10. Inception
9. Dunkirk
8. Following
7. Batman Begins
6. Insomnia
5. The Dark Knight Rises
4. The Prestige
3. The Dark Knight
2. Memento
1. Interstellar
Christopher "Bravo" Nolan Ranked
1. Memento
2. Following
3. Insomnia
4. The Prestige
5. Interstellar
Haven't seen Dunkirk yet
1. Memento
3. The Prestige
3. The Dark Knight
4. Batman Begins
5. Dunkirk
6. Inception
7. The Dark Knight Rises
I haven't seen Interstellar.
Jesus christ you have some fucking shit taste
ANYONE that thinks Interstellar is anything above 7.5/10 has shit taste and shouldn't be allowed to comment on anything movie related until they've been educated on proper kino.
>Great Tier
1. Memento
2. The Dark Knight
3. Following
4. Dunkirk
>Good Tier
5. Batman Begins
6. The Prestige
7. Insomnia
>Overrated Reddit tier
8. Inception
>The power of love and pretentiousness toer
9. Interstellar
>Oh shit what the fuck are you doing tier
10. The Dark Knight Rises
Fincher is ok. I thought he was past his prime but Dunkirk changed my mind. He still has nothing on Fincher tho.
>Fincher is okay.
Fuck, I meant Nolan is okay. Still has nothing on Fincher tho.
Some may be outraged by what I have to say, but it must happen all the same. This man is the greatest filmmaker to ever live. Dunkirk was the final master stroke for me. His films embody suspense in its most deepest sense. How he was able to keep a film with a razor thin plot riveting is beyond craft. The student became the master long ago. His filmography is close to impeccable. He is truly a gift from God to us, and a gift to cinema forever. We truly don't even know how good we have it. He is the face of modern cinema, not movies, not flicks, not talkies, cinema, C-I-N-E-M-A. (Sir) Christopher Nolan, we commend you. Godspeed in your future endeavors. It is truly our honor to witness it.
I'm amazed he's still in his 40s. He has a good 3 decades left in him.
Terrible ranking, kill yourself.
(haven't seen insomnia/following yet)
8. TDK rises
7. batman begins
6. the prestige
5. dunkirk
4. interstellar
3. inception
2. memento
1. TDK
Why is The Prestige not heralded as a masterpiece. It's fantastic.
>tdkr last
it was just poor filmmaking all around user... truly the only terrible film Nolan has made. Interstellar is pretentious as fuck but it's not BAD. TDKR is shit.
It's also amazing how thrilling and intense his movies are without the slightest bit of gore or blood.
TDKR only has a SINGLE flaw, and that's how batman is saved by quippy pussy lady
You're either delusional or you are in for a rude awakening.
TDKR is literally Sup Forums: the kino
Get the fuck off this board and go back to /r/movies, pleb
I said it's good but ONE flaw you fucking faggot
There's something called artistic license you fucking faggot. Just because it's not what you would do doesn't make it bad. There are no holes in this movie. I would fix the fight choreography a bit too, the fighting reminds me of an erection, stiff as fuck
Pro bass shop faggot over here
I guess the only place you'd find the level of autism required to think The Dark Knight Rises is good would be here.
>Great Tier
Stopped reading there plebbit.
87% of critics agree that the film is an 8 at the very least you cuckerspaniel
>critics agree
critics haven't mattered for the past 5 years.
we have literally less than a handful good critics, the rest are literally talking about everything but filmmaking and its merits in their reviews and instead trying to drum up some controversy to generate clicks
>Sup Forums basement dwellers talking film like they know
i dont care what critics say either but most of them are significantly more literate in cinema than a large portion of the population and MOST of them agree this is a great film with a few flaws, the percentage of acclaim is a reasonable indicator of the films quality you fucking faggots
>not great
Dreadful taste. Just dreadful. You're a hack!
