Why are you afraid of gays, user?
You don't really think they are dangerous, don't you?
I mean look at them, totally harmless.
Why are you afraid of gays, user?
You don't really think they are dangerous, don't you?
I mean look at them, totally harmless.
Faggots are an abomination. They spread diseases and undermine traditional family values with thier faggotry. Pure cancer die sodomites
Why couldn't you have been blown up that day
Once it becomes ok to be gay and kids see all the attention gays get we will get attention seeking "gays" and family values will go to the shitter
I don't know what you mean? I'm married and no gay has managed to ruin my traditional family values.
So all Belgians should be killed because we believe in human rights?
Yes, love is a human right and we cannot deny gays' right to love.
nah i don't mind them. i know people who really hate them but there are bigger issues like the islamic invasion thats currently happening
We can deny their right to anything because they wouldn't fight for it. You don't get handouts, and homosexuals are 100% living at the mercy of the kindhearted old ladies and Jewish men in our governments.
>I'm married
Marriage is between a man and a woman. Just because you signed a few papers with your buttbuddy doesn't make it a real marriage
>New research at San Francisco State University reveals just how common open relationships are among gay men and lesbians in the Bay Area. The Gay Couples Study has followed 556 male couples for three years — about 50 percent of those surveyed have sex outside their relationships, with the knowledge and approval of their partners.
my butt is off limits if you have a dick. why cant the gays understand that?
They wanna get in there but they don't have the balls. Or the spirit. Or the soul. Or the heart. Or the brains. Live vicariously. Throw a tantrum. Shit your diapers. Molest a child. Rape an angel. Grow a vagina.
Yeah Aids is totally harmless, Flaunting they're degenerate lifstyles to our youth is totally harmless too
May the sodomites reap what they sow
I'm not gay.
>I mean look at them, totally harmless.
It's just that last time when they had a gay pride event I couldn't look away as this big muscle dude got a blow job right there in front of me.
Polio vaccine was irradiated to give cancer to whom. Straight babbies? Off yourself
Faggot enablers are just as bad
Did that sight kill you?
Who the fuck are you? When was the last time penisvagoo did anything in 6000 years except cause the fall and usher in Christ whom never came through your sex? You proud fuck
No one is afraid of gays. Putting -phobia at the end of words for no reason is a liberal thing.
Disgusting Luciferian
they should be having children with females
Yeah look at all these sensible posts. The biggest closet cases get the biggest boners. End of story. CIA patsy
Pic related.
As a Christian, I can say that you're going to Hell with that attitude.
I don't get this kind of language. What the fuck am I supposed to be "afraid" of? I'm just disgusted.
I'm not afraid of fat chicks, I'm disgusted by them.
I'm not afraid of sea urchins, I'm disgusted by them.
I'm not afraid of wheat grass smoothies, I'm disgusted by them.
I'm not afraid of gays, I'm disgusted by them.
The big muscle dude getting a blow job right in front of me liked it. He even said, "Thanks".
They may not be sensible but no one is afraid.
Yeah. Surrogates. Fuck this i have a job to go to you fucking neckbeards. Where the fuck are your kids. This site is what? A guide for good parenting? For good anything?
Are you seriously trying to compare normal natural sexual intercourse among a man and a woman with sodomy?
I don't fucking care what you yabber on about. Nobody shits on people because they feel attachment and pride
Poop noodles
We should do it like how Russia does it.
Make it illegal to spread faggot propaganda.
I`m not against fags, i`m just pissed about the faggot propaganda and pics like this. Delet dis
Ok. Just so you know I am all for gay marriage. Calm your titties.
America needs a Trudeau.
You stupid plato fuck you don't even know your old dialects with which St Paul wrote. What did Christ say was the sin of Sodom? Sodomy? You fucking fool. Gay men cannot be raped by fallen ones. They like only women. You lilith eve isis fuck. But you rape the good ones. And women. And men. And shrine prostitutes. Those are the """sodomites"""" that we used to call masturbators
Sodomy is really quite fulfilling because when god made us fags he gave us the gift of prostate stimulation. Thank you Jesus, and thank you lord.
Gia sovarepsou ligaki, Niko.
