Daily reminder that Sup Forums is an atheist board
Daily reminder that Sup Forums is an atheist board
Pol is a Christian Board divided by Orthodox and catholics.
>Rape Capitol of the world
Im pretty sure that Sweden doesnt have the "lowest crime" anymore.
not anymore stupid fake profile
That statistic must be pre-enrichment
Only faggots pride themselves on the fact they lack a belief in god. Japan is a way better example than Sweden btw.
>getting raped gets you into heaven
I hate this Twitter account so much because like most libcuck atheist they crusade against Christianity while defending pisslam
>1 post by this ID
Sweden is also most definately not 80% atheist anymore
Only redditors are atheist edgelords. Sup Forums told me so.
Their inability to rationalize their cognitive dissonance must be some form of mental illness.
Make that 3 you faggot
>most rapes in the world
>lowest crime
Why are liberals and atheists so humorless?
Reminder that it's not your religion but how you behave yourself throughout life and that we will all be going to hell if there is one.
sweden has never been majority atheist and low crime concurrently.
also no country is 80% atheist, it's still a very small fringe minority.
That has to be fake, Sweden is the rape capital of Europe
Which race is more likely to be atheist I wonder?
Catholics are enemies of the white race.
Poland and Japan have the lowest crime rate in the world ad 2016. Check your sources faggots.
Does this EPIC atheist twitter ever attack Islam?
Muslims of course
You know this really makes me be infavor of communism
Stalin would had Gula'd all this fedora faggots
The pansy-ass White race
65% christian
3rd highest for rape (after South Africa and Botswana): 63.5/100,000
98.5% christian
2nd lowest for rape: 0.4/100,000
these are 2010 statistics, and rape (including child rape) is now only a misdemeanor in sweden, punishable by community service
He says all religions but never directly mentions Islam, but one time on Facebook he posted an article about islamaphobia & people did gave him a bit of shit for it, i was surprised because his fans are pretty cucked
Shhhhhhhhh nobody knows that.
>punishable by community service
If you are Black or Muslim, if your White though it's probably 10 years min
sweden doesnt have low crime.
japan or singapore probably got the lowest.
>tfw Sweden is more barbaric than Sub-Saharan Africa
How about Chinks?
As I expected, the only "religion" he calls out is Christianity. Now I wonder how could be behind this...
>is now only a misdemeanor in sweden, punishable by community service
That only makes it worse.
But I'm based Mormon
What exactly does he mean by lowest crime? That's very vague.
not true.
why are you writing such shit
K-keep me posted
It's not the atheism that bungalow crime. Deus vault.
>He still believe in moralisms and continues to worship a dead jew
How did that objective morality turn out eh christcucks?
[citation needed]
>thinking that raping a child is wrong is something you can just define as wrong
Wtf I hate god now
if he had been 20 he would have been in prison.
I bet your prisons look like fucking Hotels
he also got skyddstillsyn so...
why do you allow this to happen to your daughters and wives, swedecuck?
That's not even one bit true. Sweden has the highest rape rate
>80% atheist
>lowest crime
Just wrong.
Also, I bet you the safest places in this country would be out on the country side, where people are slightly more religious.
But, it got nothing to do with religion. It's all about avoiding multicultural places.
That'll teach him
>if i think something is wrong it's wrong even though all peoples throughout history have had wildly different morals. But my definition is objective
>He doesnt realise might is right.
this is not true, it's 80% that are not religious which means atheist, agnostic or some other form of supernatural belief. Atheism is about 20%.
murder happens everywhere.
thats not true. you think sweden got a higher rate of rape than brazil? idiot.
No we're not
Ah, so he was legally an adult, that changes everything (sarcasm)
thats not the point. the article said he only got community service, which isnt true
maybe you read your news from more reputable sources
What makes you think you can survive in a world where people think might is right?
Listen kid, Sweden as we know today was built on christianity.By the year 2000, almost 90% of population was chriatian.
Apparently, over time Sweden got cucked by leftist whores like you.
Probation and community for childrape is exactly what I'd expect from you swedecuck
Atheism sure works wonders in China though?
Oh no wait it doesn't. Sweden had the lowest crime cause it was a white, functioning, high-trust society.
