This is Jon Snow, rightful heir to the Stark name and king in the North, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch...

>This is Jon Snow, rightful heir to the Stark name and king in the North, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, slayer of White Walkers and chosen leader of the free men.

Why didn't he say this? Jon has plenty of clout backing him up even without mentioning his resurrection. I mean it's not like the writers would deliberately downplay Jon's accomplishments or anything, right? The only reason to do that would be to make Daenerys look more impressive than him, and it's not like the writers would do something like that haha

Because Jon doesn't care about titles. He never has. He doesn't even want to be king.


Because Davos knows Jon doesnt give a fuck about muh titles

Oh okay, I see! So the writers' intent with this scene, when Daenerys first meets Jon, is to display how he is a superior leader through contrasting his humility with Daenerys' arrogance, right?

something like that
Davos would introduce Stannis like that because thats what he would demand.

This is Samuel Tarly of House Tarly, Killer of White Walkers, King of getting cucked by incest, Master of DUDE JUST CUT IT OFF.

Okay, so this means that every time the camera has slowly zoomed in on Daenerys while she declares all her titles before having her dragons burn her enemies' armies alive and march out to triumphant music, this was actually to show her arrogance and hubris as a character, right? This must be the intent of the writers!


Jon Snow actually does have a lot of cool titles.
>The White Wolf
>Lord Commander of the Night's Watch
>The King in the north
>Chosen king of the free men
>Slayer of white walkers
>The Reborn

>All haild Jon Snow, the bastard king, chosen leader of the first men and of the free men, the white wolf, lord commander of the night's watch, the white walker slayer, the one who conquered death.

Jon Snow is neither a rightful Stark, slayer of the White Walkers, nor is he the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch. His only title at this point is King in the North since only Bran knows that Jon is a Targaryan.

It's to show how few fucks they give about politics. Their sole purpose is survival.

Why does she want him to "bend the knee" so fucking badly? She can't just ask him for allegiance?



you've listed the same thing multiple times and he's not lord commander of the night's watch lol

Yeah, he's clearly a good man, attractive and holds a huge piece of land and a great army.
He doesn't care about power and would be willing to join forces with her as long as she helps him.
She left Daario home because of that ffs...

If GRRM had any balls, he'd turn Jon Snow into Reek 2.0 in the books after he is resurrected.

maybe she just needs some dick

Yeah pretty much. She dismounts herself in the middle of a fucking battlefield and exposes herself to archers/cavalry. What else can you call that other than hubris?


Listen here Mr. PassiveAggressivelyClaimsHeKnowsWhatTheWritersIntend how about you go change your name because it's too long!

Weird how you left out that she dismounted to pull a bolt out of Drogon

then why does jon turn to him like "will you SAY something davos??"


>Because Jon doesn't care about titles.
That, and he and Davos are smart enough to figure out that Dany does. They went there to talk and ask for help from a person who has named themself to be a messiah and supreme ruler. Getting into a pissing contest about titles isn't helpful when you're dealing with a person like that.

It's not weird. It doesn't help my point obviously. Still pretty stupid thing to do though.

There's a billion plot holes in GoT. But character motivations usually all make some type of sense. He's trying to ask her for help. He knows he has to be somewhat humble about it because bluster would look like he's trying to challenge her. He is ideally look for an alliance as equals, not requiring him to bend the knee. He's not going to accomplish that by being a brazen dick about things.

because jon is humble and the prince that was promised

No, he turns to Davos like "this bitch serious?"