SF State
wew I go there, it is the most poz school ever
I keep trying to transfer out but all the other CSU's only take international students.
I love the new world order.
And be a pedo instead
Tell me about how white you are!
So do it like third world countries do it?
Maybe you should move to Saudi Arabia, user?
Leviticus 18:22(KJV) - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 20:13(KJV) - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
>afraid of gays
>think back to my traumatic experience that gave me severe homophobia
>be shitposting in my mom's basement
>mom comes down with bad news
>"Gam dum it, Son! We have to leave our good Christian neighborhood in Mississipi to go to the Bay area!"
>"the b-bay area? Y-you mean like the GAY area? MOM! PEOPLE HAVE SEX WITH THEIR OWN GENDER THERE!"
>"They even have their own made up genders too, Son. But we have to stay strong, user. I have taken the advice of my boss, Mr Noseberg and I will compare my suffering and fear to the 6 trillion"
>"alright mom"
>move to San Francisco
>the gays are marching in the streets hunting for straight white males, specifically Christians
>a man in an assless gestapo suit with lots of chains and zippers knocks on our new apartment door, looking for me
>"Hi I'm looking for user, he hasn't gone to tolerance rehabilitation at his middle school"
>"My son felt sick after Penis Inspection day but he's in his room"
>the principal walks in
>picks me up by my shirt collar and drags me out the door, down the stairs and into the street
>fucks me senseless in the street as onlookers watch and join
You better watch out
I'm not suggesting we execute gays, like those mudshit savages do it, but not letting fag propaganda taint the minds of children is maybe a fucking good idea.
For god's sake, it's already causing more people to "identify" as retarded made up genders and sexualities.
you can be straight and get it up the ass from a girl with a strap on. and why would god make you gay that doesn't even make sense
I hate you queers because you are always in everyone's face about how gay you are and how FABULOUS it is. (Overcompensation) I'm straight, but I don't feel the need to bring it up in every conversation I have that I enjoy vagina.
Just another bunch of snow flakes that think you deserve special privileges for taking it in the ass.
I don't go to and post about how my government sucks, yet you queers are here often whining about fag problems. That's why people can't stand your faggot ass, your all trying to get up everyone's ass about your faggotry.
No one cares, and you should all be beaten until you crawl back into the closet.
Now you have your answer, fuck off rump ranger.
The Jew hath spoketh. Thank you my Greek brother.
That picture of yours was incomplete.
Talking about goatfuckers. And jews. Only judah are jews. I am Christian. Are you wearing polyester? To each their own KIND. it's only a curse when unnatural for you. Why do you care? Not enough gay porn and scat for you? David and Jonathan. The Roman Centurion forbade marriage. All mistranslations. You are the sodomite. You are the garbage unrighteous liar unbeliever
>So all Belgians should be killed because we believe in human rights?
God loves me more and didn't want to make me go through the torture of living with a woman.
God must hate you if he made you straight?
Eve. You're all Eve temptresses with your fucking apples. You're the witches in Snow White
I'm gay and I absolutely despise gay people, mainly for the way the majority pushes bullshit on the population through media, and the absolute shitfest "pride" is.
Wew, what a relief that I'm from Alberta.
You are a Christcuck.
The fucking Pope himself is dicksucking for Islam now.
Liar. 50 golden dawns have been shabbos goyimed
Fuck you
Christians don'tfollow the old testament but here it says in the new
1 corintians 6:9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men
It's just the flaming pride shit that's fucking everything up. Shoving it down people's throats isn't a smart idea, but the Jews are pushing it way too hard.
t. bisexual
Please explain? What's wrong with pride?
MISTRANSLATION. Have you ever even read the original words? Malakoi (lazy man). Arsenokoitai? Rapist asshole?
My best friend just came out of the closet and told me he was gay. Now I understand why he always had bad breath and his house always smelled like piss. It all makes so much sense now. Now I no longer talk to him. Fuck faggots.
I expected nothing less than fag-enabling from the liberal cesspit that is Canada.
Because if you keep importing Muslims, there is going to be bloodshed, you moron.
I mean even Trudeau promotes gay rights. Why won't you, user?
