/got/ general OTP edition
First for posting dicks
Yas qween slayyyy
I completely forgot that mr eko had an appearance
First for our Khaleesi
Every thread.
what did he meant by that?
>watching Game of Vote for Democrats
>Tfw Sup Forums is the most moral place on Earth
What happened, lads?
Resist racism!
>the fate of House Arryn depends on this sickly, severely autistic kid
christ, i feel bad for Jon
>tfw no Episode 5 leak
What the fuck are you talking about?
>i aint paying money
boyega confirmed for broke
Where is he?
Do you mean ironic christfags?
How is it that no matter what D&D do, they can't kill Stannis' popularity?
I like how he hammed up his blackness for this interview
When are we getting a new video of the mother of drinks?
somewhere in the vale sucking his wet-nurse's breastmilk at age 16
stop posting this in every thread you fucking autist,
>still posting this shitty Sup Forumsbait
Because people read the books.
Because he is the one true king.
>Swarthy Braavosi
>Dwarf, not even human
I guess Theon and Jaime are the only actual prominent white people still alive. For all the women, I thought blacks liked White Wimmenz. Smh.
I jerk off to Sansa the most. I dont even like pale skin or redheads, but she really makes my dick hard. I wanna smell her butt and armpits. I wanna rub the head of my cock on her armpit stubble until i get sore. I want to count the lines in her asshole. I bet she has a big brown ring around it. I wanna lick the sweat from it.
This is no different to people posting about Syrio because we didn't see his body
Stannis is not special
>there are people who unironically think that Dany is a better ruler than Cersei
>there are people who unironically ship Jonerys while saying that incest is gross
what movie
>Black British actor
>Complaining about racism
>Talking like a basketball american
Britain why do all your black people want to be american negroes?
good lad. still amazes how well it synchs
>brainlets still haven't realized that Syrio never existed, it was just Jaquen in another face
>no qween don't kill them with your dragons!
>nearly gets killed and probably killed dragon while people will now hate her
She is the most incompetent person ever
He is Azor Ahai Reborn, born amidst salt (Stannisfag tears) and smoke (D&D assuredly vaping as they wrote his "death" scene)
Best girl
>that fucking jamie slide
Why are Lannisters so superior?
>downed a dragon after one hit
Based necromancer.
they hired bronn
I wish they'd hinted at him putting some of that good ol poison on it too.
fresh oc
>tfw you are staying up to watch this shit episode again
thanks reddit
How would Karl Tanner have handled the white walker problem?
>what do you like to do?
>I love to sail!
Jesus lad she doesn't actually like you, she probably hates your guts, she's only pretending to like the shit you liked. Get a clue senpai.
Why are Baratheoncucks so deluded?
>watch game of thrones
>skip every scene without a lannister in it
>it becomes a good show
>tfw waiting for the normie reactions to bronn taking down a wyvern
>stannis is only mentioned once in brienne's POV
>and the time she thinks of him, it's in a completely neutral way
Poor girl got DABID pretty hard.
House Codd didn't deserve this
this, the only reason to watch this shitty was show is the normie reactions and the shitposting on Sup Forums
Ten Good Fookin Men from Gin Alley
>you hear that boys?
hiding in flea bottom
That's unironically true.
>no matter what, this season will end with a zombie ice Dragon
What is the best fight scene in the show?
>inb4 memeing like listing Arthur Dayne's duel weelding and shit
Jon Snow?
Viper v Mountain
Ser Twenty of House Goodmen
nah already watched it
will one of the white walkers chuck an ice spear at one?
You fookin what m8?
he would have become part of the problem
Better question that the retarded replies you got. Is the Night's King gonna take the ice spear out of his body or just leave it there?
Bronn putting that cunt out the moon door
you wouldn't?? go back to r eddit you fucking pleb
arya and the hound in the riverlands in seaon 4 running into the soldiers who have arya's sword
this one:
Hound vs Beric, the cuts didn't give me a seizure, it was well choreographed, they used shields, the tight environment full of people made it more tense and exciting, and the music was top tier.
Ned vs Jaime, at least it felt like something was at stake.
>makin chaiiiiiiiirs
Do you think he was regretting all of his life choices here?
if GoT was a lil bit realistic Jon would marry Sansa off to Robert Arryn and get control of the Vale, the Lords of the Vale would probably have no problem with the niece of Lisa Tully pulling the strings, after all Catelyn Tully somehow was loved by every fucker north of King's Landing
When the sand snakes captured Bronn shit was so fucking bad ass
Hate her for burning lannister soldiers? Two thirds of the country would give her the throne just for that alone.
Bronn vs Ser Vardis
He would have called them a "bunch of daughter fookin widlin bastards" and btfo the whole lot.
It was a great episode, you shitter
like anyone would regret fucking their sister. get real.
>There's also something about that type of power that Daenerys has. Most people believe she's doing the right thing, but she's burning people alive. She's got a chip on her shoulder. I don't want her to come across the Narrow Sea. She's going to burn thousands and thousands and thousands of people and have that self-righteous smirk on her face the whole time.
>Horns are symbolic of BEING cucked, not of cucking others
>Stannis lived in Dragonstone, not Storm's End
>tfw Arya and Pod the Rod sex scene in episode 7
Fuck me, his head is about to fall of his shoulders.
easily though
>born in the Riverlands
>raised in the Vale
>Married to the north
1 woman having the army and support of 3 kingdoms.