i watched faults last night,what a weird movie.
fuck you this even hurt me
>your ex is a much desired successful public figure while you remain a nobody
>MEW will NEVER give you that look
>she breaks up with you when her looks start to go
Riley will have an easy time fucking 20 something roasties
>tfw no smart ex convict gf
She will never give Riley that look again either.
Is it even worth trying to get a qt gf bros? Or will I just feel a million times worse when she inevitably leaves me?
>I unironically know this feel
Never go to an elite university, Chad it up, than drop out due to drugs your junior year while everyone you fucked becomes ridiculous successful, friends
Riley got to fuck MEW throughout her entire prime then dumped her as soon as she got old and used up and he started getting /fit/. I bet he slays better pussy every day now that I got rid of the bitch.
fuck off reddit normalfags
Once you've had one qt gf it makes it a lot easier to get another one.
This shit ain't even true.
You usually get a lesser gf and start resenting her because you know that is the best you will ever do after experiencing paradise.
Whats the point when you lost one of the best girls???
Seriously though. At her age, what are the chances she'll break out from a C-List to an A-List. I'm talking about ScarJo, early 2000s Angelina Jolie.
And what are the chances she'll end up like Kristen Bell or Anna Farris and just marry someone more famous than her or a nobody, pop a few kids out and just fade in to obscurity?
never gonna be like the first time though
This. Unless you have skyrocketing income, each girl will be inferior to the last
with a qt gf you do normie things, move in normie social circles and your confidence improves
girls can smell it if you've been a desirable bf recently...just get back on the horse as quickly as possible
>mfw don't know and will never know that feel because touchless virgin
>"""women""" who shack up based on a fling
>"""women""" who don't stand by their man
no please.
Thats what you get for falling for the ivy league meme
>you will never be this beta
jesus fucking christ, how did this guy even get her in the first place
no wonder she fucked off
living the dream
>tfw that moment in a relationship where you desperately try to hold on but her mind is already set and no matter how nice and caring you are she looks at you like this
Wow, what awful taste.
>those wrinkled roastie eyes
good riddens, riley made the right call
If you fuck enough women, you can get to a point where you can go years without fucking and women will still find you desirable. I don't think it's something you have to keep putting an effort into to stay at a high level. Once you cross a certain threshold of becoming comfortable with your own sexuality and socially competent, you stay that way.
Christ, if he actually started dressing like a man and not a 20yo hipster he would still be with her. I mean hell, it was fine when they were married in their early 20s but at some point he should have grown up his dress style.
Start wearing more dress shirts, proper pants and more like a man in his 30s. Add his working out and what not, he would have stayed with her and if not at least get right back to slaying pussy.
Something like what John Hamm is wearing here. He would look more his age and mature, which younger women tend to dig a lot and not like a youtube hipster still trying to be cool and keep his hipster cred.
What went wrong?
Real talk - I'm going through a separation right now. Married a long time (probably since before most of you were born). Nothing can compare to the experience. Like being fired but from your life. It's not a problem while I'm thinking about it. I get upset for the most unexpected reasons.
This pic of MEW made me cry.
Dude they've been together for like 15 years.
They probably haven't even fucked for the last 2-3 years.
He got her when he looking like this.
Pretty sure Dax is a hell of a lot less famous than Bell
absolutely m8, and now here I sit laughing about losers like or
It's over.
He looks like he has a better body than most males nowadays; why did he continue to act and dress like a numale cuckold?
I imagine he must have continued acting like such, as well. Sad. He might have saved his relationship otherwise.
What a waste of decent forearms.
>MEW looks sad
>Riley looks like he doesn't give a fuck
So he cheated on her, right? Absolute madman, getting ripped and then dumping your moviestar wife.
his shirt says mew
>mew will never choke on your semen.
An user said she was cucking Riley 2 years ago
Do you guys think it was true?
>Riley, wake up, I got McGregored
is she pregnant already?
>Mew Without You
what did he mean by this?
It would have been a good change either way. Regardless of what the outcome would have been at least he would have grown. But it looks like he will never change.
Yeah, that's kinda what I meant. Either marrying someone less famous(Like Dax) or someone that's way more famous(Like Pratt).
>obi wan woke her
they got together when they were like 20, possibly even high school. He might not look it but he was pretty fucking hot in his youth
Ewan is one of the biggest beta cuck actors around. I bet he never cheated on his wife out of fear. Dan the Automator cucked Riley imo
They met before she got famous and he was actually higher in social status than she was. Which is how they got married. The fact that she stayed around so long after becoming famous and a higher social status than him shows that MEW is in the top 1% of pure waifus. Not many women would've lasted that long.
She's also hot and rich. He should probably kill himself. He blew it by acting like a pussy faggot Numale liberal skinny wiener dummy
>that bullshit "we're still best friends" tweet she made
Women will never understand that men have no interest in being friends with attractive women they're not fucking or hope to fuck in the future.
>drop out due to drugs your junior year
>getting meme'd this hard
being just yourself
That guy has pretty decent muscle. He should stop dressing like he wishes he worked in a bicycle shop in brooklyn and be a normal man.
i think they are gonna get back together after a while.
They gonna compare everything close to a relationship with their marriage and realize its not as comfy.
It's just to shield themselves from criticism. The man will look petty if he tells her to fuck off.
WTF was her problem?
Why is this guy being such a bitch? He got MEW in her entire prime. The only thing I would regret would be not knocking her up during our marriage.
It's OK Riley, you lived more than most.
post the pics
Riley man you should forget her. Being ex-husband of MEW alone gives you an advantage over 20 yo roasties.
lol i remember that day. she blocked me personally. Meaning she acknowledged my existence and that I meant something in her life. I just need to go harder to get her to want me
If a girl is higher value in looks, money or fame she is bound to leave you at some point due to hypergamy, not worth trying for a relationship with such women just pump and dump
Celbrities get divorced all the time? Why is Sup Forums so hung up on MEW's? Do you self-insert as Riley and got burned when he did?
he actuallly looks pretty /fit/, no homo
I did feel great.
I know this feel all too well. It's so easy now to look back and realize the exact moment she gave me the first "I don't love you anymore" look.
t. alcoholic
I don't want to accept her time has passed too user
I miss Glau threads so much man
>will never have a gf anywhere near the same league as MEW
How do you lads deal with it? I'm a grad student and I love what I do but sometimes those feels creep up and hurt like nothing else.
>she cheats on him repeatedly with some costar
>he finds out, she says it was only one time and she won't do it again
There's a slim chance she didn't cheat on him again between then and Fargo, but once you've forgiven your bitch for doing it once, she'll inevitably do it again
Meter would not have failed him if he knew how to point focus.
Oh God what would I give to get beaten within an inch of my life by Summer
I literally don't find ANY women pretty because a little voice in my head says "she's not summer glau"
but muh wizard powers
actually WHY do celebrities get divorced all the time?
Those delicious feet
*teleports behind you*
*gets your show canceled*
Nothin personnel
>MEW is in the top 1% of pure waifus.
Fuck outta here, she's just another piece of shit woman looking for the next best thing. For richer or poorer my ass.
>MEW is in the top 1% of pure waifus
Because she waited 15 years to betray her marriage vows she is now the epitome of women. And people have the audacity to wonder why men have stopped marrying.