You take the fishyeast instead. Fucking woman. Did you tell him to circumcise himself too? Did you beat off together 12 times before your SquareMode destroyed both your lives. Piece of shit. M'lady!!!
Go make israel and greater israel. You are a slave sheep to the synagogue of satan. Be woke you stupid toothless fuck
doesn't even have sense
even if it is a mistranslation didn't Jesus say marriage should be between a man and a woman
Pride is a sin. I'm not even Christian, but growing up Catholic made me realize how true these sins are.
>Shoving it down peoples throats
That's the whole idea. You just need to learn to control the gag reflex and before you know it, you too could be a fantastic cock sucker.
>I am Christian
No you are not. Otherwise you wouldn't be OK with sodomite sinners.
Romans 1
>fuck men and don't reproduce goyim!
well have with the torture of hell :)
His hair is stupid, but that outfit is pretty funny.
Parades are (kinda) fun. Pride parades are parades. Therefore pride parades are kinda fun. Why do you hate fun?
I really dont mind them. All it really is , is some sort of mental disorder. Unless your being overly flamboyant. Just dont do that shit around me or my kids. They dont need to see that shit
it was more of a step dad dumbass
No he said the marriage parable of Adam and Eve does not apply to born eunuchs. Eunuchs in our dictionaries now is also a mistranslation. It means a man whom throws himself overboard to protect a marriage bed. Do you do that? Eunuchs protect women. Politicians today forbid them from covering their heads so they can be raped by demons. Men get raped only by lillith. Fallen ones cannot touch me. The ethiopian eunuch parable? You cannot tell men to not wed. Marry Christ. Believers vs unbelievers. Doesn't apply and "don't marry" are different. I gotta go to work now. Plato made you all believe that marriage is done so we can revert back to the three Adamic hermaphrodites. It's called complementarity. No ribs. Just three starfish adams. Split down side. Making adam and eve and that you grow a pussy when you get married and whom needs Christ as men in all this. The army of 144,000 won't have touched a single vagina and they're all men. Oh to be retarded
But user modern religion now is cutting out the parts that favor you and disregarding the stuff that rules you out as a degenerate. Sadly, the Vatican is proof of this, making exceptions too keep the money rolling.
>Ancient family dynamic is supposed to trigger someone
Unfortunately not.
Still two dads.
Gay haters btfo
Oh, I see, you're just a loony.
Most of these "phobias" are misnomers.
No one is afraid of gays or Muslims, we just hate them. We hate what we don't understand.
You cannot disagree with this image if you support homosexuals.
I'm not so much afraid of gays, as I am one myself.
I'm afraid of the progressives that use us gays as a political tool to further push their agenda.
It's bad enough I'm being called "racist" for being anti-Muslim despite that their religion among others wishes to kill people like me.
I'm also mad at the fact that LGBTQ is often seen as being in line with every other leftist/socialist now in days.
I'm also heavily pro-gun. If you are gay, you had better own some firearms if you know what's good for you.
The term "homophobia" was coined by a jew. It's one of those words used to shame and silence people like "racist" or "White supremacist"
nigga u crazy
Go read the Talmud while you're at it.
Fucking deal asshole. Get the fuck off my back. The first command was not good to be alone. You aren't Christian. You don't understand the message. David and Jonathan were fags. The Roman Centurion's little boy slave was healed. Everybody knew they were fucking. You don't say facts like me. Nothing contrary. Just abloo bloo tinfoil. Don't eat this. Ate it. Brought sin in world. Ignore my warnings. Ignore the truths. Fuck more goats. Rape more spirits and humans. Blame me. See ya ya fucking tool bitch asscunt
Isn't it the same for Islamophobia and racism.
>We hate what we don't understand.
We understand homosexuality perfectly.
Homosexuality is a self-destructive and dangerous mental illness, promoted and normalized in White homelands by the Jewish elite and the Jewish controlled media, to the detriment and degeneration of the White race, White traditions and White culture.
>and racism.
There is literally nothing wrong with being a racist.
Hitler was a faggot who created Israel
Very good tony now go to /lgbt/ and tell your homo friends on how succesful your gay little Sup Forums """"""""""raid"""""""""" was.