Good effort
thanks, redpill me on netherlands
Currently pretty neat country but in grave danger of collapsing to mudslimes.
oh. what's your opinion on USA?
Currently pretty neat country but in grave danger of collapsing to mexicans.
This one made me Kek audibly
Fuck off to Sup Forums with your YLYL trash
Very favorable. Much smaller government which I like. We owe them very much and I'd like to move there one day. I think you are in danger of fucking everything up if Hillary gets elected.
>Attenborough's contemplative look
nearly lost
Saw this on Sup Forums
This doesn't belong here
Why am I not surprised?
Do you at least have the pic that goes along with it?
That was a fun thread.
>not the will smith version
Kek. If fucking only.
>mfw this orangutan has more work ethic than niggers
We really are one race...
Don't do it, it creates mustard gas!
>there's a holocaust museum in D.C.
I'd forgotten about this blatant kikery.
>Mustard gas
Super Deluxe and Stump Studios have some great stuff
what's the joke
Well that was shit. Please don't ever post that again!
If only
The joke is that Sup Forums said reddit wouldn't support a candidate because they're contrarian fucks who like to feel superior to everyone else and a year later, they don't.
yeah but those are meta memes not directed at anyone in particular, and there are a shit ton of them, so it really isn't surprising that at least one of them is applicable to real world behavior.
>British """"""humor""""""
You need to shut down your computer, take some time to yourself and think about how you're spending your life. Possibly take a grammar course.
>tfw Chris Benoit was my wwe hero untill I knew how he died
"Disregard the nobility" is a Sup Forums sentiment, right?
Lmao holy shit I wish it was all a trap
The flag looks like toothpaste
May Gods judgment arrive soon.
Do forgive me for not being knowledgeable on all inside jokes
My dick is rock hard from this
not a drop of semitic blood m8
You know, that doesn't necessarily mean that the black kids dropped out.
Blacks are almost all renters, so they wouldn't stay in the same place for 11 years because they don't own a home there, whereas the white students would still be there because their parents bought homes there.
Of course, the blacks may also all have dropped out.
>the day the NWO took over and everything changed forever
I guess it is pretty funny in a certain light
whatever. the joke wasn't all that great, anyway.
I feel like this would be funny when I was 12 and not invested in politics.
it's so weird watching third world countries talk shit to each other
You know, that seems to be a recurring theme with you brits
Get out.
dis is horrible DDDDD:
Sadly not an argument
I hadn't noticed.
Fuuuuuuck hahaha
Fresh oc.
At least we don't shit on the streets.
piece of shit
how could anyone be so dumb as to think this was done on purpose.
Literally the worst thing i have ever read. kys.
To be honest the black kids could also have been shot while fleeing a crime scene.
Just so all the newfags know this is very old and very fake, the way you know is that you can't actually implant metal like that into someone's body, their body would automatically reject the implant
whats dis
Well i am the worst person you ever met..
People have metal attached to their bones constantly.
"man the fuck up pussy bitch"
all the claims from the (((survivors))) of the (((deaths camps)))
A compilation of jewish lies.