Following >>> Memento >>> Insomnia >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything else
>most of them are significantly more literate in cinema
have you SEEN who has been writing the reviews for major newspapers? most people have nothing to do with movies for like 99% of their careers if you check their portifolios. there are literally only a handful of critics that are any good on major outlets nowadays.
you cant just pull shit out of your colon, anyone who watches large volumes of cinema mre than likely can understand cinema, you can also check thier reviews to see if they are into variety of films. also i dont give a fuck what they say but you have no grounds to call tdkr shit, you didnt even provide a valid argument or opinion
are you retarded?
>nyone who watches large volumes of cinema mre than likely can understand cinema
I don't this agree with this user, the problem is that if you ACTUALLY went and loooked at most of the reviewers past reviews you'd see that a LOT of them dont even review movies. they basically do one-off reviews and shit. lots of newspapers are actually getting writers from other areas to write reviews because they're running low on money.
if you want we can argue like little faggots on the special olympics about why I think TDKR is pure shit, but don't use the
>m-muh c-critics
obv. meant disagree.
i'm sleepy but man, i should just neck myself
hey dip shit, provide proof of about these critics you stalk, and providde proof that the movie is shit or else back to your cave in wisconson
just click on a critic's name on fucking metacritic and you'll see their history of reviews
most are so fucking green that i guarantee plenty of the "basement dwellers" in here have more experience than them
youre a colossal moron, stay in quarantine with these pickle rick faggots, my goodness
>ask for proof
>proof provided
>deflects by namecalling
keep reading trash MSM for your movie reviews
I thought I learned not to be disappointed by movies my friends recommended to me by saying they were super scientifically accurate and actually groundbreaking sci-fi, but boy was Interstellar a steaming load of pretty garbage.
Fuck you. If this shit is advertised as having consulted and worked closely with astrophysicists, a relative layman like me shouldn't be spending more than half the fucking movie getting pissed off at the most obviously contrived bullshit, only for you to shove "LE LOVE CROSSES TIME SPACE XDD" in my face at the end. I had such high hopes and it was an utter hollywood dumpster. Fuck you.
nolan is one of the most overrated directors to ever exist. he is ridiculously pretentious and brainlets will swallow all of his cum like its a fucking aids vaccine.
He has great movies. Interstellar was thoughtless. Is everyone on Sup Forums an angry buzzword-spouting child like you?
1. The Prestige
2. Batman Begins
3. Memento
4. Inception
5. The Dark Knight
6. Intersteller
7. Insomnia
8. Following
haven't seen dunkirk yet
when did i say he didn't have great movies? doesn't stop him from being so fucking overrated.
>Is everyone on Sup Forums an angry buzzword-spouting child like you?
*tips fedora*
>The Prestige
>The Dark Knight
>Batman Begins
>The Dark Knight Rises
this is the correct one
don't worry, it belongs at #10
what proof you cuckerspaniel
>go to site muh
>memento not 1st
i literally told you how to check critics out you faggot, you know have the power to check whatever reviewer for their credentials
i ain't doing a fucking study on how reviewing quality has declined just 'cause you're a stupid cunt who takes reviewers for their word because it's their "job"
1. Dunkirk/Memento
3. Dark Knight
4. Inception
5. Batman Begins
7. Prestige
9. Interstellar
10. Insomnia
>Even registering
I watch films, not directors.
you're such a hack its not even funny, if you even intially heard my argument, you wouldnt even be bringin up the stupidty youre spewing, its an average, most reviwers good and bad think its good, therefore its not shit you fucking faggot thats all i said, im not going to look at certain individuals dumbass because then i can look at those with verified credentials and they still agree, dumb cuck
>muh grammar, syntax
reviewers also think wonder woman is good you my dear negro. using average as an argument is so fucking stupid i dont even know where to start. keep being a pleb tho. hopefully one day you'll ascend to true kino and stop sucking that nolan dick.
only good thing out of TDKR were the memes.
also, pic related. its you.