Overall the rules of Christianity are more important than the actual belief in God itself.
But most people are fucking terrible at Christianity anyways and the average shmuck can't be an Atheist because he is too base and animalistic to not fall into degeneracy.
18-19 get less time by praxis.
community service*
White people have become plague upon the earth. Most of them are just the sheep of the jews
You know very well these niggers are way over 18 years old faggot
talking about morality, I m afraid in the absence of free will "the morality" becomes just a social construct.That's why leftists continue to redefine morality how they want.
this we gotta return to the pagan faith heil thor brothers
>The laws of Nature change if i dont like them.
Nah, i have no idea if i would. Most of us wouldnt. But might still makes right . No matter how much you dont want it to.
Woe to the vanquished
All people are degenerate in a way or another.As a christian, someone must respect this truth.Only perfect man was Jesus Christ.
If might made right, you'd be dead by now
I agree.
But on a grand scale Christianity serves the purpose of giving the base Lowest Common Denominator of people a reason to stop acting like tribal savages where the leader changes from day to day based on who got beat up harder, and into a working populace capable of upholding a civilization.
There are some more intelligent people that can be atheist but understand that the belief in Christianity on the grand scale is an overall benefit for society, but Joe Idiot can't be one of them.
I'm an atheist too, don't blame the jews for that, blame them for convincing people to switch from christianity to worshiping third worlders.
White people have become docile and complacent. They will revolt at some point, but it might be too late.
Protestants are the worst kind of heretic. You are only Christians by name.
Show me evidence that might does not make right.
Might is the one principle all of humanity is based on. It's how your country works. It's how the police work.
Just because we live in one of humanities many attempts to shield itself from that principle does not make it a falsehood.
You think the west will stand forever?
No great man has ever been moral.
Most white people will never revolt. They'll die side by side with every non-white non-christian group on this earth
I don't even want to watch
Partially true.Hitler was a very educated man.Same as Lenin.Einstein contributed to the atomic bomb
If we create our own morality, then realise that civilised humanity, post-Stone Age, has stopped considering that only might makes right
I doubt that is true anymore. Among Swedes I'd say over 95% are atheists. It doesn't help that the Swedish church more or less is a copy of the government. You vote for political parties (pretty much the same parties as in the parliament) for church elections. Then having the church blowing money on banging whores parties abroad doesn't really help with their already poor image.
My great grandfather used to say that the meanest and most evil people were those of the church.
Cucks who make excuses even after they've been raped or their family member has been killed are a very vocal minority.
The silent majority will get real pissed when it starts affecting them directly. Or at least I hope so.
swedish church is just a cuck breeding zone
I think it was a month ago or something they actually went out and said you shouldn't wear crosses in public because it might upset the dindus
Yes, you are living in the "variant of human civilisation"... which it's build on christian laws.
The Swedish justice system is designed by and for Swedes. Criminals are treated as they are sick and need treatment to reenter society to be a good citizen. Sweden is designed so that the government is your extended family. When you enter foreign elements that don't agree with the social contract you get problems.
I trust more in God than I trust in White people, or any people for that matter
As long as people stay away from God, they deserve what they get
I'm an athiest and this twitter account pisses me off.
Some fedora fag constantly mocking christians and sticking up of muzzies.
Europeans (EU) should make a new calendar based on this.
Yes i am. But this will fall too, even the supposed good and chase christianity has had to use might to enforce it's morals.
Morals can only be enforced through might...however hypocritical that is
Yes he does, but the legal system chooses to disregard the fact they're most likely older than 25 which means they get the 18-year-old punishment anyway
Trips checked.
But no. Even if you create a set of moralisms it has to use the principle of might is right as a foundation. Even if it says otherwise. If it doesnt it will perish
And that one Dutch Baptist
>Daily reminder that Sup Forums is an atheist board
Sweden is the rape capital of the world and it hardly has the lowest crime by any measure.
Checkmate Atheist Faggots
So what? It's just a foundation. You can't build a house with just a foundation
You'll have no walls, no windows, no roof and very many things without which you die in Barbarism
Sounds like the talk of a heretic to me
Hey pol why don't we just send our liberals to Sweden?
mormons arent christian