I pity plebs that can't interpret subtext and visual cues:
>Katana boards
>Flagg asks her where she was, in English
>Katana says "I was busy" in Japanese
Katana doesn't reply in English...indicating she might not be comfortable with her pronunciation and grasp. Additionally, replying in Japanese is useful as a low-level secret code with Flagg.
>Flagg instantly launches into a rundown of how badass she is
>Cut to Deadshot, not looking impressed in the slightest
>As Flagg gets to her Soultaker sword, we again see his SRSLY expression, not believing this supernatural bullshit at all, interrupted by Harley extending her hand
>Harley greets, then insults Katana and starts snickering
Despite her ditzy blond demeanor, its easy to forget that Harley had a life before The Joker, including a medical degree and the upscale culture attached to that achievement. She may even know how to speak Japanese.
>Katana asks Flagg if she should kill them
>Flagg answers in the negative
Fans of the Netflix series Narcos will understand the was common practice during "dirty wars" in South America and elsewhere to kill captives by taking them on a helicopter ride, then ditching the bodies overboard, alive or dead (and yes, this is also referenced in TDKR, starring CIA).
>Harley turns to the oblivious El Diablo "She seems nice!"
Confirming that she does speak Japanese, but that she's insane enough to find the peril presented as humorous.
From this exchange, we can glean the following character traits:
>Katana is violent, but vulnerable (this comes up later in the movie, as she breaks down in tears over the hopelessness of the mission)
>Deadshot, at this point, has a materialistic worldview, given his reaction to Flagg's Soultaker breakdown
>Both Flagg and Katana have done Wet Work for the government
>Harley is both smarter than she lets on, but also reckless
Now, stop using this scene as a demonstration of the movie's failings.