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If you ban the burkini than why not ban nuns too?

Other urls found in this thread: burka bomb

nuns dont detonate



women in burkinis won't explode either

Why not banning your goat-ass-kissing mouth, Ahmed?

Cause you live in a christian country with no space for islam no matter how often comrade Merkel tries to tell us different.

FPBP. Nuns don't kill people.

also nunneries contribute to local society, they don't scrounge for welfare, they do not demand that everyone accommodate to their culture, and they have been a fixture of european culture for well over a thousand years.

Nuns choose it, whereas the halal people often force it on their women.


All you Krauts do is dig holes at the beach why the fuck do you even care what other countries do?

Not an arugment.

not surprising how a german would say that


Fucking lold, fpbt

I don't like muslims and have absolutely no problem with them being discriminated against.

Nuns are fucking retarded too. I agree with this.

Fucking Argentina. We give you a lot of shit, but you really are the best country in South America. I know that's not saying a lot, but there aren't a lot of countries with the balls to take on England. Over a bunch of sheep, too.


I have never seen a exploding nun.

We don't need arguments, we need collective will.

If we don't find it it will be the end of civilization in western Europe, if we do find it it will be the end of you in western Europe.

Fucking based.

we believe you mohammad

Keep posting like that Argentina and I'll remember you're a white country.

No one says "habit or behead, your choice". burka bomb

>nuns decide to become nuns
>muslim women forced to wear it

Damn look at the milkers on that middle one. Imagine titty fucking those bazookas

>t. achmed

Nuns are a job
Burkas/Burkinis are intended for all women
Not comparable

Doesn't make any sense to ban nuns. They're not muslims. The burqini ban is a punitive measure. Convert or forget about spending time at France's lovely beaches.

Your people have been breaking rule one, Mohammad. Integrate or die. Your choice.

>Women can decide to devote their life to God
>They were a habit to show this
>A nun can walk outside without her habit or wear whatever if she wants to

>All women HAVE to wear a burka, headscarf, etc. even if they aren't Muslim
>They have no choice
>If a woman goes outside without her burka she is stoned to death or raped, then stoned to death for being raped, and if she's lucky she'll be put on trial and then be stoned to death by the authorities

We're christian, so the nuns have more right than the shitskins, deal with it ahmed :)

Because nuns weren't harassing all the women not in burqinis

>All muslims
check how women look on this Syrian beach

Gros babtou fragile, va donc te pendre, ça fera une merde en moins ici

>Stay in the cloister doing who the fuck knows what

>Bomb innocent people
>Probably thousands of casualties in Europe already

Geeeee wiz

We know you're liars Ahmed.

Nuns are not repressed they choose their life style and choice of what they wear. Why are you supporting the oppression of women when you're from Germany for fucks sake!

>Latakia beach

because we fucking hate your religion and your guts

European has a Christian culture despite the fact that it is no longer Christian by law. This is indisputable historical fact, it would be ludicrous to begin banning parts of our own culture.

>implying we aren't already doing this

I know ;_;

>not a german

Based black man

>if she's lucky she'll be put on trial and then be stoned to death while being raped by the authorities and MSNBC will call her a hero and win the Nobel peace prize for being peaceful show us all that Islam is the religion of peace
Just wow

J'encule ta mère le bougnoule, et vous ne pouvez toujours pas allez en burkini sur la plage :)

J'espère que les corses vous égorgeront la prochaine fois que vous essayez d'imposer votre religion de bougnoule.

Nice taqiyya, Mahmoud.