic related?
shoehorned in for "muh diversity"
Jim literally did nothing wrong.
Are you saying that you're not attraced to anyone who isn't your gf or looks like your gf?
you're trying too hard, senpai
Wasn't Stanley the token?
He acts like a big fish in a small pond and kissed Pam when she was in a relationship which is a really shit thing to do
He's worried his gf might be a coalburner you dumb shit
Acting like a big fish is okay when everyone around you are bunch of fucking losers and idiots. Kissing Pam is bad though. He has superior woman anyway. I don't get him.
She's white. He's black.
Time for the ol' clit snipsnip.
If he was the top sales man by a large margin, sure
But he wasn't, he was ok for the most part but nothing special
He hated his life and hated working there so he antagonized his colleagues instead of just quitting and finding something better
Non-selfaware cunt detected.
He wasn't on top simply because he didn't want to. And he didn't antogonized these guys, he treated them with behavior they deserve. Well, and it's not that simple to find something better with experience in such shithole.
Dwight, I said, get out.
Jim is a nobody, he wasn't good at anything and he didn't even work hard. His only defining characteristic was that he had a bloated sense of selfworth (again, without having accomplished anything in his life) and bullied the clearly austic guy at work. He was an annoying cunt, plain and simple.
Pam was an enabler too btw.
Who is "reddit" in this thread?
Then how can you act like you're better than everyone without proving it with the excuse of "I don't even care, this is stupid"?
>he treated them with behavior they deserve
How can you judge who someone should be treated?
It's not like they're criminals and he takes the law into this own hands or something
And even if something isn't simple, that doesn't mean you at least try to make it work
If you're working for years in sales, you do have experience in sales, that's not an argument
Bottom line is, he was too much of a chickenshit to take control of his life so he stayed in place for years
He's just a little child who never grew up
Well, Jim were smarter than most co-workers for sure. Also Dwight is not autistic, he was a bad person and actually arrogant one. What so annoying about Jim? Having fun about idiots is a good thing.
He is better because he is self-aware. He knows that this job is shit, he knows how to use others in his benefit, also how to have at least some fun on his job.
And being lazy is not bad. He has control of his life, he just choose to be here, doing stable and easy work.